Roswaal was sure that Ram would not betray her, and she got along well with Yuntian.

When Yuntian first came to visit the mansion of Mezas, he proposed a deal to give Ram and Rem to him. In Roswaal's view, this was proof that Yuntian appreciated the pair of ghost sisters.

Therefore, it is perfect to use them as pawns to monitor Emilia and even Yuntian.

Of course, in name Roswaal temporarily handed over the maid of the Mezzas family to Yuntian on the grounds that 'Miss Emilia's identity cannot be without her attendants on standby'.

After all, Yuntian is also famous for his maverick in Wangdu.

He doesn't live in Noble Street, but lives in a "small house", and there are no servants. Otto, who is only a part-time housekeeper under his command, handles various things on his behalf.

After all, Emilia is also the Priestess of the Dragon, and one of the candidates for the future king of Lugnica.

According to her status, she is one level higher than Yun Tian, ​​so it is impossible not to have attendants by her side.

And considering the girl's special situation, even if Yun Tian wanted to hire some servants, he had to think carefully.

Because of Roswaal's management based on a hundred years, Mezzas is quite tolerant of Emilia's special appearance.

But after leaving here, it's not so easy to find someone who doesn't have prejudice against girls.

If it is not done well, the servant will become a spy or an assassin, and life will be difficult at that time.

From this point of view, Ram and Rem were at least trustworthy candidates.

Rem later found Emilia and apologized to her alone. The girl did not have the aura of a witch cultist, which made Rem believe that she had nothing to do with the jealous witch.

Because of this episode, the two girls not only eased their relationship, but also became much closer.

Even her sister Ram's attitude towards Emilia is much better.

And once you start in-depth contact, Emilia's kindness and innocence, which can be called ignorant of the world, are especially easy to arouse the favor of others.

The relationship between the ghost sisters and her has grown a lot in the past three days.

No one will refuse to be friends with a really kind person, because you know that she will not betray you, and you can trust her in all aspects without reservation.

This kind of relationship is the most worry-free and effort-saving.

Especially when the other party always pays attention to your mood and attitude inadvertently, and considers your thoughts everywhere, it is easy to accumulate good feelings little by little.

This was the case for Ram and Rem. In just three days, the two of them were able to chat with Emilia about girls' topics in private.

It doesn't take long to be called friends.

With them following, Yun Tian no longer needed to worry about whether the servant he found would betray him or not.

Emilia's zero understanding of society makes her have to have someone by her side at all times. It is impossible for Yuntian to be by her side all the time, so Ram and Rem are the best choices.

It is a win-win situation, and it is also one of the main reasons for Yuntian and Roswaal to reach a consensus.

1961 My Big Sister with Complicated Feelings

In fact, Roswaal hesitated for a long time about who to send between Ram and Rem to carry out the surveillance mission.

He had been thinking about it before he arrived at Milord's house, and he finally made a decision when Yun Tian was about to leave.

Roswaal was sure that neither of the sisters would betray him.

It's not trust, it's judgment.

Ram needs his treatment to ensure the normal functioning of the body. As long as this does not change, even if Roswaal no longer trusts her, he can be sure that Ram will not betray.

On the other hand, Rem is even more innocent. As long as the older sister is around, the younger sister's loyalty is unquestionable.

So anyone can be sent, at least they can guarantee the basic completion of the task.

Roswaal didn't want to inquire about any secrets either.

He just needs to bring Emilia and Yuntian into his field of vision to ensure the normal operation of the Book of Wisdom, and to further understand Yuntian's character and behavior patterns so as to prevent accidents in the forest from happening again.

This is not a big deal, and Roswaal has no intention of covering it up, he knows that Yuntian must be aware of this matter and will not hinder the girls from completing the task.

However, in terms of candidates, choosing Ram or Rem will lead to slightly different results.

Roswaal personally prefers Ram, because she has a vow restriction with herself, so she knows part of the truth about the lust witch and dragon slayer.

Ram knows better what Roswaal wants to know, so the information he gets from her will be more efficient and targeted.

In contrast, although Rem, who doesn't know too many things, can complete the most basic tasks, the information she reports will definitely be full of invalid content.

This requires further screening by Roswaal himself, and some details may be missed.

If it were the former Roswaal, with the Book of Wisdom in hand, he would never think so much, as long as he put the target in his field of vision, the rest is just to choose the script he wants from the prophecy and follow it. Just go.

However, after what happened in the Elliot Forest, he became more cautious.

Although I still rely on the Book of Wisdom, I will go through the relevant information myself.

From this point of view, Ram is clearly superior to Rem as a candidate.

If you choose Ram, there is another problem that needs to be solved.

That's 'recharging'.

Ram left the Mezas mansion to go to the capital, which meant that he lost the means to replenish the energy in his body.

Even if you don't fight, and only do the minimum work to reduce the consumption as much as possible, you will reach the limit in about five days to a week.

If magic is used for simple work assistance, the time will have to be reduced, and it will take three days to charge once.

But younger sister Rem has no such restrictions.

She is not as terrifying as her sister, but the foundation of the ghost clan itself is not bad, and it is not a problem to beat some knights or even elite knights.

Rem's talent, which has always been talked about, is not good. It is compared with the strongest demi-human race, the ghost race. Among humans and even other demi-humans, Rem's talent is enough to be considered outstanding.

If you send Rem to Yuntian and Emilia, you don't have to think about the issue of charging, and it is more in line with Roswaal's excuse of "arranging suitable people for Lord Emilia".

Therefore, he finally planned to choose Rem to complete this task.

But, an episode made him change his mind.

. . . . . .

"Just like what I told you just now, Lady Emilia needs a maid to accompany her, and I also have tasks for you to complete."

Roswaal called sisters Ram and Rem and informed them of the situation.

However, just when Roswaal was about to open his mouth to assign the task to Rem, the girl spoke first:

"Leave it to Rem, Lord Roswaal."

Roswaal and Ram looked sideways at sister Rem's self-introduction.

"Rem promises to complete the task!" The girl's confident attitude did not have the desired effect, but had a negative effect.

Roswaal looked at Rem who took the initiative to speak, his eyes sank into deep thought, and he forcibly took back the assignment that was already on his lips.

He noticed the change in Rem.

Speaking of which, when did it start?

Always dissatisfied with her own performance, the younger sister who thought she was a substitute for her older sister began to overflow with confidence.

Moreover, Roswaal clearly remembered that Rem once told him that he was absolutely unwilling to be separated from his sister.

It was largely for this reason that he stayed and worked at the Mezas mansion.

Otherwise, Rem doesn't have to stay in the mansion compared to Ram needing treatment.

She just wants to be with her sister.

Roswaal even thought of some excuses after deciding to assign Rem, hoping to persuade the girl to accept the fact of temporarily leaving her sister.

But what happened?

Rem asked to accept the task before he even opened his mouth?

'Is she thinking of Ram?Are you worried about your sister's physical condition after going to the capital? '

Roswaal thought so, and he felt that the reason could only be this way.

However, there was a strange feeling in my heart, as if I had missed something.

Something was wrong, but I couldn't say why.

It always felt like Parem's past would have been a bad decision.

However, Ram has the problem of broken corners, and charging is difficult to solve.

For a moment, Roswaal was in a tangle.

"Lord Rosvall."

Just then, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Leave it to Ram."

It was Ram who spoke.

The elder sister unexpectedly did not look at Roswaal, but stared at her younger sister with a very complicated expression.

Rem felt a little guilty when she saw her, and looked away slightly unnaturally, not daring to meet her sister's gaze.

And Rem's reaction made Ram sigh inwardly.

"Let Ram go first, and change shifts with Rem in a week. The two of us will complete this task together. Anyway, if you rush from the mansion to the capital, it will only take half a day."

The rotation system, if only Rem is sent, is actually not necessary.

But now Roswaal suddenly felt uneasy, and Ram also saw his thoughts.

More importantly, Ram himself was a little worried.

Unlike Roswaal who rarely pays attention to Rem, Ram has been paying attention to Rem's changes, and has an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Sister, sister, Lord Yuntian wakes up so early every morning."

"Oh, yes."

"Sister, sister, Lord Yuntian refused Rem to wake him up in the morning again today."

"Ah, um, that's it."

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