Her address made Emilia very happy, but Anne Rose didn't speak to Emilia first, but saluted Yuntian and Roswaal:

"I have seen Lord Sword of the Kingdom and Lord Little Father. This time, it was a huge mistake of the Mirod family, and it was also my negligence as the head of the family. I have neglected the distinguished guests. I am really sorry."

Although it was to salute the two of them, Yun Tian knew that her apology was more for himself.

Roswaal basically would not blame her, and would wait to discuss any reprimands in private.

But Yuntian is different.

At a small scale, it was a misunderstanding, but at a large scale, it was a provocation to a candidate for the throne and Yun Tian, ​​a supporter.

If Yun Tian had that intention, he could use this to deprive the Milod family of the title of nobility, and Roswaal might also be implicated.

Children under the age of ten can be forgiven for doing wrong things, but nobles often don't have so much morality to talk about. This is not in a modern society bound by laws.

1945 Unexpected attention and initial metamorphosis

Yun Tian was not interested in pursuing this matter, so he directly kicked the ball to Emilia.

"As long as the person concerned has no opinion, then I don't care."

Hearing what Yun Tian said, Annie Luo Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she turned her head, met Emilia's eyes and said:

"Emilia...Emilia-sama, please forgive my rudeness and gaffe this time."


"I've made big mistakes to Mr. Yuntian and Mr. Xiaofu's distinguished guests many times. I'm really sorry. I think that sooner or later, I will definitely bear the retribution brought by this rudeness."

Anne Rose's uncharacteristically respectful and apologetic speech scared Emilia, especially her changed address, which made Emilia, who had become much closer to her during this period, very heartbroken.

However, this is actually the distance that should have existed between Emilia and Anne Rose.

Considering their respective paths in the future, one candidate for the throne and one lower nobleman.

This kind of dialogue is inevitable.

Understanding this, Emilia fell silent.

They are now in the front yard of Milord's house, and they will leave directly for Mezzas' house when the current conversation is over.

For the first time, she tasted the feeling of parting from her friends, and it was still in this form, and Emilia was very sad.

Therefore, she did not respond to Annie Rose's words, but shook her head slightly to express her attitude.

Then he turned and walked towards the dragon cart outside the yard.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind the girl.

Emilia, who was called by name, turned her head, her eyes filled with astonishment and surprise.

What was reflected in her cyanotic eyes was a small palm stretched out towards her.


Emilia stretched out her hand and pressed it against the other's palm.

There was no further exchange, but this silent communication was enough for them.

. . . . . .

A friendship born of a misunderstanding between a girl and a loli.

No one knew what happened to them in these two days, but at this moment, everyone present was silently watching the warm scene.

Only one person is different.

Only Yun Tian, ​​his gaze didn't stop at Emilia and Annie Luo Ze, but passed them to the housekeeper opposite.

Klinde, formerly the steward of the Mezas family, is now the steward of the Milod family.

Yun Tian didn't know this person, at least he didn't appear in the original content that he knew, and he didn't know the name until he heard it.

Maybe there is a little bit of impression, but it just appeared in someone's profile background board.

Theoretically, for Yun Tian, ​​Klinde is a secondary role that is not worth paying attention to.

However, Yun Tian unexpectedly discovered that this butler had good strength.

However, strength is not the focus of Yuntian's attention on him.

No matter how strong it is, if it can't reach the world class, then it won't be able to attract Yuntian's attention.

What really caught Yun Tian's attention was a unique temperament in Klinde's body, as well as a certain characteristic hidden in his eyes.


It is not a general calmness, but a special temperament that can only be born after a long time of baptism.

Yuntian has seen it more than once.

On the body of Master Fan Xinglu, on the body of the old god Uranus in Dicuo, on the body of Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko in Gensokyo, and in the body of the original Athena in the world of Godslayer.

No matter which one they are, they all have one characteristic in common.

Long live!

The long years have accumulated on them, and a large amount of unimaginably rich experience has accumulated, and what is finally accumulated is this kind of temperament like an ancient well without waves.

Especially reflected in the depths of its pupils, the kind of calm that can be indifferent to most things is generally only possessed by longevity species.

Before the Book of Wisdom was unshakable, this trait in Roswaal was also very obvious. It was the accumulation and testimony of his 400 years of time.

But this kind of temperament, appearing in a young man who seems to be around 20 years old, is not right.

Yun Tian observed Klinde calmly, he hid well and was not discovered by anyone.

Now all eyes are on Emilia and Annie Rose, and the touching friendship between the two has become Yuntian's best cover.

But until the end of their final farewell, Yuntian didn't see anything abnormal from Klinde.

Apart from that unique temperament, Klinder behaved no differently from a good butler.

He behaves well, speaks decently, and expresses richly, without any traces of "times" left behind.

Even the strength is the same, excellent is excellent, but it is not world-class.

Maybe it was really accidental.

It cannot be ruled out that some people are born to see through the world easily, and ten years of experience can compare to others' thousands of years of experience.

If it were someone else, they might really come to this conclusion and forget about this young man.

However, at the moment when this idea came up, the super-intuitive reminder let Yun Tian know that he was not wrong to pay attention.

No longer judgments and inferences, this time just a pure feeling.

The butler in front of him is probably an old monster who lived 400 years ago like Roswaal, and Yuntian vaguely felt that he had some kind of connection with the Witch Factor.

There is no evidence, but the ability derived from the power of fate makes this feeling very credible.

Yun Tian took a deep look at Klinde, remembering this person's name, appearance, and aura in his heart.

After that, he looked at Roswaal thoughtfully and fell silent.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian's little action was not noticed.

After Emilia and Anne Rose bid farewell, the three left Milode's house in a dragon carriage and headed for the Mezzas mansion.

"But having said that, as long as Parker comes forward, this kind of misunderstanding will not appear at all."

Sitting on the dragon cart, Yun Tian looked at the magic spar on Emilia's chest and said.

"Thanks to someone, I'm having a hard time even realizing it now."

The magic spar flashed, and Parker's voice sounded from inside.

As if to prove that what he said was not a lie, dots of mana radiance appeared on the girl's chest, and the figure of a gray kitten the size of a palm loomed.

Two seconds later, it shattered and dissipated like a balloon exploding with a bang.

Obviously, that was the result of Parker's failure to manifest.

But Yun Tian would not be fooled by his tricks, and mercilessly exposed the loopholes in his words.

"You can talk directly, you don't need to be present, Emilia can't communicate with people and doesn't understand the meaning of Dragon Maiden, so you can't do the same, right?

"And in the final analysis, as long as he shows that he is an elf magician, it is impossible for the Milod family to treat Emilia as an ordinary maid."

"Oh, it's been exposed." Parker's mischievous voice came out from the magic spar, which was also a partial acknowledgment of Yuntian's statement.

"I think Liya is quite happy, so she didn't stop it, and the result is not bad, isn't it?"

Parker was very proud, and he could tell from his voice that he was very happy.

The purpose of letting Emilia walk out of the big forest is to hope that the girl will be happy. This kind of opening is quite perfect in Parker's eyes.

"That's right."

Yun Tian looked at Emilia's expression, and there was indeed a considerable change from the one in the big forest.

The girl didn't know what agreement she had reached with Annie Rose. Compared with the confusion when she just left the big forest, she now has a little more firmness in her eyes.

It may be very weak, but it is indeed the will of the girl named 'Emilia' herself.

'Agreement', no matter how insignificant it is, is of great significance to Emilia.

1946 to the Maezers

After connecting with Emilia, the speed of the dragon chariot is no longer in ink.

Mirod's family sent a coachman to drive the car, which also made Dilong no longer need to know the way by himself so that he could run with all his strength.

So, after a not-too-long journey, Yuntian and the others finally returned to the Mezzas mansion.

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