This is a completely different product from magic stone crafting.

The original meaning is a gift that fell from the sky. Because the origin of the magic weapon is unknown, who made it and what method it used has not yet been analyzed.

Most of the magic tools are dug out from the ruins, and their individual differences are very large, almost none of the same type.

The number of magic tools is also very rare, and their functions are unique, so they are extremely precious.

However, because of the huge differences between magic items, there are also collection types that are useless.

These magical artifacts of unknown meaning caused the price gap of this type of item to fluctuate.

At the same time, some magic tools can know how to use only by touching them, while others are forced to be collected because they don't know how to use them at all.

Among the various magic tools, there are also types that can be copied.

For example, the world replaces the magic device 'dialogue mirror' that exists in the world.

The style is a mirror, and the effect is that it can communicate with other dialogue mirrors and talk to people reflected on the mirror.

This is also a rare magic weapon that is used in many places.

For example, there are duty rooms in Wangcheng and Noble Street, residences of high-ranking nobles, and even individual high-end hotels.

Of course, ordinary people definitely can't afford it.

Even if it can be copied, the price and production capacity are far from the standard of popularization, at best it is only a convenience for a few people.

The excuse Yun Tian used was based on this.

"You mean, this stele is a magic weapon? And it can be copied?"

Otto opened his mouth wide, the news completely overturned his three views.

"That's right, the spells I'm about to hand over to you are all limited to the range that the stone tablet can radiate."

This is Yun Tiandong's hands and feet.

The spells born based on the Star Immortal Art are actually not that kind of particularly convenient props. After all, they are essentially a learnable ability developed by Fan Xinglu for Xingmai generations, without consideration for ordinary people.

Anyone can use the spell, but the prerequisite is that it must be driven by the power of the stars.

Yun Tian injects some star power into the spell, that is a spell with magical effect, if it does not inject star power, it is just ordinary ghost drawing talisman waste paper.

The spells given to Otto were the latter, a bunch of useless semi-finished products.

And the device that makes these semi-finished products take effect is the stone tablet in Yuntian's hand.

"The stele is a magical device, the effect is to collect some corresponding emotions from people and convert them into power storage, and the spell is the terminal to use these powers."

This is of course nonsense.

It is not the stele that really works, but the power of faith enshrined in it.

This stele is basically equivalent to Yuntian's god statue, but because of its simpler shape, the effect is not so good.

But with the help of sacred text, you can also consider replacing with higher-quality materials in the future, so you don't need to worry about the effect being too poor.

In Gensokyo, Yuntian learned a lot about the application of the power of faith from Suwako Shiya.

This includes long-distance communication with established gods, so as to quickly harvest the power of faith, and even use the gods to perform so-called miracles.

As long as the stele is erected and someone offers faith, then Yuntian can use the stele as the center to charge the spells within a certain range around it.

Naturally, if there is no faith on the stele, he can also disable the spell.

Such an effect allowed the theory of the magic weapon to be established.

"Otto, what you have to do is find a way to erect steles everywhere and let people worship them."

Whether he makes money or not is secondary, what Yuntian earns is the power of faith.

"It is necessary to erect a stone tablet and let the stone tablet start to effectively transform emotional power, so the price of the spell should not be too high, and it must be popular at case ordinary people can't afford it."

Otto followed Yun Tian's words and murmured thoughtfully.

After listening to Yun Tian's words, Otto was not at all worried that the stele and the charm would not be sold.

Although this is a fantasy world, for ordinary people, magic tools, magic and even magic stone crafts are quite far away.

An opportunity to wield special powers couldn't be less attractive.

But there is a key problem here, and it is the only thing Otto can't figure out.

'The main purpose is to set up a stele, so it can't be charged, maybe it can be charged less, and the price of the charm should not be too high for promotion and popularization, otherwise it would be nonsense to want people to be grateful. '

'In the end, because collecting emotions is more like a welfare device or charity than a business. '

'But in this way, what are the interests of Lord Yuntian? '


Otto thought of many possibilities, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, he noticed something.

"Well, Lord Yuntian, you just mentioned the three spells of healing, rain calling, and lighting, and the other two..."

Otto's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the two spells that were taken out separately on the table.

One of them has an effect similar to invisibility. Otto saw it with his own eyes, and it is obviously not included in the above three.

Yun Tian also said just now that Otto can use this spell to prevent himself from being discovered when he enters and leaves the slums.

Wait, just used it?

In the middle of Otto's words, his eyes suddenly focused on the small stone tablet on the table.

"Master Yuntian, can such a small stone tablet take effect?"

The stone tablet that Yuntian took out as an introduction model was a palm-sized pocket version. It should be called a stone tablet rather than a stone tablet.

"The size only affects the range, not the effect of the spell."

After receiving Yuntian's affirmative reply, Otto consciously understood Yuntian's meaning.

Immediately, a touch of confidence appeared on his face, as if he had seized the business opportunity, he said:

"The other two spells, one is similar to invisibility, and the other is also related to actual combat effects, right?"

Yun Tian looked at Otto suddenly as if he was a different person, and blinked his eyes in confusion.

Importantly, he was right.

The last two spells, one is to reduce the sense of presence to achieve an effect similar to invisibility, and the other is the protection of star power, both of which have something to do with actual combat.

Yuntian considers that different regions are different, and there are always unstable places that need these methods.

It's just that Otto guessed it?

As soon as the idea came up, Yuntian heard Otto say:

"I understand!"

"First set up large stone tablets in various places, promote the first three types, and even use only one type of healing talisman with the highest versatility."

"The stele is free, the healing talisman is free for a limited time, and a low fee will be charged later."

"After the initial results are achieved, continue to launch the other two spells. The price is also not high, or even lower."

"And then that's the key!"

Otto had an excited smile on his face.

"Small and portable stone tablet! There are also two abilities that can really affect actual combat!"

"The price of these three things has been raised. Ordinary people have no demand, so they will not be affected. Those who need it will accept it because it is a matter of life, and even be grateful to Dade!"

"There are low-priced healing charms at the bottom, word of mouth, that is, the key to collecting positive emotions will not be greatly affected, but the income has skyrocketed!"

"Good trick, Lord Yuntian!"

Yun Tian listened to Otto's analysis with a dazed expression, and slowly put out a question mark.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

I am not, I am not!

You unscrupulous businessman, don't blame me!

1811 half a month

Otto left happily, leaving Yuntian feeling alone in the living room.

In the end, Yuntian decided to let Otto try it first.

His request is very simple, set up steles all over the world for people to worship.

Just these two points.

As long as these two goals are achieved, Otto can do whatever else he wants.

Even if the game really collapsed, Yuntian still has more than one back-up.

Rescuing Felier, participating in the king's election, and "converting Lugnica's faith" are all included in the required rewards.

. . . . . .

Otto began to run around for his own shop, and Felut tried hard to adapt to the lives of ordinary people.

As for Yuntian, he lived a stable life for a period of time.

Focusing on the study of magic and curses in this world, it is the three points and one line of the home, the restaurant of the Knights, and the library inside the royal city on weekdays.

Other than that, I wrote letters to Edelweiss who was far away in the urban country of Kararaki every day, and occasionally went to chase and intercept Reinhardt, and deal with Phyllis who came to 'check homework' from time to time.

In a flash, it was half a month.

. . . . . .

In the early morning, the bright sky sprinkled a little bit of the sun's brilliance.

Located in the house near the entrance of Noble Street, the three of them were already awake, and they were sitting in the restaurant on the first floor.

That's right, three people.

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