"Sister, sister, Master Yuntian looks quite handsome, should I say that he has a good temperament? There is always a feeling that you can't take your eyes off."


"Sister, sister, Lord Yuntian praised me today! Hehe."


At first, it only appeared occasionally, but as time went on, the probability of a certain name appearing in the conversation between the two sisters became higher and higher.

Moreover, the change in the attitude of my sister has become more and more obvious.

If Rem is allowed to complete this task alone, it will take a while. . .

Ram felt that he almost guessed the result.

Therefore, she couldn't just let things ferment like this, at least she had to reduce Rem's task time first.

1962 Interception and questioning

"Master Yuntian and Lord Emilia, I will disturb you two for a while, and Rem will change shifts in a week."

While talking, Ram stood beside the dragon carriage and bowed slightly to the two of them.

In the next week, the girl's identity will become the maid of Yuntian's family, nominally the attendant of Emilia, the witch of the dragon.

"Thanks to Roswaal for daring to send you here, didn't you tell him about the treatment?"

"This was requested by Ram."

The hidden meaning in Yuntian's words was recognized by Lahm, and the girl responded calmly.

In Roswaal's eyes, he should be the only one who can treat Ram at present, and now he has released the girl and arranged for Yuntian to inquire about the news.

A day or two is fine, but a week is a bit too long.

If Yuntian really can't treat Lamu, she will have a very hard time in the last two days of the week.

The emptiness and exhaustion of the body are not pleasant, but Ram can only grit his teeth and persist.

Not only that, she had to plan her consumption throughout the week, otherwise she wouldn't be able to make it to the end.

At least for Ram, no matter what reasons and reasons Roswaal has, this task is indeed a bit forced for her.

This is also the change brought about by Yuntian.

After experiencing the incident in the Great Forest of Elior, the prophecy of the Book of Wisdom was broken, causing Roswaal to become more cautious and anxious at the same time.

Many behaviors have raised many requirements while becoming conservative, both for himself and for others.

Nowadays, both Yuntian's actions and Emilia's actions are important information related to the smooth progress of the plan in the eyes of Roswaal, and the priority is very high.

In contrast, Ram's physical condition seems a bit insignificant in the face of his 400-year obsession.

Although he knew for a long time that he was never the most important thing in Roswaal's heart, but being forced to understand this matter still made Ram feel a little disappointed.

No matter who it is, they have not gained a trace of trust after working for nearly ten years, and they will feel uncomfortable.

As the original book said, Ram is just an "excellent and easy-to-use pawn" to Roswaal.

On this chessboard, there is no piece that cannot be discarded in order to reach the final destination.

Yun Tian saw through the wavering hidden under Lahm's calm expression, and didn't say anything more, just pointed to the location of the mansion behind him.

"Go and say goodbye to your sister."

Looking in the direction of Yuntian's finger, the blue-haired younger sister was standing at the gate of the front yard, her eyes were slightly worried and complicated.

Ram nodded, and then walked towards Rem.

In the brief farewell and Rem's respectful farewell, Yuntian and Emilia boarded the dragon carriage, and Ram drove to Lugnica's capital.

. . . . . .

It was not the first time for Ram to go to the capital, so he was familiar with the route.

There was no delay, and it was not particularly rushed. It took about half a day to arrive at the capital.

Nothing special happened on the way, the three chatted more or less, and the journey was almost over in a blink of an eye.

And the moment the luxurious dragon car provided by the Mezzas family and engraved with the Mezzas family badge drove into the tall gate of the royal capital, Yun Tian and the others were stopped.

"Please stay still!"

Listening to the voice, Ram looked at the three figures in front of the dragon car, and couldn't help frowning.

Especially when she saw the red-haired young man in the lead, even Rao Mu couldn't help but change his expression slightly, and whispered in his mouth:

"Sword Saint..."

"Exactly." Reinhardt saluted Ram as a knight, and then asked in a confirming tone:

"This dragon chariot is the frontier uncle, the dragon chariot of Mezas's family is right."

"Yes, even the Juggernaut has no reason to stop the dragon chariot of the Mezzas family from entering the capital." Ram looked at Reinhardt, and responded with the same tone.

"Usually it is true, but right now... excuse me, the person sitting in the car is the fourth Dragon Priestess, Emilia-sama, right?"

"So what?"

This time it was no longer Ram who answered him with a rhetorical question, but Yun Tian who got off the dragon carriage.

He looked at the three familiar friends in front of him, and said slightly jokingly:

"It's the order of Captain Marcus to let the three of you come over to stop me and play the emotional card at the same time, right?"

"That's right, meow, if you don't come, you will be scolded~"

Phyllis, who was standing next to Reinhardt, spread her hands, while Yurius on the other side continued to explain:

"I received a letter from the Count of the Frontier, and Lord Mycrotov summoned you to report. Of course, Lord Emilia will also be with you."

What Julius said did not surprise Yun Tian.

He had already expected this scene when he sent the messenger.

Leaving aside anything else, just Emilia's identity as a silver-haired half-elf is enough to cause an uproar, and now she has even become the Dragon Priestess.

You don't need to think about Yuntian, you know what kind of panic those guys in Wangcheng will be like, calling Yuntian and Emilia over, presumably it is to confirm the authenticity of this absurd fact.


"Emilia, come down first."

Yun Tian didn't respond to Yulius's words, but turned around and said to the inside of the dragon carriage.

Following Yun Tian's words, Emilia, who was wearing a cloak and a hood to cover herself, stepped down from the dragon carriage.

In an instant, Reinhardt, Julius, Phyllis, and even the knights of the kingdom who blocked and intercepted the crowd all cast their gazes over.

Some of them were well-informed and cast complicated or malicious gazes, while some were unaware and cast puzzled and searching gazes.

Under the eyes of everyone, Yun Tian said to Emilia:

"Hand out."

"Is that so?"

The girl obediently stretched out her little hand from the cloak, and with the movement, a strand of silver hair slid out from inside, causing the eyes of all those in the know to shrink.

At this time, Yuntian put the dragon badge, which symbolized the qualifications of the king and the identity of the dragon maiden, into Emilia's hands.

In the next second, a bright light bloomed from the badge orb!

There is no doubt that the person in front of him is the fourth Dragon Priestess!

Making the badge shine is the only iron proof, no one can fake it in front of Reinhardt.

However, Reinhardt, who caught the meaning of Yuntian's action, changed his face, and wanted to persuade him.

"Yuntian, you..."

"Reinhardt, you know the reason better than me."

But his words were directly interrupted by Yun Tian, ​​and the content of the words made him a little speechless.

Yun Tian looked at Julius and Phyllis in turn, and asked them, the exclusive knights of the Dragon Priestess, in a questioning tone:

"The first Dragon Priestess, Duke Crusch Karsten, and the third Dragon Priestess, Anastasia Hexin, have ever been asked to enter the royal city to reveal their identities!"

1963 Questions Resounding in the Royal Capital!

The king selection ceremony has not really started yet.

Only when the five dragon maidens arrive together, will the real start of the king selection ceremony.

Until then, no Dragon Priestess will be called up as a candidate for the throne.

This was decided at the upper-level aristocratic meeting that Yuntian attended before, and Reinhardt was also present, so it is impossible for him not to know.

This is to ensure that at least the five dragon maidens stand on the same starting line at the beginning of the ceremony, and it is as fair as possible.

Although the order in which they are found has an inevitable impact on the forces, everything may change before the ceremony officially begins.

There are also many powerful nobles who sincerely wait for the ceremony to start before contacting the Dragon Maidens. These people are often the pillars of the kingdom, and their strength cannot be ignored.

If Crusch hadn't become the Dragon Priestess, she would have been the leader of this kind of neutral faction.

But even now, the neutral faction still has heavyweights such as the Chairman of the Council of Sages, Mykrotov, the Commander of the Knights of the Kingdom, Marcus, and the Sword Master, Reinhardt.

Even before the appearance of Emilia, Borozwar on the border and Yuntian, the sword of the kingdom who was seen to be somewhat neutral, were also included in this list.

This is almost the largest force in the kingdom.

Even if the three dragon maidens join forces, there is absolutely no possibility of confrontation.

But it was precisely because of this that Yuntian and Roswaal's sudden announcement of joint support for the fourth Dragon Priestess caused an earthquake-like effect.

Different from other people, Yuntian and Roswaal are the real top dignitaries in Lugnica. Even if the two of them join forces to support an ordinary person, it will shock the whole country.

A symbol of one of the pinnacles of force, it is the replacement of the Dragon Covenant that is now shocking the empire.

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