"I also agree with the old man's point of view. The main players are all there, and the cards have not been played. It would be too disappointing to give up like this."

Echoing Wilhelm was Ricardo, the leader of the Iron Fang Mercenary Group.

He was in a very similar state to Wilhelm, his whole body was almost stained red by the blood of the white whale.

Of all the people, the two of them charged the hardest and inflicted the most serious injuries on the white whale.

Seeing that the leaders of the two main teams supported the rematch, Crusch, as the commander, also thought the same way, nodded after a moment of thought and said:

"The shelling team is ready to reload the demon stone. There are only two copies. We must seize the opportunity!"


With Crusch's order, all members of the subjugation team started working again.

And the demon stone mentioned in the conversation just now is the trump card for this battle against the white whale!

Its rarity reached the point where Duke Crusch and Anastasia's Hexin Chamber of Commerce could only get two pieces together.

"Everyone! Come with me!"

This time, Crusch will personally lead the team to launch a general attack!

Accompanied by the command, while Crusch and the others spread out and charged, a magic stone cannon roared into the sky.

The one that was shot into the sky was the demon stone!

"Successful! The fog is dispelled!"

The brilliance of the magic stone exploded in the sky, clearing away the thick fog covering the battlefield in one go.

However, it is not completely eliminated, but the concentration of the fog is greatly reduced, making the field of vision change from white to barely visible.

It's not perfect, but the effect is already very significant.

The fog of the white whale is constructed by its huge mana, and its concentration can be said to be almost equal to the visualized magic fog.

As for the magic stone, the effect is to restore and invalidate the nature of mana in the surrounding area, so as to dispel the dense fog.

But there are pros and cons.

Because Mana is silent in the mandatory area, the power of magic and magic stone cannon will inevitably be affected.


"The fog can't be completely eliminated, but relatively, the impact on our magic will be negligible. The whole army! Total attack!"

Crusch's voice announced that the white whale subjugation war has entered the second stage!

2039 Runaway Ghost!

'Almost there. '

As the scenery changed, when they stepped into the forest, such thoughts surfaced in the hearts of the three people headed by Emilia.

Feeling the soft touch of stepping on the fallen leaves from the soles of the shoes, and stepping on the slightly muddy land, Emilia, Rem, and Otto rode the ground dragon and slowly moved forward in a tense atmosphere.

From the moment he entered the forest, Yuntian disappeared unconsciously.

Although this was a plan that was understood in advance, without Yun Tian by his side, the three of them would inevitably become a little too tense and vigilant in the oppressive atmosphere.

Looking up, they could see the moon hanging high in the night sky, and the gentle night wind made the three of Emilia realize the fine sweat on their foreheads.

Even though they had companions by their side, the three of them had the illusion of being alone and helpless.

Witch Cult, High Sin Archbishop.

Know the identity of the enemy you are about to face, know that the opponent is lurking in the forest now, and. . .Feel the unusual silence and chill.

They knew that an attack could happen suddenly every minute and every second!

The moment this thought arises

call out--!

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly hit!

The target is Emilia riding an earth dragon!


The thrown dagger was blocked by Emilia who had been prepared with an ice shield.

The three people who had expected the surprise attack in advance did not panic, but their progress was indeed forced to stop.

And the position at this moment also happened to be on the border line that was about to enter Mezas Territory.

"Witch Cult..." Emilia bit her lips.

Around the three of them, a group of black shadows surrounded them, as if blending into the night environment.

Wearing uniform black robes and hoods covering their faces, they could tell they were some kind of weird church organization at a glance.

No one spoke, and no one made unnecessary movements.

They just stood silently in the darkness, like string puppets without any thought, weird and terrifying!


The black shadow swayed, and a Witch Cultist who walked without any sound took a step forward, murmuring something similar to a spell.

The moment he opened his mouth, other Witch Cultists also began to chant.

There was no way to tell if they were talking or chanting a spell.


"Witch Cultists—!"

Accompanied by a roar full of hatred, the sound of chain friction and something whizzing past pierced the air instantly.

It was a barbed iron ball!


The meteor hammer smashed the head of the leader of the Witch Cultist at an incredible speed, and the burst skull fragments scattered around.

For a moment, the red and white slurry splashed like a fountain!

The sound of the iron chain creaked, like a ferocious and winding silver snake, roaring and dancing its body to pounce on other black shadows in order to seek more prey.

The reactions of the Witch Cultists were also fast, and the speed was astonishing.

They left the dead man immediately, avoiding the iron chains and iron balls and scattered into the forest soundlessly.

That kind of movement is not like what humans can do, it is more similar to the direct translation of erratic shadows.

I don't know if it's the special steps or the application of magic.

While they were moving, they pulled out a wicked dagger that looked like a cross from their pockets.

But, even so, they were still a step behind!


The sound of explosion suddenly sounded around several Witch Cultists, and the last thing they saw was the corner of the maid skirt fluttering in the wind.

The girl who descended from the sky danced the chains linking the iron balls, and directly smashed the Witch Cultists around who had no time to react into rotten flesh with violent force.

Afterwards, the girl didn't stop for a moment, she stomped her foot hard, and she shot out like a sharp arrow, even faster than the rest of the Witch Cultists who moved in a special way.

When they looked up and noticed the movement here, the blue-haired girl had already arrived in front of the next person, and swung the handle of the meteor hammer without any hesitation.


The sharp cone at the end of the handle of the murder weapon pierced through the head of the Witch Cultist from directly above, before the blood-sprayed corpse swayed and fell to the ground.


The shimmering iron ball roared and drew an arc in the air, smashing the upper bodies of the three Witch Cultists with its spikes like smashing a watermelon!

Kicking the obstructing corpse in front of her that hadn't fallen to the ground, the girl leaned back to avoid the dangerous silver light flashing across her sides.

At the same time, the iron chain twisted and strangled the two black shadows who were attacking with the cross dagger.

Immediately afterwards, the spinning iron ball flew back, smashing another black shadow approaching behind into blood mist!

However, leaning back made the girl's keen movements finally come to a halt for the first time.

Aiming at this opportunity, more than ten Witch Cultists threw cross daggers at her who stopped moving.

The sharp blades from the flying attack surrounded all directions, and the meteor hammer was not an easy-to-use weapon after all. Just after the iron ball smashed people, the chains were still twisting the two corpses that sneaked up.

At this time, the girl really couldn't stop all the attacks with her weapon.

But the next moment

The girl let go of the handle of the meteor hammer, turned around and punched the ground hard with her fist!


The sky-shaking roar spread instantly with the impact of smashing the earth, the storm swept and the impact raged!

Not only was the flying short sword shot down, but the regional strong earthquake also caused the Witch Cultists to fall into a temporary state of imbalance.

Although it only stagnated for less than a second, it became a fatal offensive and defensive swap.

"Die ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

He unabashedly vented the boiling hatred and killing intent in his heart.

The girl——Rem grabbed the chain on the ground, drew a semicircle with the limit distance, and swept across the entire area in front of her!

In an instant, the Witch Cultists and the thick trees were smashed to pieces by the erupting terrifying force.

With one blow, more than twenty Witch Cultists were crushed to pieces.

Standing in the wreckage of the forest as if stained red with flesh

A cruel and beautiful blue-haired girl, the pure white horn on her forehead is shining with dazzling brilliance.

"Kill you all! No one will stay! Kill them all!"

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