"Welcome back, Lord Rosvall."

"Welcome to visit, Lord Yuntian."

The ones who greeted them were still pink-haired and blue-haired twin maid sisters.

The two sisters bowed to Yuntian and Roswaal respectively, then looked at Emilia together and said:

"Welcome to visit Mezas's house, distinguished guest." x2

The perfect binaural sound startled Emilia.

The girl responded hastily, and at the same time secretly looked at Ram and Rem left and right.

The ghost sisters are exactly the same except for their hair color. Emilia was very curious when she saw such twins for the first time.

At the same time, Ram and Rem were also curious about this hooded guest.

Emilia has never learned any etiquette, nor does she know anything about socializing.

Therefore, the way the girl can respond to the words of the two sisters is the maid rules learned at Milod's house not long ago.

The blunt movements are really hard to be called beautiful, but Ram and Rem recognized the reason for Emilia's movements at a glance because they are the maids of the Meizas family.

Then they all felt strange.

Because of Emilia's appearance and the past of the Ramrem sisters, Roswaal did not tell them about Emilia's situation in advance.

He just sent someone back first to inform Yun Tian and another distinguished guest that they were about to visit.

This is not the first time Yuntian has come, the two sisters naturally know each other.

So of course, the cloaked man standing next to him and Roswaal was the 'distinguished guest' mentioned in the letter.

This kind of statement is actually exquisite.

First of all, Roswaal wrote Emilia and Yuntian side by side in the same sentence, and on the premise of Yuntian, the sword of the kingdom, he also used the description of "noble" for Emilia.

This is what he was telling Ram and Rem that the identity of the guest was at least no worse than Yuntian, and they needed to be treated with caution.

The two sisters were originally prepared.

As a result, when they met each other, the other party mysteriously did not show his face and did not say anything, but also seriously responded to the polite words they used to greet them, and the etiquette was the way a maid used.

Now, Ram and Rem can't fix it.

The two sisters looked at each other, a little at a loss.

"Okay, let's go in first, let's wait for the detailed explanation."

As the owner of the mansion, Roswaal took the initiative to break the stiff atmosphere.

"Rahm, you can take Lady Emilia to rest first, as for Yuntian, I will leave it to Rem."

"Understood, Lord Emilia, please follow me."

"Understood, Lord Yuntian, please follow me."

The two sisters who received the order came to Yuntian and Emilia respectively, made a gesture of 'please', and then led them into the mansion.

. . . . . .

Roswaal left by himself, and his steps were a little hurried.

If Yun Tian guessed correctly, he was in a hurry to confirm the contents of the Book of Wisdom, and he probably wouldn't see him appear until dinner.

Ram, Emilia, Rem, and Yuntian, who were divided into two groups, did not act together.

Although because of identity issues, Yuntian and Emilia will be arranged in the luxury room on the upper floor of the east building, but it is the first time for Emilia to come, and Ram will introduce the facilities of the mansion just like the last time he led Yuntian. .

Since leaving the big forest, Emilia hasn't had a good rest for a day.

Either traveling long distances in a dragon carriage, or being used as a maid, her body is not as supermodel as Yun Tian's, so she still needs to rest for a few days.

Just taking advantage of these few days, Yuntian and Roswaal will make the final confirmation on the cooperation regarding the king selection ceremony.

However, today's time is a bit late, and it will be dinner time soon, so we will talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do.

After all, at dinner later, the matter of introducing Emilia's identity will probably not be too peaceful.


When they came to the door of the room, Rem turned around and bowed slightly to Yuntian, saying:

"Please rest for a while, Rem will bring tea and refreshments right away."

After saying that, Rem left directly.

The room the girl brought Yun Tian to was the one he lived in when he visited Mezzas's mansion last time. When he opened the door and walked in, the furnishings were naturally the same as last time.

The long journey in the car may be a little tiring for Emilia, but with Yuntian's current physique, this level is far from enough to make him feel tired.

Therefore, Yun Tian walked to the desk in the room, pulled out the chair and sat down, took out a magic book from his pocket and read it.

Recently, Yuntian has read a lot of books, especially magic books in the world of Re0.

His original skill attainment is pretty good, not comparable to Roswaal's B+ limit, but the B+ evaluation is still there.

The reason why Yuntian was able to easily modify the contract Roswaal constructed was due to the knowledge he acquired during this period.

Yun Tian already has a relatively systematic understanding of the magic in this world.

Of course, what he knows more is theoretical knowledge, and the specific use of magic is still not very involved.

With the power of Star Immortal Art and Roar of the Sky in hand, there is no need to learn ordinary magic Yuntian.

With this foundation of knowledge, plus some forbidden books about souls and reincarnation that I read in the forbidden library when I came to Mezas Mansion last time.

Yun Tian felt that it would not be too long before he could formally study the 'Sacrament of the Undead King' he got from Phyllis.

Although Yun Tian now has a deep understanding of the concept of death, and has personally seen and contacted Youyouzi, the undead princess.

But his understanding of the 'soul' is relatively superficial and one-sided.

The sacrament of the undead king and some banned books in the forbidden library can effectively help him make up for this problem.

. . . . . .

Rem didn't leave for too long. About three to five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Accompanied by Yun Tian's voice, the blue-haired maid girl held a tea tray in one hand, opened the door with the other and walked in.

"Please use tea, Lord Yuntian."

Rem first poured tea for Yun Tian, ​​and then put the prepared refreshments aside.

A large plate full of all kinds of snacks invisibly shows how deeply impressed Yuntian was when he visited last time.

"Dinner has already been prepared, and Rem will call you when it's ready. Would you like to go to the restaurant for dinner, or will Rem send you to the room?"

"Let's go to the restaurant. I think Roswaal has something to say before the meal. I have to introduce Emilia to you."

1947 Shaken sister

Yun Tian temporarily put down his book, and turned his head to look at Rem.

But the girl showed a slight hesitation to Yun Tian's words.

"Introduction... Rem remembered."

After all, Ram and Rem were just maids, and Roswaal did not discriminate against them as demihumans, but that was all.

Not to mention Emilia's identity, just being a 'distinguished guest' is enough to tell them.

There is no need to introduce guests specifically for the servants, the status of the two sisters has not yet reached that level.

It might be okay for Ram to ask. After all, she is a key part of Roswaal's plan, and she is different from others.

But Rem is completely unnecessary.

If it wasn't for her sister, she would be a dispensable existence at all.

Rem thought so in her heart, and knew that Roswaal must think so.

When Yuntian came to visit the Maezers mansion last time, Rem remembered the negotiation with Roswaal in his eyes.

Roswaal's hesitation, thinking, and the behavior of placing their sisters on the trading scale all illustrate this fact.

Even Ram is very important in Roswaal's heart because of the necessity of planning.

As long as there are more high-quality chess pieces to replace them, they will also be considered for replacement and discarding.

In this matter, it was my younger sister Rem who saw it more clearly than my older sister.

Such women, what reason is there to introduce the identity of the distinguished guest to them?

Rem didn't know, but she instinctively felt that it might not be a good thing.

I wanted to ask, but I didn't know what to say when the words came to my lips.

After all, she is a maid, and she is not qualified to ask questions in front of the highest-ranking nobles. Unlike her sister Ram, her younger sister Rem is still very reserved in this regard.

Even though the relationship with Yuntian became a lot closer last time, and knowing that Yuntian is more talkative than expected, Rem still doesn't dare to cross over at will.

After all, last time Yuntian extended an olive branch to her very directly, and she rejected him without much hesitation.

Although it was not yet a solution to the knot, Yuntian helped Rem, whose self-confidence was almost collapsed at that time, regain her confidence in herself.

At this point, Rem is grateful to Yuntian from the bottom of her heart.

But it was precisely because of this that after she rejected the other party's solicitation, it was difficult for her to be cheeky and approach her.

Yun Tian saw that the girl was hesitant to speak, so he took the initiative to ask:

"How did you think about the last time, have you changed your mind?"

"Last time..." Rem paused.

She knew what Yun Tian was referring to, but.

"Rem's answer is still the same, she will not betray Lord Roswaal."

"I thought you didn't have that deep loyalty to Roswaal."

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