"But I'm kind of guessing."

Fengshui, fire, earth, yin and yang, just think about the various abilities that Yuntian has now, and he knows things like attribute affinity without testing.

"Then conduct an attribute test first. Compared with guessing, an accurate conclusion is more reliable."

While saying this, Parker floated up from Yuntian's shoulder and stretched out his tail towards him.

"It's started, myu~myu~myu~myu~"

The gray cat's tail touched Yun Tian's forehead, and a very strange sound came out of his mouth.

"So, is this dubbing a necessary process?" Yun Tian couldn't help complaining.

"This is a very important part of the ceremony!"

"In other words, it has no practical meaning, right? It's just a weird dubbing."

"The sense of ritual can be very important, how can it be said that it is meaningless!"

Parker was very dissatisfied with Yuntian's attitude, and poked his head vigorously with the cat's tail.

Then he opened his mouth and continued:

"Sure enough, all attributes."

Neither Yuntian nor Parker was surprised at this conclusion.

It may be a shocking thing to put it on others. After all, Roswaal is the only person with full-attribute magic talent in Lugnica and even in the world.

Going back 400 years, there is only one more lustful witch.

But to Yuntian, this is not a surprise at all.

Yuntian, who holds the power of the sky, can call the wind and call the rain, and the operation of elements such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning is considered a basic skill.

The only thing that is a little surprising is the earth attribute, but considering the skill of nature affinity, it seems not difficult to understand.

And the attributes of this world don't just refer to elements, like the earth attribute and the nature of controlling inner power, Yuntian's talent in this aspect is still very good.

As I said a long time ago, Yun Tian's talent in swordsmanship is very abnormal. Although it is not as good as swordsmanship talent in other aspects, it is also very good.

It can be seen from the types of star fairy techniques he uses that Yuntian is good at a wide range.

"The next thing is to activate, do you want to do it here?"

Just as Parker was about to make a move, he suddenly remembered something, stopped and asked.

"Will there be an accident?" Yun Tian questioned Parker's reaction.

"That's not true, it's just that the movement is probably not small."

Parker pointed at Yuntian with his cat's paw, and then at himself, Yuntian understood what he meant.

Yun Tian has never learned the magic of this world, but the magic of this world is very special.

Regardless of magic knowledge, the key factor controlling the strength of magic power lies in the size and quality of the 'door'.

People with excellent innate aptitude have excellent doors, so once activated, they will have good magic power.

However, people with average aptitude have to rely on cultivation to slowly expand their doors.

First of all, Yuntian has excellent qualifications, maybe not a supermodel, but it is still top-notch.

What's more, he has extremely strong strength himself, and his huge energy and strong physique will further strengthen his door.

Activating the door is not difficult, as Yun Tian can find any magician to do it.

But he waited until Parker appeared because he didn't want to cause trouble.

Parker saw this, so he specifically reminded Yuntian.

Once his gate is activated, he will absorb a large amount of mana in a very short time to replenish himself.

Interrupting Emilia's communication with the micro-elves is still secondary. The main reason is that within such a short distance, it is impossible for this level of mana fluctuations to hide from Roswaal.

With his level of magic and knowledge, he would immediately determine the reason for Mana's fluctuations, and thus deduce that Yuntian had just activated the gate.

"As long as you think it doesn't matter." Parker stroked his beard and gave Yuntian the right to choose.

But Yun Tian thought for a while, took off the Jing Xin sword sheath around his waist, and stuck it on the ground.


In an instant, a barrier made of star power surrounded Yuntian and Parker with the scabbard as the center.

"That's fine."

The meditation scabbard can not only suppress the surrounding energy, but she can also use the star fairy technique independently of Yuntian.

With an independent consciousness, Jingxin can judge the conditions for modifying the enchantment by herself.

It will not prevent Yuntian from absorbing the magic power in the atmosphere, and it can also isolate unnecessary fluctuations in magic power. Even if Yuntian can't pull out his hand, Jingxin can complete all this by himself.

As long as it does not exceed the A-level standard, it is within her ability.

"This sword..." Parker looked at Jing Xin's scabbard in amazement.

Or to be more precise, he was looking at the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

The Jingxin scabbard and the Black Furnace Demon Sword are usually connected together, and it is difficult for people who don't know the situation to imagine that these are actually two pieces of equipment.

Yun Tian didn't explain too much, anyway, this world is full of top ten famous swords and magic weapons, so there are many strange things.

Parker didn't struggle for too long. Seeing that Yuntian was ready, he flew back to his shoulder and said:

"Then I'll start."

Before he finished speaking, it was as if an electric current was running through his whole body, and Yun Tian obviously felt something changed in his body.

In the next second, the familiar and unfamiliar energy began to roll!

"Imagine, use the mana in the body to release through the source, through the 'door', and then communicate with the mana outside to perform an absorption."

What Parker said is very simple, but Yuntian has experience in using other energies, so it is not difficult to understand.

Soon, he used the 'gate' to complete the release and absorption process in the way Parker said.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of mana began to gather around Yuntian!

This is the result after successfully activating the 'gate'.

1960 Leaving and the extra person


After the fluctuation of energy subsided, Yun Tian stood there silently feeling the brand new power in his body.

Mana, whose characteristics are similar to magic power, has nothing special worth mentioning. Yun Tian will integrate it into his current magic power after returning to the main god's space.

As I said before, the reserve of mana is affected by the soul power in the human body, and the stronger the soul power is, the bigger the mana will be.

Soul power is linked to vitality, and Yuntian has brought him a huge vitality regardless of his strong body or strength.

Especially the S-level skill of natural affinity, although it has no actual combat effect, the increase in vitality is very exaggerated.

Therefore, according to the standards of the Re0 world, Yuntian's soul power is also beyond the specification.

Therefore, his awakened mana reserve almost instantly crossed the B-level threshold and reached the world-level level. Once he returned to the main god's space for fusion, the quality of Yuntian's magic power would be significantly improved.

'Gate', the source of mana in the body allows this new power to start circulating, bringing a new boost to Yuntian.

After feeling the new power for a while, Yuntian ended the activation of the 'door' this time.

Generally speaking, he is still very satisfied, but the result is almost the same as what Yuntian expected, so there are not many surprises to speak of.

. . . . . .

There is not much to mention after that.

Yuntian and Emilia spent three days in Roswaal's home for renovations.

During the period, the girl was in charge of resting, while Yuntian and Roswaal reached a consensus on cooperation in various details of the king selection ceremony.

As early as the first day Yuntian and Emilia arrived at the Mezzas mansion, the messenger set off for the capital first.

At this time, the news that Kingdom Sword and Frontier Boss had found the fourth Dragon Priestess should have spread among high-level officials. Not surprisingly, Emilia's appearance problem will definitely cause an uproar.

When Yuntian returns to the capital, he will definitely not be peaceful.

However, those are things that need to be considered later, and Yun Tian also took a good rest in the past three days.

In addition to daily exercise and chatting with Emilia, Yun Tian spent a lot of time in the forbidden library, absorbing the knowledge left by the lustful witch.

On the fourth day, after Emilia's fatigue caused by the long journey was almost completely eliminated, Yuntian planned to take her back to Lugnica's capital.

However, there was one more person who set off this time.

. . . . . .

"It's really you."

Taking Emilia out of the garden, Yun Tian looked at the pink-haired girl waiting beside the dragon carriage, and said with some emotion.

"I'm going to disturb you, Master Yuntian, for a while." Lahm responded to Yuntian's words with a slight bow.

Yuntian will bring Emilia back to the capital to settle down, while Roswaal can send one person to follow.

This is the result of the discussion between the two of them during this period, and it was proposed by Roswaal on his own initiative.

The purpose of this border uncle is not difficult to understand.

It is impossible for him to allow the core of the plan to be completely out of sight. Even if Yun Tian has taken the initiative, at least he must grasp Emilia's whereabouts.

The book of wisdom in Roswaal's hand is a future prophecy displayed from his own perspective. If Emilia is really completely out of sight, it will hinder Roswaal's future plans.

Although because of the appearance of Yuntian, he broke the prophecy of the Book of Wisdom once in the Elliot Forest, which made Roswaal have some doubts about the trump card he had relied on for more than 400 years.

But the habits, dependence, and trust that have been formed for a long time are not so easy to change. Roswaal still made a new plan and arrangement based on the changes in the Book of Wisdom.

This time, considering the variables like Yuntian, Roswaal decided to make more preparations.

Sending Ram to Yuntian and Emilia's side is the first step.

This is surveillance, and both Yuntian and Roswaal are well aware of it.

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