Yun Tian's seemingly casual words actually pointed directly to Rem's true thoughts deep in his heart.

Due to various complicated reasons, the heart of this ghost girl is actually extremely fragile and sensitive.

And it is precisely this fragility that makes it easier for Rem to understand the true thoughts deep in a person's heart.

She grew up in a high-pressure environment since she was a child, and she is almost engraved in her heart like a survival instinct to read people's hearts.

Therefore, Rem knew very well how Roswaal viewed her and her sister.

Some things are often reflected in extremely small details, such as the job of being a maid.

It is common sense to change clothes for the master, but Roswaal never let Ram and Rem do this, not only their sisters, but also every servant who used to work in the Mazas mansion.

Don't persuade the waiter Roswaal to change his clothes and wash up, even his bedroom is absolutely not allowed to enter.

It was a kind of mistrust engraved in the bones.

This is inevitable. For Roswaal, Ram and Rem can be said to have an indirect genocide with him.

Roswaal's reason for taking them in from the beginning was not simple, and trust was out of the question.

Moreover, for Roswaal, who has only twisted obsessions in his heart after living for 400 years, everything is meaningless from the beginning except for the memory of the past that he pursues.

It's just a script in the book of wisdom.

Even Ram, Roswaal will never let her touch the Book of Wisdom, no, she will never let her see it, and no one will be allowed to approach any location where the Book of Wisdom is stored.

As long as it can be carried out according to the plan, there is nothing that cannot be discarded, including Roswaal himself.

Rem has long noticed the kind of defensiveness that is unconsciously displayed in these years.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange for the girl to be loyal to Roswaal.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one reason for Rem to stay, because her sister Ram needed treatment.

Now, the person who has the ability to heal her sister is no longer the only one, so Rem naturally no longer has to choose to stay at Mezzas' house.

In contrast to Roswaal and Yuntian, a girl who has worked hard for nearly ten years has not gained a trace of trust, and a girl who met for the first time affirmed her efforts.

There is no need to consider which is better or worse.

"You heard the conversation I had with Roswaal last time. As long as you nod, he won't stop you from leaving."

Hearing Yun Tian mentioned the last conversation, Rem fell silent.

At that time, because of Yuntian's promise, Roswaal put the two sisters on the scale of the transaction. This fact had a big impact on Ram and Rem.

At that time, it was Ram who took the initiative to interrupt the conversation, but what if Ram didn't speak?

Perhaps, they will be traded out by Roswaal in exchange for Yuntian's promise to make a full shot.

Compared to Rem's ignorance of Roswaal's real purpose, Ram's side probably knows better.

From the beginning, Roswaal valued Ram's combat effectiveness, so he adopted the two sisters.

If Yuntian agreed to deal with the dragon Polkenika, then Ram and Rem would really be useless against Roswaal.

This time it is Yuntian, will it be the Juggernaut next time?Next time, if there are other strong people appearing, will their sisters also be included in the trading options?

When talking to Roswaal last time, Yuntian had doubts about one thing, that is, Ram and Rem concealed the fact that he could heal Ram.

Yun Tian didn't know the reason, but it was actually very simple.

Just to preserve the 'necessity for Ram to stay with Roswaal' this.

This was Ram's proposal, and she persuaded Rem to do so.

Rem agreed, but she also understood her sister's mind.

Why do you do this?

In the final analysis, or 'trust'.

Even Ram knew that Roswaal needed such a coercive means like a handle, so that he would trust the two sisters at the most basic level.

After understanding this, Rem suddenly felt a little sad.

This is not their place, not from the start.

However. . .

"My sister will not leave here. If Rem's guess is correct, I am afraid that my sister has signed some kind of contract with Lord Roswaal."

This time, Rem didn't use other excuses, but spoke her truth.

For her, it's just because her sister is here.

1948 The Will of Two Sisters

Yuntian really knows about the contract between Ram and Roswaal.

He even knew more details than Rem.

Rem made a conclusion based on her familiarity with her sister and pieced together bits and pieces of information over the years.

She guessed that there was some kind of contract between Ram and Roswaal, but she didn't know what the content of the contract was.

But Yun Tian knows.

Because of the influence of Edelweiss' ability, Yuntian used to refer to all agreed abilities as contracts.

But in the world of Re0, contracts, oaths, and covenants are different types of contractual constraints with detailed divisions.

A covenant is an agreement across bloodlines, and a contract specifically refers to an agreement between an elf wizard and an elf.

Only a vow is an agreement that binds individuals.

Oath-sworn earn rewards by fulfilling conditions, or avoid costs by taking on shackles.

For example, Parker and Emilia, there is a contract between them.

And the bondage that Parker and Echidna made in the past to 'not allow a contract with Emilia' is an oath.

Parker violated the oath, so he paid the price, a large number of memories were sealed, actions were limited by time, and he was not allowed to interfere with the witch's trial, etc.

The agreement reached not long ago between Yuntian and Roswaal was essentially a form of oath.

As for the relationship between Ram and Roswaal, the same is true.

【The one who holds the sword dies by the sword, the one who seeks the devil ends up in the devil, and the one who commits himself to the fire is buried in the fire. 】

[People who pray to ghosts fall into ghosts and are destroyed by the things they rely on. 】

This is the vow made between Ram and Roswaal.

After Roswaal used Milod's house as a bait to lure out the witch cultists who destroyed the ghost village, and let Ram and Rem kill their enemies, Ram and Roswaal made a vow.

Ram swears allegiance to Roswaal, but if one day the world can no longer develop in the direction Roswaal expected, or the "Book of Wisdom" he relies on is destroyed.

Then, Roswaal must give up his obsession, and the master-slave status of both parties will also be reversed from now on.

Roswaal always believed that Ram who made this oath was out of revenge.

After all, after the Witch Cultist who destroyed the ghost village was dealt with, the only person who was related to the destruction of the ghost clan was Roswaal.

He watched the destruction of the ghost village, or it can be said that he deliberately waited for the destruction of the ghost village in order to gain Ram's allegiance.

That was reason enough to resent for a kid who was only 7 years old at the time.

However, the actual situation is different from what Roswaal imagined.

The real and original reason for Ram to make an oath with him is actually to repay his kindness.

Even if Roswaal watched the destruction of the ghost village, it is an indisputable fact that he saved Lahm.

Most importantly, Roswaal saved her only cherished sister.

Rem's rescue, the help of his enemies, and the grace of saving his life, even though Roswaal's reasons are very utilitarian, the help he gave to Ram is still an unchangeable fact.

Ram wanted to repay his kindness, but after receiving Roswaal's treatment, he noticed the twisted obsession flowing in his heart, so Ram found a way to repay his kindness.

Liberate him from the witch's obsession, and end the way of existence that is too twisted and miserable.

So, like Rem said.

Ram will not betray Roswaal, at least she will not choose to leave Roswaal before this repayment is completed.

It is not only the bondage of the oath, but also the girl's own will.

At the same time, Yuntian has a further understanding on this point.

That's about Ram's feelings for Roswaal.

I once said that Yuntian is regarded as an animation party, and has no special in-depth research on the so-called original works.

However, without in-depth research, it does not mean that you have not learned any information at all.

Compared with the previous worlds, Yuntian's understanding of Re0 is relatively complete, and a lot of information based on non-anime is also clear.

For example, Ram's importance to Rem is actually far higher than her loyalty to Roswaal and even that oath.

In addition to the orthodox world line in the world of Re0, there are many different branches called 'IF lines'.

In fact, if you really want to count, the appearance of Yuntian can also be regarded as a brand new IF line.

In the original IF line, there is a world line named "anger".

In that world line, Ram gave up everything because of Rem's death, and the figure of being completely swallowed by hatred and turning into a ghost shows the irreplaceable importance of Rem in his heart.

In the sanctuary chapter of the orthodox world line, the disappearance of this important sisterhood that constitutes Ram's existence is the key point that prompts her various emotional transitions.

[The Onizu, known as the strongest demihuman race, was destroyed, leaving only Ram and '—'. 】

【The oath with Roswaal was concluded after that in order to survive. I didn't let '—' know about it, and Ram didn't say anything to '—'. 】

This is the description of the confrontation between Ram and Roswaal in the Sanctuary chapter.

At that time, the existence of Rem, who had suffered from the gluttonous crime archbishop, had already been erased.

The important fetters that filled Ram's heart turned into a huge void, and that sense of lack led to a series of subsequent changes in Ram.

Girls themselves have nothing.

Now that the oni clan is destroyed, the most important thing to Ram is her younger sister Rem.

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