There is another thing that Otto didn't say, that is, this location is also very close to Yuntian's house, so it is convenient for him to help Yuntian handle affairs.

There were more than one better location than this one, but Otto crossed them off in the end and chose here instead.

As for his thoughts, Yun Tian saw in his eyes and didn't point it out.

But the center has further improved the evaluation of Otto.

1809 The purpose of the sky

"this is for you."

Yun Tian took out a box from his pocket.

Otto was very surprised by the method of taking things out of thin air, but he didn't ask, but looked at the box.

"There are [-] holy gold coins inside, which should be enough for the time being."

This world is different from modern society, housing has not yet entered the stage of crazy growth.

Although the housing prices in the capital are not cheap, a million is already enough, and the higher levels are more or less related to nobles.

About 300 million is enough for Otto to set up the store first. If the decoration is not luxurious and luxurious, there is still a lot left for start-up funds.

"One, one thousand holy gold coins...!" Otto's breathing became a little short.

Such a huge amount of money is also a proof that he is about to reach his dream, and it is placed within his reach at this moment.

"According to the agreement between us, I will provide you with the initial funds to open the store, and give you subsequent capital injections from time to time. This is the first sum."

Yun Tian didn't hand the box directly to Otto, but put it on the table, pushed it aside and said:

"I don't interfere with how to use it, it's all up to you."

The agreement reached between Yuntian and Otto is not a one-sided funding.

Yuntian provides funds, background, and other necessary development channels. In contrast, Otto needs to help Yuntian. Besides, Yuntian has another requirement.

That is to ask Otto to develop the store into a chamber of commerce as quickly as possible, the bigger the better.

As for whether it is profitable or not, it is not important to Yuntian, his main purpose is on other things.

"If the requirements of the agreement are not met, then I will change someone to take over at any time. You can understand that this is a test for you."

Guaranteeing the speed of development is Yuntian's only requirement.

"I understand, Mr. Yuntian, please rest assured!" If he couldn't even do this, Otto would not take the initiative to appear in front of Yuntian.

The development of the store into a chamber of commerce is also a follow-up to his dream, and it does not conflict with Yuntian's request.

"That's good." Yun Tian nodded.

Then he took out two pieces of paper and put them behind the box.

"These are two addresses, one is a small chamber of commerce in the direction of logistics supply, I have already negotiated, you just take the badge I gave you before and go to their person in charge Marcus.

"I promised him cooperation, but whether it is cooperation or merger depends on your ability."

After Otto heard it, he thought for a moment and asked:

"Is he your relation?"

"No, but I have a granddaughter of an acquaintance working there for the time being. You don't have to worry about it, just deal with it as you like. The development priority on your side is higher."

"I see." Otto replied.

"The second address, which is the 'acquaintance' I just mentioned, is located in a stolen goods warehouse deep in the slums."

Yun Tian glanced at Otto, after thinking about it, he decided to remind a few more words.

"This will be your subsequent source of funds. As for commodities, remember not to ask anything."

Saying that, Yun Tian took out a gold brick and put it behind the note.

The moment he saw the gold brick, Otto's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he understood something.

"This transaction will be long-term, you don't need to talk about it, and the loot warehouse is just a middleman, all you have to do is bring the things over and get the money back.

"In addition, don't reveal that you have been to the slums. Regarding this, you can use it yourself later."

Yun Tian saw the doubt in Otto's eyes, and before he could ask any questions, he took out the last thing of the day from his pocket.

Five pieces of paper and a small stone tablet?

Otto blinked, a little puzzled.

He tried to understand Yuntian's train of thought, but no matter how he looked at it, Yuntian held ordinary papers and ordinary stones.

The only special thing is that it is full of weird graffiti text.

"The spell... It's a little troublesome to explain, so I'll show you directly."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Tian picked up one of them and patted it on his forehead lightly.

The next moment, he 'disappeared'.

"Master Yuntian?!" Otto stood up from the sofa in surprise.

"I am still here."

As Yun Tian answered his voice, the figure still sitting on the sofa seemed to reappear in Otto's sight.

Then, Yun Tian took off the spell, and only then did Otto see him completely.

"This, is this magic? Yin attribute? But I didn't notice Mana's fluctuation at all."

Otto also knows how to use magic, and his attainments are not bad.

But even though he tried his best to sense it, he couldn't detect the slightest fluctuation of Mana.

"It's not magic, but you can claim it to the outside world."

"External... Could it be?!" Otto, who seemed clumsy in other matters, was exceptionally sharp when it came to business issues.

He immediately caught the information released in Yuntianhua.

"This is a product?!"

"That's right." Yun Tian nodded.

Take out the used spell and the other one separately, and put them aside temporarily.

Yuntian explained the other three types first.

"Healing talismans that can heal minor injuries, relieve moderate and severe injuries, rain-calling talismans that can rain in a small area for a short time, and lighting talismans that can last for a period of time.

"These three charms are commodities, but what they exchange for is not money.

"The point is this."

Yun Tian pointed to the small stone tablet.

"Putting up the stele and making people appreciate, appreciate, appreciate the effect is the single most important thing I want you to do."

"Thank you?!"

Otto was at a loss.

Until the spells and stone tablets appeared, he could easily understand Yuntian's thinking, but now, he had no idea what Yuntian was going to do.

"Also, that is to say, your purpose is to ensure that the stele is erected. In order to achieve this purpose, these pieces of paper with special effects... spells can be given away for free?"

"Well, you understand well."

Yun Tian nodded approvingly, while Otto covered his head with question marks all over his head.

What is this for?

Do something good?

of course not.

There are words engraved on the stone tablet, which Yuntian specially wrote with sacred characters.

The content is very simple, it is his own name.

Sacred text is a special text with power, but it doesn't mean that any special effect will be produced if you just find a pen and write it.

Activating the power of the sacred text requires a corresponding energy mobilization method. Therefore, this stele is essentially a stone with Yuntian's name written on it.

The use of sacred text is mainly to make others unable to understand, and at the same time, it can also fool some scholars and magicians.

Because they can more or less perceive the difference brought about by the combination of sacred characters.

As for, why did Haoduanduan erect a monument for himself?

Of course it is to obtain the power of faith!

1810 No Merchant, No Fraud!

Lugnica is a kingdom, and it is still a kingdom based on the belief in dragons.

For Yuntian, this is simply a treasure house in front of him.

Not only that, but a world with magic and fantasy powers, a world with exterminating witches, and heroic legends of feats handed down from generation to generation, it is not too easy to use such a world to develop faith.

Especially, before the development of high-level technology.

I once said in the world of godslayers that emotions like gratitude are the easiest to transform into beliefs.

Almost without too much guidance and manipulation, this type of emotion will spontaneously generate weak beliefs.

For this reason, Yuntian specially tampered with the spell that was about to be handed over to Otto.

"Magic props, that is, 'magic devices', you should know something about them, Otto."

Yun Tian pointed to the stele and explained with an excuse he had thought up in advance.

The world of Re0 has magic, and similarly, there are magic items that ordinary people who don't need magic knowledge can use.

The magic weapon, also known as 'meteor' in this world.

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