"You know that's not what I mean. Regardless of other nobles, at least Lord Mycrotov and Captain Marcus have no intention of embarrassing you."

"But they also nodded for the verification, didn't they?"

Of course Yuntian knew that Reinhardt was not telling lies, and no one with real wisdom would be frightened by so-called legends.

But in order to appease the people, they must make an example and a pledge.

After all, the kingdom is not one-sided now. When the king is away, the voting and voice of the upper-class nobles are magnified without limit.

At other times, the nobles didn't mind selling face to Mycrotov, but when it came to their own real interests, the situation was completely different.

Both Mycrotov and Reinhardt had to take into account the sensitivity of the nobles and the public to Emilia's identity.

Therefore, verification and questioning are what they must do based on their identities.

But Yuntian doesn't like this.

He is willing to play by the rules, provided they don't get in his way.

If he wanted to feel that he could restrain Yuntian like Reinhardt was restrained by rules, he would not have such a good temper.

"Emilia's identity was confirmed by me and Roswaal, and under the watchful eye of your sword master, the dragon emblem glowed. Do you admit this conclusion?"

Yun Tian's words blocked all of Reinhardt's arguments, the red-haired young man could only sigh and nod.

"Well, now tell me, which part of this conclusion does the Kingdom distrust?"

Yun Tian looked at Reinhardt, and asked in a sharp tone:

"Do you not trust me or Roswaal, or are you planning to question the prophecy on the Dragon Calendar Stone? Or, you Juggernaut thinks that you will be mistaken and want me to check this badge for you? "

"I..." Reinhardt opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say.

He couldn't answer this sentence, and he couldn't answer it.

If it is not done well, it will become a bomb that detonates public opinion.

Originally, some people's hearts were fluctuating because of the fall of the royal family in Lugnica, but it was only because of Yuntian's strong record in the empire that they barely stabilized people's hearts.

If something happens again, it will be difficult to end.

You can't go in, you can go back, you can't go back.

Reinhardt took over the task of the kingdom. Behind him stood the Council of Sages and the entire upper-level noble meeting. He now represents the will of the kingdom.

How could the kingdom back down because of Yun Tian's words?

This is Reinhardt's shackles, the restriction of his reputation as a Juggernaut, and the main reason why Lugnica has such absolute power and dare not start a war.

Today Yuntian can use a few words to trap him in a dilemma, but tomorrow other countries will find a way to restrict him to the battlefield.

"That's all for today, Reinhardt."

Yun Tian waved his hand, and said to the Juggernaut with a very tangled expression:

"You can go back, don't mind the so-called superior noble meeting, without the approval of me, Roswaal, Crusch and you, the conclusion of the superior noble meeting is simply not tenable."

In Yuntian's view, the will of the kingdom is just an excuse for those nobles to drive Reinhardt for their own benefit.

A meeting without the participation of top nobles like them is also worthy of representing the will of the kingdom?

"Yuntian, I..."

"As I said, this is the end of today." Yun Tian interrupted Reinhardt's words without the slightest politeness.

At the same time, he held the Black Furnace Demon Sword at his waist, and a faint sword intent began to emanate from his body.

"Unless, you plan to fight me like this, then of course I am willing to accompany you!"

Seeing Yuntian's attitude, Reinhardt's face turned bitter.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head, sighed again and said:

"I understand. I will pass on what you said today to Lord Mycrotov and the nobles, and...sorry."

After finishing speaking, Reinhardt took one last look at Yuntian with a complicated expression, turned around and left here with the others.

1965 home

"Get in the car, let's go."

After solving the episode, Yun Tian returned the Dragon Badge to Emilia and motioned her to get in the car.

As a result, the girl didn't react immediately, but stood there and looked at him in a daze. Not only Emilia, but even Ram cast a strange gaze towards Yuntian.

It was a bit strange to be looked at by the eyes of the two as if they knew him again, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead and asked doubtfully:

"What do you see me doing?"

"Eh? Ah...no, nothing." Emilia was a little flustered after Yuntian's question brought her back to her senses.

Her tone of looking around was also stammering.

On the contrary, Ram looked very calm, and expressed his thoughts directly.

"Master Yuntian, you have always been very good at talking, you often have a smile on your face, and your personality is also very bad, so it's a bit surprising to see you so strong for the first time."

But Ram didn't say the whole thing.

Another reason why she was stunned just now was that the scene of Yun Tian forcefully suppressing the Juggernaut shocked her a little, and she felt that she was handsome.

Ram glanced at Emilia who kept nodding in agreement with his point of view, and felt that the other party probably had similar thoughts as himself.

But Ram knew that Emilia didn't understand what the word 'juggernaut' meant.

And the more you know the gold content of this title, the more you understand the significance of Yun Tian's actions just now.

Except for the capital, the impression of Yuntian in other places has always been in the legend, and referring to the Envious Witch, one can know how unreliable the legend is.

Therefore, even if you have witnessed the strength of Yuntian, it is better to witness the reality of Yuntian and Reinhardt's confrontation with your own eyes.

Only after witnessing the confrontation between Yuntian and Reinhardt, can one truly understand why he is considered worthy of being compared to the Juggernaut.

Strength is not the key, Yuntian also said that in terms of strength alone, he is no match for Reinhardt now.

But the momentum is completely opposite.

When the two sides confronted each other, it was the weaker Yuntian side who had the obvious initiative and pressure.

People who are not in the realm naturally can't understand why, they only think that Yuntian can really fight against Reinhardt.

But Ram understood why.

Not only because she has reached that state, but also because the girl has personally experienced that kind of power, and that kind of belief once flowed in her body.

So Ram knew that Reinhardt did not lose in strength, but in belief.

On one side is the unwavering ego, and on the other side is the ego that is distorted and bound by other objects. The gap is so large that even Reinhardt's strength cannot make up for it.

The confrontation between the two sides in terms of momentum is quite one-sided.

"It's a bit powerful." Ram muttered.

"Huh?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and looked at Ram in confusion.

"It's nothing, Lord Emilia, hurry up and get in the car."

Ram directly retreated to the driving position, not giving Yun Tian a chance to look directly at him.

. . . . . .

I set off early in the morning and walked for half a day. When I arrived at the capital, it was almost half of the afternoon, and it was not too far from dinner time.

By the time they arrived at Yuntian's house, it was almost four o'clock.

However, Emilia and Ram, who got off the station at the door of Yuntian's house, looked at the house in front of them silently, and then they glanced at each other in unison.

They all saw exactly the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

"It's so small."

"Lord Emilia, it's very rude to say what's in your heart, and it will hurt the poor Master Yuntian."

"Ah, I'm sorry Yuntian, I didn't know that saying that would hurt you."

Listening to the conversation between the two girls, I saw Emilia turn around and bow in apology, and even faintly heard Parker's laughter in the magic spar.

Yun Tian glared at La Mu with black lines all over his head, and La Mu blinked at him with a righteous face, as if saying that he was right.

As for Emilia, she may not have realized that what she said just now had a full of yin and yang flavor.

Yun Tian couldn't help sighing, and looked again at the house that he was satisfied with until the last second.

Seriously, it can't be considered small.

The two-storey single-family villa has a wide yard enough to raise several ground dragons, place dragon carts, and has a fountain and a small garden.

In modern society, this is also a luxury large-scale residence that can only be priced in units of [-] million.

Not to mention the small size, Yuntian thought it was too big, and the house was very empty.

However, if you compare it with the Mezzas family, the gap is indeed somewhat obvious.

Not to mention the three main buildings, the front yard alone is bigger than Yuntian's entire house.

Emilia originally lived in the big forest. After she came out, she passed by the Mirod house and the Mezas house. The buildings are all standard aristocratic exaggerated mansions.

Ram is also the maid of the Meizas family, and she has seen many noble houses.

Now when I come to the capital, I will inevitably feel a little small when I see this quasi-noble or rich man's house with the standard of a guard knight.

After all, with Yuntian's status even slightly higher than Roswaal's, it would be appropriate to have a duke-level mansion.

Ram had heard some rumors about Yuntian's maverick, but he didn't expect that there would be such a big gap.

This made her feel Yuntian's specialness again, and at the same time she was faintly relieved.

Ram now has to temporarily work as a maid in Yuntian's family. If the room is too big, it will be difficult for her to complete the task due to lack of physical fitness.

Rem is also doing most of the housework in the Meizas house, and Ram is only responsible for a small part.

So, when he saw the thoughtful expression on Yuntian's face, Ram unexpectedly added:

"Such a house is also very good. Small has its advantages. At least it will be cleaned well...ah, it will be very cozy."

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