. . . . . .

The company Yuntian found is a transportation industry based on dragon cars and integrating logistics, supply and other aspects.

The scale is much larger than ordinary stores, but it is not enough to be called a chamber of commerce.

If you insist, it can barely be regarded as the size of a small chamber of commerce.

But to be able to gain a foothold in the capital, Marcus, the helm of the chamber of commerce, can be considered very capable, and his ambition is not small, and he still has the idea of ​​​​continuing to grow.

This person and the small transportation chamber of commerce led by him were also the help Yuntian found for Otto.

As for why they didn't look for a large chamber of commerce, it was because the larger and more powerful the chamber of commerce, the more confident they would be, and the less influential the sword of the Sky Kingdom would be.

What he wants is not to cooperate, but to include the other party as a whole.

This kind of thing is good news for small chambers of commerce, but not necessarily for large chambers of commerce.

Moreover, once the name of the Sword of the Kingdom is established, with Yuntian's support, no matter how small a chamber of commerce is, it can usher in a period of rapid expansion.

In addition, this Chamber of Commerce's business in the capital has some positions that are very suitable for Felut.

They have contracted the delivery business in many areas, and they can't compete with others for large orders, so they aim at the scattered single-piece delivery that no one is willing to pick up.

With dragon carts as the main body and manpower, it feels like a logistics company in modern society.

Felut's speed is very fast, and she is familiar enough with the various small roads in the capital. Delivery is also a very easy job for her.

In addition, this kind of work does not require her to sit quietly, nor does she need to have too much contact with her boss and customers.

For Felt, a newcomer with no life skills, it is a job that is not easy to cause problems.

1808 Established shop

After negotiating with Marcus, Yuntian left Felut to go home.

In the days to come, as long as there are no accidents, the girl should live a normal life of commuting to and from get off work for a period of time.

When I got home, Araba from the yard approached me before I entered the door.


"Someone is here?" Hearing what it said, Yun Tian walked into the room, and then walked directly towards the study.

Except for Yuntian and Yalaba, there are only two people in this house who can freely enter and exit.

One is Felut who just got the key, and the other is Otto, our government affairs assistant.

Walking to the study room, as expected, the person sitting at the desk writing and dealing with government affairs accumulated in the past two days was none other than Otto.

Seeing him so self-conscious, Yun Tian nodded in deep relief.

Then he backed out without a sound, went back to the hall and made a pot of tea as usual, took out the book and read it while waiting for Otto to finish.

. . . . . .

As the sword of the kingdom, it's a bit strange that Yuntian still lives outside Noble Street.

He is now fully qualified to move into Noble Street, and he can even build his own mansion in the deepest place like Crusch did.

However, there is a very real problem in front of us.

He has no money.

Two thousand holy gold coins sounds like a lot, but in actual conversion, it is four thousand gold coins, with a purchasing power of almost 400 million.

It is enough to buy a shop for Otto, but if you want to build a mansion for the highest-ranking nobleman, a mere 400 million is just wishful thinking.

Buying land also requires money, and you can't afford the land alone. It is infinitely close to the royal city, and it is a symbol of the kingdom's status.

In fact, theoretically, that area is not for sale, not that you can buy it with money.

Including Crusch's duke's mansion, it was a gift from the royal family.

Only the building and decoration were remodeled at their own expense.

But the embarrassing thing is that the title of Yuntian's Sword of the Kingdom came from a bit of a coincidence. Others received the reward after meritorious deeds, but Yuntian didn't have any meritorious deeds, so the reward was out of the question.

He can become the sword of the kingdom because the kingdom urgently needs force to deter other countries in an emergency, and the special situation of Reinhardt can prove his strength.

This is the very special example of Yuntian.

However, Yuntian himself has no interest in living in Noble Street. Apart from the convenience of besieging Reinhardt, the only advantage left is that it is closer to the restaurant of the Knights for dinner.

Yuntian has no vanity in regards to proof of identity.

Furthermore, with the fact that he was able to unsheath the dragon sword, who would dare to look down on him?

It's just that, in this way, security issues need to be paid attention to a little bit.

Noble Street is guarded, and everyone who enters or exits must be subject to interrogation. Although Yuntian lives near the entrance of Noble Street, it is essentially within the scope of the Royal Capital and does not belong to the interior.

Therefore, if someone has malicious intentions, they can come to Yuntian's house.

It's okay when Yuntian is at home, or leaving Alaba to guard the door is enough to feel at ease, but if they are not there, the house is really empty.

It will inevitably become unsafe after a long time, and it is annoying to lose something.

To be honest, although this is the royal capital of Lugnica, the prosperity is really prosperous, but the security is really not up to the standards of modern society.

In the original book, gangsters appeared near the entrance of Noble Street. It is conceivable that the city is not that safe secretly.

"Let's set up some Star Immortal Technique later."

Thinking of this, Yun Tian, ​​who neither planned to move nor recruit guards and servants, came to a conclusion.

. . . . . .

After all, Yun Tian is considered a military officer, not a civil servant or a politician.

Even if he needs to deal with some things because the kingdom is in a special situation, the amount will not be too much.

So this time Otto got through the papers pretty quickly.

"Ah, Master Yuntian, you are back."

The young man who came downstairs saw Yun Tian sitting on the sofa, and immediately came over to greet him respectfully.

"You don't need to be so restrained." Yun Tian put down the book in his hand and motioned for Otto to sit down and talk.

"Have you found a suitable location?"

"Yes." Otto nodded.

Yun Tian was quite surprised by this.

After all, opening a store is Otto's dream, and he will definitely be cautious.

Moreover, such things as site selection cannot be completed in a day or two, which involves a lot of problems.

Every ten days and half a month, it is difficult to find a favorite position.

Otto chose the place in two days, which was a bit too fast.

"Stop thinking about it again? I won't urge you either, just take your time."

"no need."

Otto shook his head, then scratched his cheek with his fingers, and explained a little embarrassedly:

"A-Actually, I have been planning to open a store myself. Although I have no money, the first thing I check when I go to a city is where to open a store."

It seems that this kind of behavior seems to be a delusion of being overwhelmed. When talking, Otto looked very embarrassed.

He was somewhat worried that Yun Tian would laugh at him.

To be honest, with Yun Tian's bad personality, the first reaction in his mind was to make fun of him first.

However, for Otto, Yuntian did not do this.

For different people, the same words will have completely different effects and meanings.

Ao Tuo is very typical capable but lacks self-confidence and courage. He is working under Yun Tian now, and everyone can laugh at him, except Yun Tian.

Once Yun Tian opened his mouth to laugh at him, doing so as a benefactor who gave him the conditions to fulfill his dream would undoubtedly have a huge impact on Otto.

Originally, he lacked self-confidence, and this will only make him less and less confident, which will affect his ability to play.

That's not what Yun Tian wants to see.

Therefore, Yuntian said:

"If you don't use it now, this can be regarded as a kind of foresight."

After finishing speaking, without giving Otto any time to be happy, Yun Tian continued to ask:

"Where is the location? Noble Street?"

"Ah, no, Noble Street is not suitable." Otto first had a happy face, and immediately described his thoughts to Yuntian happily.

"The shops on Noble Street do have a huge advantage of being able to trade with nobles, but relatively, it is equivalent to giving up the business of all ordinary people."

In terms of nobles, it may be very important to others, and it is inevitable to make a choice for this.

But Otto now has Yuntian behind him, and he no longer needs him to curry favor with others, but others need to deliberately come to him.

In the past few days, Otto has also been getting to know the boss, Yuntian.

He knew that Yun Tian was the kind of character who was not interested in things like socializing and socializing.

This can be seen from the fact that after Yuntian became the sword of the kingdom, except for being invited to the Duke's mansion, no one received him.

So obviously, after Otto played the signboard of Yuntian subordinates, some of these people's eyes must be on his side.

There are good and bad things about this matter. The bad thing is that you need to spend extra energy to deal with these people. The good thing is that if you handle it well, your network and relationship will not become an obstacle.

"So, the position I want to choose is here."

Otto took out the map of the royal capital that he carried with him and showed it to Yuntian. There were many circled locations on it but they were all crossed out.

There is only one place left.

"It's not too far from Noble Street, so those noble gentlemen can also send their subordinates, and ordinary people can also come to patronize.

"The flow of people is also considered large, between the downtown area and the high-end residential area where you are."

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