Wilhelm fell to the ground together, pulled out the sword stuck above the invisible eyeball, and held it up to the sky!

What at first glance might seem like pointless bravado is actually a hugely inspiring gesture.

At the same time, Wilhelm himself used this method to vent the depression and rage that had been suppressed in his heart for 14 years, so as to ensure that he would not be completely swallowed up by the intensifying fire of revenge.

He really, more than anyone else in the room needed to vent.

"It's ugly, monster!"

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he showed his victory to the white whale with a pitiful and miserable smile. This was Wilhelm's current state.

"It is an unacceptable fact that it was this level of monster that caused my wife, the former sword master, to fall."

Wilhelm's sigh was not without reason.

Even though there were too many reasons for the death of the former sword master Theresia, the sword has been abandoned for a long time, the battle formation has been neglected for a long time, and the protection of the sword master was transferred at the time of the battle.

But even so, Wilhelm, who knew Theresia's strength very well, didn't think that his wife would lose to the old monster in front of him that he could suppress for a second time.

Even without the protection of the Juggernaut, the talents drawn by the protection itself will not disappear completely, and Thearesia's actual combat experience in ending the demihuman war will not disappear.

Not to mention, in addition to the Juggernaut's protection, this former sword master also has another protection that can exert a terrifying effect in battle.

Without the protection of the Juggernaut, Thearesia should at least be able to reach Wilhelm's current level.

Even without the influence of her physical strength, she will only do better, and it is impossible that she can't even get out of the body.

However, the battlefield is not the right place or time to think.

Wilhelm suppressed the sense of disobedience that had been lingering in his heart since the beginning of the white whale battle, raised his sword again, and prepared to attack again when his physical strength was barely enough.



Losing one eye, the excruciating pain almost drove the white whale into madness.

But at the same time, Wilhelm finally gave it a chance to fight back when he had to take a short breath!

The only remaining eye of the roaring white whale was dyed blood red, and the bright red gaze mixed with tyranny and anger was directed at the crusade team, especially Wilhelm.

The next second, the white whale opened its mouth.

No, the description of this sentence is actually not correct.

The 'mouth' that actually opens is filled with depressions all over the body of the beluga whale that continuously make breathing movements like gills.

These 'mouths' opened suddenly, followed by a burst of sound.


It was an extremely ear-piercing noise like a scream, resounding through the entire battlefield starting from countless depressions.

It is impossible to imagine the incongruent tones that living things can make, and the strong stimulation that is enough to torture the spirit like fingernails scratching the blackboard affects everyone.

Not only humans, but even mounts such as earth dragons and ligers have been affected.

All interference and suppression against the white whale were forced to a standstill. At this moment, the crusade team ushered in the worst subversion.


Accompanied by the sound of puffing, an astonishingly high concentration of mist spewed out from countless depressions in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, thick fog covered everything in sight.

The world originally illuminated by "Night Drive" was replaced by a vast expanse of whiteness.

The disappearance of the effect of repelling the night is second to none. The important thing is that the white whale itself disappeared as if it had merged into the sea of ​​fog.

As a result, the crusade team and even Wilhelm could no longer launch precise attacks on the white whale as easily as before.

The Beast of the Mist, literally revealed its true abilities.

At this moment, an anxious roar ran through the entire battlefield.

"The whole army disperses! Be careful to avoid attacks!"

That was Curius' voice.

And almost at the same time, the power of 'white' came to the battlefield!

The unique white mist that can be easily distinguished even by the naked eye is accompanied by a dense mass, passing through the entire sea of ​​fog in one breath.

The white mist was like a monstrous wave, blowing across the ground with frightening effect.

In an instant, the ground disappeared as if it was melting.

All the matter where the white mist went disappeared out of thin air without warning, as if it had been swallowed.

2038 The counterattack of the white whale, the second stage of the crusade!

The white whale, known as the monster of fog, has two types of fog.

One is a diffuse fog that covers a large area, making oneself invisible while covering all vision, and expanding one's swimming area.

And the second type is the fog of annihilation that engulfed the earth before

This kind of destructive white mist can be recognized at a glance as long as you know the information about the white whale.

It is the extremely evil ability to make the existence of the devouring target disappear, the key factor that the white whale is most feared and hated by people!

As long as they are swallowed by the white mist of annihilation, people will disappear in everyone's memory, as if they never existed from the very beginning!


The Wind Sword Technique blows away a small portion of the fog along with the sound, the white landscape is cut, and the sound becomes a guidepost.

Crusch swung his sword, barely clearing out a visible area, and at the same time, the crusade team who had lost their vision regrouped in a panic.

After swiping dozens of slashes with all her strength, she wiped the sweat off her forehead, looked at the gathered teams while panting on the ground dragon and asked:

"How many people were lost?"

He didn't ask about the death, and he didn't ask about the wounded, because Crusch knew the ability of the white whale and knew what would happen if the blow just hit.

Each team has a fixed 15 people, without exception.

The purpose is to prepare for the helpless response to the current situation.

No one who was swallowed by the white mist could remember its existence, but the fact that each team had 15 people would never change.

Even if your memory tells you that this team has 14 people from the beginning, your reason will make you clear that the reason for this memory is all due to the ability of the white whale.

But luckily, it wasn't those captains who answered Crusch, but Edelweiss who walked into the battlefield and came to them without a sound.

"15 teams, a total of 22 people lost their combat effectiveness in the attack just now, and now Phyllis is leading the treatment team to treat them."

Hearing Edelweiss' words, Crusch breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time gave her a grateful look.

Crusch understood that at least half of the 22 people should have disappeared in the white mist, and they still exist now, all because Edelweiss rescued them.

Just being affected by the aftermath or shock wave, losing combat power is already a blessing in misfortune.

Even relying on the means of the treatment team led by Phyllis, as long as they can persist for a while, they will return to the battlefield and become a combat force.


As soon as the thought of "there is still a chance of winning" arose, Crusch heard Edelweiss' question.

"Do you want to give up? I will take over the battle."

Crusch was taken aback when he heard those words, then sighed, and asked:

"Have you judged that we have lost the chance?"

"It's not me, it's Yuntian."

Edelweiss shook his head lightly, then looked deep into the thick fog, as if he was looking at something.

"Once you fail to shoot down the white whale, and you cannot completely suppress it in a state where it has no chance to use its special abilities, then the crusade will be declared a failure."

Edelweiss looked at Crusch again, and said:

"This is Yuntian's original words. Of course, the decision is in your hands as the commander. According to the content of the agreement, I will guarantee the safety of the members of the crusade team. You can try whatever you want."

This kind of attempt is not unlimited, even if Edelweiss saves the dying warrior, the magic power of magicians and healers is not unlimited.

Moreover, the injuries of the soldiers can be treated, and the accumulated fatigue, exhausted spirit, accumulated pressure, and decreased physical strength cannot be recovered.

It won't be long before the crusade team will reach its limit.

This was Edelweiss' own judgment, and it was also the reason why she let Crusch try his best.

After the other party is convinced, she will naturally accept this achievement and record.

Moreover, it ended too quickly, which was not good for Yuntian's plan.

If the White Whale had been attacked here before encountering the Witch Cult, the lazy archbishop might have chosen to retreat.

"Try... what."

Crusch muttered the word.

Ashamed to say, with the guarantee and safety brought by Edelweiss, Crusch really had such thoughts in his mind.

But it's not that she was so greedy for the achievements of the crusade against the white whale, but that she was declared a failure in advance, and it ended in such a halfway way, which is really unacceptable.

It's not just her who thinks so.

"Use the demon stone, Lord Crusch, I still have the power to fight with this body!"

Appearing from the thick fog not far away was Wilhelm who was bathed in the blood of the white whale.

He heard what Edelweiss said, so he proposed without wasting any time:

"The monster is afraid, hiding its body, and not attacking for a long time is the best proof. It may be observing our reaction, which also shows that our previous attack is not useless!

"Now is the chance to fight back. While my old bone still has the ability to attack one last time, use the demon stone!"

From Wilhelm's words, everyone can easily understand his hidden true thoughts.

This sword ghost, the sword of the former kingdom, wants to avenge his wife with his own hands!

As long as there is still a chance, he definitely wants to kill the monster Moby Whale!

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