1994 Observation and mutation


Yun Tian, ​​who brought Rem to his house, looked back, and found the girl was unexpectedly silent, frowning and kept looking at the house in front of him.

Recalling the reaction of Lahm and Emilia when they first came, Yuntian reminded silently:

"Don't be too small."

"Eh? Ah, no, no, Rem doesn't think so."

Obviously stunned by Yun Tian's words, Rem who came back to her senses hastily shook her head and explained.

Seeing that her reaction didn't seem to be justifying, but she was really looking at something just now, vaguely aware of the problem, Yun Tian opened his mouth to confirm:

"Is something wrong?"

"There is no house, it's just... Mr. Yuntian, have you come into contact with Witch Cultists recently?"

"Sure enough," Yun Tian said in his heart, instead of answering directly, he asked again.

"You have noticed the breath of the Witch Cult."

"Yeah." Rem nodded upon hearing that.

"I actually noticed something on the road just now, my sister's body is very light, but you, Master Yuntian, are more intense.

"I thought it was an accidental contact, and I planned to ask later, but I found out when I got here..."

Rem looked at the house in front of her, moved her nose slightly, and then frowned.

"It's very strong, it's almost as if a large number of Witch Cultists are still living here."

Having said that, Rem suddenly realized something, looked at Yuntian and explained anxiously:

"Of course Rem is not doubting Mr. Yuntian, but, did you build a dungeon-like facility under the building?"

This was the most likely scenario Rem could imagine.

However, the girl was still wrong.

She never dreamed that the aura that can only appear when a large number of Witch Cultists gather together actually comes from one person.

In Yuntian's house, there lived a serious crime bishop.

"Come in first, and I'll explain it to you after meeting people."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, although Rem was a little puzzled, she still nodded obediently and didn't say anything more.

Walking into the yard, the first thing you see is Alaba, whose size is really eye-catching.

This time it didn't come to block the door, firstly, it recognized Yuntian's breath, and secondly, it also remembered Leimu's breath.

'The stingy maid who didn't give me enough food last time. '

Thinking of this, Alaba just glanced at the door, and then got down on the ground again.

Recently, Alaba has become restless, and Mana in her body has also become agitated.

Calculating the time, Yalaba has been following Yuntian for a long time, and he has eaten a certain amount of black dragon meat.

If nothing else, it will usher in a second transformation.

And when it was lying on its stomach, Bai Zhi would always lean over.

In the first two times, Alaba would sweep it away with his tail, but after more times, Alaba didn't bother to care about it anymore, and just let Bai Zhinian stay by his side.

If you don't go out now, you can always see two ground dragons lying together in the yard.

. . . . . .

After following Yuntian into the house, Rem sniffed left and right like a puppy, and then looked around suspiciously.

She felt very strange, there was such a strong witch's breath, but she couldn't find the source at all.

It's as if the Witch Cultists themselves have left.

But if the source is not here, how can there be such a strong breath that lingers for a long time.

With doubts, Lei Mu followed Yun Tian to the living room.

Then, she saw the beautiful woman who seemed to be the incarnation of the word 'pure white'.

"You are Rem." An ethereal voice sounded.

Almost instantly, looking at that gentle smile, Rem perfectly combined this woman with the guess in memory.

"I met Mr. Edelweiss. It's the first time we met. Rem is the maid who will be in charge of the work for the next week."

Although Yun Tian had told her in advance that there was no need to be nervous, but when she actually faced Edelweiss, the girl still felt a little stiff all over.

Edelweiss' temperament is really good, even if she doesn't exude a trace of aura, the feeling of standing on the top of the mountain is still very clear.

Even if Rem can't face it calmly like her sister Ram, nervousness is inevitable.

"Relax, come and sit, Ram often tells me that he has a baby sister."

Edelweiss had expected Rem's reaction, and she waved to the girl, signaling Rem to come and sit beside her.

Edelweiss was full of pity for the pair of ghost sisters with tragic life experiences.

After taking a look at Yun Tian, ​​Lei Mu hesitated for a moment and walked over, sat beside Edelweiss and chatted with her somewhat cautiously.

During this process, Yun Tian never opened his mouth to speak. He carefully observed Rem's reaction, guessing and inferring the situation.

Instead of disturbing Edelweiss and Rem, Yuntian took out his book and sat aside, giving them enough opportunities to communicate.

It's just that he didn't read a single word, and his attention was always on Rem and Edelweiss.

During this period, Edelweiss couldn't help casting a few questioning glances, as if he wanted to ask Yun Tian what problem he had.

But he was interrupted by a slight shake of his head.

After so many years of getting along, the tacit understanding between the two is beyond words.

Although he didn't know what Yun Tian wanted to do for the time being, the lovely Deweisi still cooperated with him silently.

Slowly, during the conversation with Edelweiss, Rem gradually relaxed.

The impression of this hostess also began to correspond to the image depicted in her sister Ram's letter. The gentle and considerate Edelweiss quickly gained Ram's favor.

Seeing that the relationship between the two was warming up and Lei Mu was no longer nervous, Yun Tian put down his book and set up a star fairy enchantment to temporarily isolate the living room.

The action this time was not small, it directly interrupted the chat between Edelweiss and Rem, causing them to look over at the same time.

"Master Yuntian?"

Seeing the doubt in Rem's eyes, Yun Tian walked up to them and asked:

"How about Rem, do you feel anything?"

"Feeling?" The girl tilted her head in confusion.

Then he tentatively replied: "Sister Edelweiss is very gentle?"

Seeing this, Yun Tian didn't say whether Lei Mu's answer was right or not, but just nodded.

Then he reached out and took the 'Hermit Jade Pendant' from Edelweiss' waist, and asked again:

"now what?"


Almost at the same time Yun Tian took the jade pendant, Rem retreated instinctively, leaning against the wall and looking at Edelweiss with an unbelievable gaze.

In the next second, the girl's complex voice mixed with confusion, unbelief, hatred, and confusion echoed in the living room.

"Witch Cultists—!?"

At the same time, huge mana fluctuations began to emerge on the girl's body, and a white light began to bloom in the middle of her forehead!

1995 Conflict and Calm

Demonization, known as the strongest demi-human race, is the famous stunt of the Oni Clan.

Its essence is very simple, it is to awaken and activate the ghost horns to maximize the growth of one's body.

The extent of this increase is very exaggerated, and it can almost make the members of the ghost clan leap to a large level.

It is precisely because of this that twins with only one horn are considered taboo, because their increase will be far less terrifying than normal ghosts.

But even so, for the current Rem, ghosting is enough for her to usher in a huge improvement called transformation.

However, such a powerful and unreasonable promotion method is often accompanied by some side effects, such as the ghost of the ghost clan.

In a sense, ghosting is similar to madness. While gaining a huge increase, the mind will be infected by the emotions of war and killing, and the rationality will be suppressed to a certain extent.

This kind of rage originating from the blood of the ghost clan is the source of their strength, but it is not without restraint.

In fact, every adult ghost race can resist this kind of erosion, and the outstanding ones can even further transform it into their own strength.

Ram, who is known as the second coming of ghosts and gods, can do this naturally. She has never shown a reaction to being affected, as if the negative effects of ghosting do not exist on her.

It is worth mentioning that Rem was able to do the same when she was a child.

She used to be the same as her sister, able to maintain ghost transformation for a long time without being affected.

Maybe it's because the influence of the single character itself is small, or it's the unique talents of the two sisters. Ram and Rem are the only taboo twins who survived, so the ghosts don't know what kind of situation it is.

In any case, this power was once something that Rem could control on her own, no matter how high or low the increase was, the girl would never fall into madness.

That's right, it was 'once'.

Now, Rem has lost the ability to freely control the demonization.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than.

A wanton and tyrannical smile began to appear at the corner of his mouth, and the blue eyes that were originally as pure as the sky were also stained with a blackness called hatred.

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