But Qiu Si is different, he is an elf, and he is not a person of this era in a strict sense with his long lifespan.

As early as 400 years ago, in the era of the Seven Witches of Sin, Joss was one of the witnesses.

He is the companion of the sage Flugal, and he founded the relief organization with him, and is one of the founders of the Witch Cult in the true sense.

That's why he can possess the lazy factor, and be able to serve as a bishop or even the leader of the moderate faction when he is not suitable for the witch factor.

While he still had some time, Qiu Si briefly described the era 400 years ago for Yuntian.

Among them, he also corrected many unrecognizable legends that are now passed on.

such as

"There are not three Yingjies, there are currently six Yingjies who seal the Witch of Envy.

"The sage is not Shaula as recorded in Lugnica today, but Lord Flugal.

"The sage, the first sword master, the last lion king, the dragon, the sage's disciple, and the lustful witch should leave their common handprints on the top of the sage's tower."

"You mean, Echidna, the witch of lust? She was one of the heroes who saved the world 400 years ago?"

Yun Tian asked in a little surprise.

At the same time, Qiu Si also nodded and responded:

"That's right, Lady Echidna is a gentle and kind woman, she is one of the few who can become friends with all the witches, and everyone else regards her as a friend who can make friends with each other.

"The only one who can do this other than her is the same kind and innocent... Lady Shatila.

"The establishment of the Witch Cult was helped by Lady Echidna. That's how the Gospel was born. It is a product of Lord Echidna's power."

The amount of information in Qiu Si's words was huge, but for Yun Tian, ​​the most crucial point was the description of the lustful witch.

The lust witch that Qiu Si talked about was not the same person as the lust witch that Yun Tian knew through the original book, there was no similarity between them.

Gentle and kind?salvation?Form a relief organization?

This is not at all like the lustful witch who appeared in the original book, who is like the embodiment of desire and thirst for knowledge.

The Echidna in Yuntian's cognition, although she can't say how malicious she is, she definitely has no good intentions at all.

All she has in her heart is an abyss-like thirst for knowledge that never bottoms out.

As long as this lust can be satisfied, whether to be the villain or the Virgin is just a decision for Echidna.

To be honest, this is somewhat similar to the original Yuntian.

If he hadn't experienced a series of changes, even though his pursuit was different, Yun Tian could be said to be the same type of person as Echidna.

It's just that relatively speaking, Echidna is more extreme, and the "human" part is thinner.

But according to Qiu Si, Echidna, the witch of lust, is a kind person who runs around to save the world.

'Speaking of which, after the trial of the sanctuary in the original book was conquered, the corpse of Echidna I saw was indeed different from the lustful witch in the dream city. '

Yun Tian fell into deep thought while listening to Qiu Si's words.

This information is very important to him, because Yuntian will leave for the sanctuary soon, and when he faces the witch who is famous for her wisdom, the gap between information and intelligence may make the result decisively subverted.


Yun Tian opened his mouth and wanted to ask more questions, but he stopped as soon as he opened his mouth.

Joss grabbed his trousers, like a person about to drown in the water, his face was full of struggle and pain.

But the emotion revealed by his eyes was relief.

He has reached his limit.

Yun Tian understood the situation, so he paused for a moment and asked with a sigh:

"Do you have any last words? Maybe I can convey them to Emilia for you."

"No...I...I am not worthy to talk to her now."

Qiu Si panted desperately, then looked at Yun Tian, ​​and begged as if squeezing out his last strength:

"Great sin... Bishop... Angry her, save... She belongs to Emilia..."

It was almost impossible to speak complete sentences anymore, but Juss still tried his best to utter every word.

"She's different from me... only responsible for monitoring... please... save her!"

Intermittent speech can't express the content clearly at all.

But unexpectedly, Yun Tian understood what Qiu Si wanted to say.

Recalling the last memory in the Great Forest of Elior, Yun Tian nodded and said to Qius:

"I got it."

After getting the response, Qiu Si seemed to have completed his final mission.

He let go of Yuntian's trousers, turned his head, and looked in the direction of Emilia for the first time.

Looking at the girl who was staring at this side for some reason, Qiu Si showed a gentle smile on his face.

"It's okay, it's really great. It's already this big, I...Emilia...they...bye..."

The last voice that accompanied Qius in the world fell.


A rock cone suddenly rose from the ground and penetrated his body.

As an earth-type elf, Qius did not choose to die naturally.

But at the very end, he ended his life with suicide!

Perhaps, it was he himself who thought that the current him was no longer worthy of an peaceful death.

Only suicide can bring this man a little bit of relief.

2051 New life and sustenance

Petelgeus Romanée-Conti, Archbishop of 'Sloth' Sin, is dead.

At the same time, the elf who was once called Jos died.

Died by his own hands.

Looking at the corpse pierced by the rock cone in front of him, Yun Tian sighed.

The large amount of information obtained from Qiu Si's mouth complemented his cognition of this world, especially the performance of the power of the other great crime priests, as well as the secrets and history of four hundred years ago.

The information about Echidna, the lustful witch, plays a vital role in Yuntian's next actions.

To be honest, if Qius hadn't died, it would be a great favor.

He didn't even ask Yun Tian what he wanted to do.

He didn't ask a word about the means, purpose, the desired result, whether he is good or bad, etc., which should be confirmed before speaking.

He spent the last time of his life trying to answer, describe and interpret everything he wanted to know for Yun Tian.

The reason is to entrust Emilia to him at the very end.

"Pandora, the Pretentious Witch...what?"

Yun Tian whispered the name softly.

It was Wilhelm before, and now it's Joss. They both had happy lives in the past, but now they ended with such a result.

Maybe it's not just the two of them, how many original happiness in the world have been turned into despair by this witch herself.

Compared with Echidna, the incarnation of desire, and Shatila, who was wronged by history, the two witches that Yuntian recognizes, Pandora is more in line with the world's definition of a 'witch'.

In his words and deeds, there is no trace of kindness.

That is real evil.

There is no reason, it just exists there, symbolizing and representing the existence of 'evil' itself.


Yun Tian was in a slightly bad mood, smacked his lips, took a step forward, and reached out his hand to touch the air near Qiu Si's body.

In the next second, faint fluorescent light began to gather around his hand.

It wasn't star power or magic power, it was a strong breath of life that permeated Yun Tian's body and slowly spread around.

The Pure Rubik's Cube is the only transcendent item in Yuntian's hands, so 'Natural Affinity' is the only transcendent skill he has mastered.

Overcoming world-class barriers, props or skills that reach S-level all have unpredictable and terrifying power.

Theoretically, this is actually not a realm that Yuntian can touch at this stage.

But whether it is pure Rubik's cube or natural affinity, there are huge flaws that cannot be ignored.

The former lacks energy and is no different from scrap iron, while the latter has almost no practical significance, and can only be used as an advanced breath restraint technique, which is really a waste of money.

In the eyes of a genuine S-rank agent, they are considered tasteless and a pity to discard.

As for agents below the S-level, there is not much practical significance, and there is an exaggerated price burden.

No one will.

But it was precisely because of this that it was picked up by Yuntian at the lowest price.

The Pure Rubik's Cube has indeed played a big role. Although the cost is huge, the benefits are not small.

In contrast, the skill of natural affinity has always been useful, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be that profitable?

After all, it only plays the role of hiding the breath. In theory, the hermit jade pendant in Edelweiss' hands can also achieve the same effect.

I really can't reflect the power of the transcendence level skills.

But it's no wonder, if it weren't for such a problem, the price of this S- skill would not drop again and again, and no one would care about it.

The other performers are not fools. Skills or props that originally had a higher level but fell down due to some reasons are actually quite popular in the main god space.

Because everyone knows that as long as the defects can be avoided, it is often this type of skill that is most likely to show the power of leapfrogging.

Many proxies who like to pick up leaks will specially choose this kind of things to buy, and in this case, things that will be left behind for a long time, the possibility of no serious problems is extremely low.

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