All of this stems from the ghost horn shining in the center of the girl's forehead, and the glaring blood in the dazzling light tells the reason.

From the night when the ghost village was destroyed, Rem lost the ability to freely control ghosts.

With her heart completely swallowed by hatred and regret, she can no longer ignore the negative effects of ghosting as she did when she was a child. Once the ghost horns are activated, hatred will completely erode her will.


"Kill you! Witch Cultists!"

Only crazy runaway!

Rem rushed towards Edelweiss almost as soon as he completed the ghost transformation, his hands were clawed, as if he wanted to tear the enemy into pieces.

Just as Edelweiss was about to make a move, a voice interrupted her and made the berserk Rem's body stop.

"Calm down, Rem."

The voice did not contain any power, but it was sent to the girl's ears precisely, but it awakened a trace of reason in her that should have dissipated.

Yun Tian stood still and didn't move. He didn't intend to stop, and there was no need to stop Rem's movements.

Even with the increase of ghost transformation, the girl has no possibility of hurting Edelweiss, just like Cecils in the empire, even the protection of the star power cannot break through.

Yun Tian just wanted to see to what extent Rem's rationality was suppressed, and how important he was in the girl's heart.

Only by understanding this can he resolve this knot in a targeted manner and regain the strength that originally belonged to Rem.

" lord...I..."

The result was much better than Yun Tian imagined.

The moment he spoke, the girl stopped in her tracks. Although the madness on her face hadn't faded away, Yun Tian and Edelweiss caught the hesitation in her eyes.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and showed a hint of a smile.

Only then did Yun Tian walk up to the girl, reached out and touched her head and said:

"It's okay, just calm down and trust me."

" lord..." Rem turned his head to glance at Yuntian stiffly, and the madness on his body faintly diminished.

But her movements remained unchanged, she still kept aiming at Edelweiss, as if she might charge towards her again at any time.


Yun Tian's voice echoed in Rem's ears, and his hand slowly moved to the ghost horn in the center of her forehead, and stroked it lightly.


In an instant, the girl trembled all over, unable to maintain her posture anymore, she fell to the ground and was hugged by Yun Tian.

As the aura dissipated, the irritability also disappeared from the girl, and her eyes returned to their original sky blue.

. . . . . .

"I'm sorry, it was Rem who lost his composure, and I ask Master Yuntian to punish you."

The girl wanted to go up to Yun Tian and kneel down to apologize, but he stopped her, so she obediently sat on the sofa with her head down, looking introspective.

"You shouldn't apologize to me, you should apologize to Xiao Ai." Yun Tian shook his head.

"But..." Rem opened her mouth when she heard the words, but interrupted when she wanted to say something.

She looked in the direction where Edelweiss was, biting her lip with a complicated expression.

After hesitating for a while, Rem still lowered her head and said in a complicated tone:

"I'm very sorry, Lord Edelweiss."

"Don't call me sister anymore." Edelweiss revealed the matter slightly teasingly.

But in her heart, based on Rem's reaction just now, she recognized Rem as a younger sister.

He could still hear Yun Tian's voice when he was transformed into a ghost, and he could obediently bow his head and apologize to his 'enemy' without knowing the situation at all.

It is enough to show that Rem has a considerable degree of trust in Yuntian.

Only when this can be done, Edelweiss will recognize that she has truly become one of her own.

"Explain it, or Rem will be too pitiful." So, Edelweiss looked at Yuntian.

"I thought you would explain it yourself." Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You are the 'Master', Rem will only trust you now, of course it is up to you to explain."

Edelweiss glanced at Rem and sighed slightly.

The hatred in the girl's eyes reminded her of Ais in the wrong world, even the crazy appearance when she ran away was somewhat similar.

"Okay, then let me explain."

"Explain?" Listening to Yun Tian and Edelweiss' words, Rem vaguely realized something.

"First let me reintroduce her to you."

With a wicked smile on the corner of Yuntian's mouth, he pointed at Edelweiss and said:

"One of the leaders of the Witch Cult, Archbishop of Sin · 'Pride' Edelweiss."

"Big, Big Sin Bishop!?"

For a moment, only the girl's unbelievable exclamation was left in the living room.

1996 Rem at a loss

Witch Cult is mysterious.

The biggest reason why countries around the world can't do anything about them is this mystery.

Information such as base area, number of people, organizational structure, etc. are completely unknown, so even if they want to deal with the Witch Cult, they have no way to start.

The only thing that is clear is their purpose of resurrecting the Envious Witch, and that the believers are all lunatics who are not afraid of death without exception, and they do all kinds of evil.

Not everyone knows even the name of the High Sin Archbishop, let alone how many there are, and who they are.

Essentially speaking, the Archbishop of Great Sin and the Witch of Great Sin are both people who have inherited the witch factor, and there is no distinction between high and low personalities.

It's just that 400 years later, today is called the Great Sin Bishop, and the era 400 years ago is called the Great Sin Witch.

If Edelweiss wanted to, she could call herself the arrogant Sin Witch, and even Pandora would have no objection.

Of course, that would cause dissatisfaction among those believers who truly believed in the Envious Witch.

After all, calling yourself a witch is putting yourself in the same position as the jealous witch, which is considered disrespectful in the Witch Cult.

It's just that it's useless to be dissatisfied. Every major crime bishop has absolute suppression power over his subordinates.

This kind of suppression is not only strength and power, but also comes from the Gospel in the hands of every Witch Cultist.

The prophecy revealed above will make them obey the Archbishop of Sin unconditionally.

In fact, Edelweiss also has a group of disciples who follow him. They are all arrogant witches, and they will obey Edelweiss' instructions unconditionally.

Today's Witch Cult has no real strongholds, only a few commonly used meeting places, which can basically be discarded at any time.

This is also one of the important reasons why no trace of the Witch Cult has been found so far.

Because the Witch Cult's internal affairs are completely disorganized, the six archbishops of crimes do not usually meet each other, and it is not surprising that other archbishops of crimes meet and fight, except for a few people who have special connections.

Edelweiss and the priest of lust had conflicts in Kalaragi, if Pandora hadn't intervened, it would undoubtedly have developed into a deadly battle.

And the reason why Pandora will intervene is also very simple, because Edweiss is a qualified person with arrogance factor who rarely reappears after decades.

The previous arrogant bishop came to Lugnica shortly after the end of the Asian Human War 40 years ago and set off the Black Dragon Rebellion, and finally died in Lugnica.

That battle finally led to the dragon Polkenika, which is also the most direct reason why Lugnica's belief in the dragon is so extreme today.

Wilhelm also defeated the strongest empire in that disaster, and ushered in the pinnacle moment of his life when he touched the Heavenly Sword Realm.

Since then until today, no new arrogant bishop has been born for ten years, and only the arrogant seat of the Witch Cult remains vacant.

Until the appearance of Edelweiss.

Therefore, when Pandora intervened in the battle between Edelweiss and Desire Bishop in Kalaragi, it was not to protect Desire Bishop.

Quite the contrary, she is sheltering the newborn arrogant Bishop Edelweiss.

Because the power of this generation of strong-willed bishops is very tricky in a sense, and it can be called a bug. Even Pandora recognizes his power, and doesn't think that Edelweiss can win.

Possesses the ability to almost rewrite the script of the fate of the world, but Pandora is not truly omnipotent.

After Edelweiss died, it was easy to recover the arrogance factor, but it is unknown when the next arrogant bishop will appear.

It is precisely because of the existence of this false witch who hides behind the scenes that the Witch Cult can barely maintain an organization.

Otherwise, with the personality of the major bishops who can't understand human language at all, they would have already fallen apart and even killed each other first.

. . . . . .

"So, what Master Yuntian means is that Master Edelweiss became the Archbishop of Sin, is he a good person?"

After calming down, Rem looked at Yuntian, and then turned to Edelweiss again, with a complicated expression on his face.

Yun Tian explained a lot to her, even though it was not complete, it was enough for her to understand the situation.

The key lies in two points.

One is that the Archbishop of Sin is only adapted to the Witch factor, not the name obtained by really doing evil or joining the Witch Cult.The second is that Edelweiss has just become the arrogant bishop, so she cannot have anything to do with the destruction of the ghost clan.

as for more

"No, I'm not a good person. There's nothing wrong with you seeing me as a heinous villain."

Edelweiss personally denied it.

"I have killed countless people in my life. There are old people, young people, men, and women. Although too many people did not die directly by my sword, they also died because of me."

Edelweiss looked at Rem calmly, with that indifferent expression as if he was telling other people's affairs, but the content of his words made people shudder.

"For the evil, the innocent, the damned, and the good, my hands have been stained with countless blood, and I should no longer be called a good person."

Having said that, Edelweiss paused for a moment, with a rare self-deprecating expression on his expression.

"Perhaps it is because of this that I was selected by the witch factor, which symbolizes a great crime, and became a qualified person I haven't seen in decades."

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