A symbol of the pinnacle of magic, holders of the title of three-color magic attributes, the Mezzas family is the foundational family of the Lugnica magic system.

The combination of the Sword of the Kingdom and the chief magician, coupled with Roswaal's forces under the command of the Grand Duke of the North.

As soon as they got the news, almost all the nobles were thankful that Yuntian didn't accept the noble fief at the beginning.

Otherwise, the two of them joining hands at this moment would be a veritable half of the world.

Of course, even if it's bad now, it's not too bad.

As long as Emilia is of ordinary origin, even if she is a demihuman who suffers from discrimination, she can suddenly become the owner of the strongest and most powerful of the four dragon priestesses.


A silver-haired half-elf with cyanotic eyes.

The moment this news was sent to Wangcheng together with the information that Yuntian and Roswaal joined forces, the nature of the matter changed.

Witch of Envy, this taboo name has been entangled with the Kingdom of Lugnica for more than 400 years.

According to legend, it was Lugnica who sent the Juggernaut to finally seal the Envious Witch successfully, and the dragon Polkenika among the Three Heroes even made a covenant with the kingdom.

Therefore, Lugnica also has the title of the country of the end witch.

But it is such a kingdom, and now a silver-haired half-elf is participating in the king selection ceremony?

Are you kidding me?

No, you can't even joke like that!

Are Yuntian and Roswaal crazy?

That's why there was this scene in front of me, the Juggernaut, the deputy head of the guard knights, and the blue magician came forward to welcome Emilia's arrival.

The high-ranking nobles in the royal city really wanted to know what Yuntian and Roswaal were thinking, and they also urgently needed to find out whether the fourth dragon priestess was really a silver-haired half-elf.

After all, this is a major event that is enough to cause panic in the whole country and even the world.

However, Yuntian will not let them get what they want.

Although they each have impure motives, letting Emilia sit on the throne is one of the few consensuses between Yuntian and Roswaal.

He would not allow Emilia, who had just arrived in the capital, to accept such obvious discrimination.

"Answer me, have Crusch and Anastasia ever been summoned?"

Listening to Yun Tian's unceremonious questioning, the two exclusive knights, Yurius and Phyllis, fell silent.

How come they don't know the purpose of this trip, and why don't they know the high-level doubts about Emilia's identity.

But they can't help themselves, unlike Yuntian and Reinhardt, they don't have the privilege of ignoring anyone's orders.

At this moment, facing the friend's questioning, the two could only remain silent with shame on their faces.

In all fairness, Phyllis was a demihuman who was discriminated against since she was a child, and Julius was even hailed as the best knight.

None of them will hold any malice towards Emilia's identity, at most they will be surprised and inquired, but it is impossible to use identity to determine a person's character and future.

But they are exceptions after all, they can neither represent anything nor change anything.

This is an order issued by the high-level in the name of the kingdom. As knights, they must accept it. This is an obligation.

Yun Tian is also aware of their difficulties, so he has no intention of embarrassing the two of them.

His goal from beginning to end is a person.


Yun Tian's voice had a hint of seriousness, and he rarely talked to people with this attitude.

But when Yun Tian lowered his face and lowered his voice, almost everyone felt the tremendous pressure that made it difficult to breathe.

"Does your current attitude represent the superior nobles, the Council of Wise Men, and the kingdom!"

The clear sky began to fade, and the night gradually replaced the day.


Thunder roared, as if foreshadowing something.

Under Yuntian's power, even Julius felt his back was wet with sweat, and the knights of the rest of the kingdom were even more unbearable, many people's feet were trembling.

Only one person, the red-haired young man in white knight uniform responded to Yun Tian unwaveringly.

"My lord Mycrotov personally ordered it, and after the approval of the upper-level noble meeting and the head of Marcus, at this moment, I do have the right to represent the will of the kingdom!"

Reinhardt didn't want to do this either, he knew how unfair this matter was to Emilia.

As long as you accept this summoning on the grounds of questioning your identity, no matter what the result is, it will leave a stain on Emilia's resume.

If there is a first question, there will be a second time, and then there will be successive problems.

Emilia, who is already in a disadvantaged position, will be even more difficult because of this.

But just like what Reinhardt said, at this moment he represents the will of the kingdom, and the name of the Juggernaut does not allow him to refuse the mission of the kingdom.

"very good."

Yun Tian was not angry because of this, but nodded in satisfaction.

His reaction made others puzzled, but what happened next exploded in the crowd like a bomb!

"Since you represent the will of the kingdom, can I think that at this moment, Lugnica is questioning the sword of my kingdom and the attitude of Borozvar on the border towards the kingdom?"

Before the words fell, Reinhardt's face changed.

He wanted to explain something, but Yuntian didn't give him a chance.

He suddenly raised his voice, and under the influence of the Star Immortal Technique, his question spread throughout the entire capital in an instant.

"'Juvenile Master' Reinhardt Van Astrea, let me ask you, Lugnica doesn't trust me who deters the empire, nor Roswaal who guards the frontier, right!"

1964 Toughness and Concession

Deathly silence.

Not only the area near the city gate, but everyone in the entire capital fell into confusion and silence of doubting life.

The same thought echoed in the hearts of countless people.

"Just now, what did I hear?"

Someone muttered to himself, which caused a chain reaction immediately after being heard by others.

"It seems that the kingdom doesn't trust anyone? Nor does it trust Lord Bemezas at the border?"

Perhaps it was because the content was too shocking, or maybe it was because the voice resounding through the capital was too exaggerated, and the tone of the person who answered was not very sure.

But soon, more and more people came back from the shock and started talking about the topic.

"I heard it too."

"That's right, me too. So many people have heard it, so it can't be an illusion."

"So who is speaking?"

"Somewhat familiar..."

"Stupid you guys, when it comes to deterring the empire, who else is there besides Lord Yuntian, the sword of the kingdom?"

"But if it's Mr. Yuntian, wouldn't the content of what he said just now be..."

The conversation stopped here suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe that what they understood was the truth.

The Kingdom doesn't trust Kingdom Sword and Borderlander?

What a joke, among all the nobles, you may not know how many earls there are, and you may not know what the names of the marquis are.

But there are a few characters that must be known.

Chairman of the Council of Wise Men, the Kingdom's only Duke, Sword Master

Then there is Yuntian, the 'Sword of the Kingdom', and Roswaal L. Mezas, the 'Border Boss'.

It hasn't been long since Yuntian used his own power to deter the empire's diplomatic incident, and his reputation is at its peak.

His existence has almost replaced the Shenlong Covenant now, and is the highest symbol of force to deter other countries.

And Roswaal was not far behind.

The Mezzas family has guarded the frontier for generations, and is a well-known magic family in the kingdom. Almost all the chief magicians of the court will be served by members of the Mezzas family.

Even the magic system of the Kingdom of Lugnica was established by the Mezas family.

Although Roswaal of this generation has a weird personality and a weird style, he still made indelible contributions to the kingdom just like the previous generations of Mezzas Patriarchs.

He created the magical era in which the kingdom flourished for a while, and guarding the northern border alone made it difficult for the Holy Kingdom to get beyond the thunderstorm.

In terms of record and achievements alone, Roswaal will not be worse than Yuntian today.

The most important thing is that besides ability, the key to guarding the frontier is trust. Being entrusted with such a duty, the Mezas family has been the confidant of King Lugnica for generations.

Two people like this, one who ruled the empire in the south, and the other who rejected the holy kingdom in the north, are now telling people that the kingdom doesn't trust them?

Doesn't that mean that the Empire and the Holy Kingdom may attack at any time?

That's not how it's joked, and no one would believe such stupidity.

but. . .However, that sentence was said by Yun Tian himself, which makes people have to believe it.


"Speaking of which, did Master Juggernaut lead a team to the city gate not long ago? Could it be...!"

For a while, the capital became silent again.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian's move can be called heart attack.

Holding high the banner of prestige and overwhelming people with trust is exactly what Finn is good at in the Earth Wrong world, and Yuntian can be regarded as a true inheritance.

Standing opposite him, Reinhardt was well aware of the impact of Yuntian's words, and he looked extremely helpless on his face, and persuaded:

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