In fact, if Yuntian hadn't met Yuka Kazami, an elf who mastered the power of nature, in Gensokyo, he might have idled the skill of nature affinity for a long time.

Recalling now, when he first saw this skill, the slightest touch may be the force of fate guiding him.

Under Kazami Yuka's guidance, Yuntian not only began to complete this S-level skill, but also began to use the power of nature and even the concept of 'nature'.

The birth of the General Collection Profound Truth·Sword of Life is the biggest achievement based on this at this stage.

At the same time, with the help of the transcendent skill of Nature Affinity, Yuntian can use the power of nature to do far more than fight.

like now


With the spread of power, with Yuntian as the center, it seems that the miraculous scene of the recovery of all things is displayed in the eyes of Emilia, Rem and Otto.

The frozen soil caused by Emilia's magic gradually receded, and the brown soil rolled and exposed.

Immediately afterwards, the breath of life emerged, and greenness emerged from the soil.

Spreading grass, blooming flowers, and trees growing at a speed visible to the naked eye tell the true meaning of life and nature.

Finally, when the sapling turned into a big tree over the head, different lights began to condense in front of Yuntian.

Bathed in the extremely rich natural atmosphere, based on the rules of this world, a new life is born!

It was a small khaki spot of light.

Using the definition of this world, it is the natural life "spirit"!

However, the elf in front of him was not Petelgeus, nor was it the elf called Chius.

Jos is dead, his spirit gone.

The elf in front of him is another independent entity.

However, it was born from the energy dissipated after Qius' death, inherited his strength and hope, and is also an earth-type elf like Qius.

Is this a different kind of reincarnation?

Yuntian didn't know either.

It doesn't have the soul of Jos, but it inherits everything else from Jos.

However, there is only one thing for sure.



It seems that Yun Tian didn't expect Yun Tian to name him suddenly, and Emilia, who was still immersed in the sadness that she couldn't understand, was slightly taken aback.

"I've given it to you." Yun Tian turned around and handed the floating light spot to the girl.

"Take it as... a consolation that is better than nothing."

At least, it can be used as a little sustenance for Emilia's once great adoptive father after she recovers her memory in the future.

"..." Emilia didn't speak.

She looked at the earth attribute quasi-elf who had crossed the micro-elf stage since its birth, and was even one step away from the elf.

At this moment, the girl still didn't understand the reason for the churning emotions in her heart, but driven by instinct, she still unconsciously concluded a contract with this newly born elf.

Seeing this scene, Yun Tian lowered his head and stared at the half cloudy yellow-green magic stone in his hand.

Then, a self-deprecating smile appeared.

"I've become hypocritical too, really..."

2052 Sanctuary of Cremarti

In the territory of Borderlands, near the north of Mezas Territory, there is a mysterious forest called Kremaldi.

The area is not particularly large, and it is really not a place worth mentioning in front of the Mezas Territory that covers the entire northern border.

Accurate markings cannot be found even on large maps.

However, this little-known forest has certain characteristics. Once entering it, the perception of time and direction will be disabled. So far, no one has been able to pass through the forest.

Of course, it is under the premise that there is no correct method.

Therefore, no one knows what is in the depths of the forest, so people in the surrounding villages call it the 'Forest of Mystery'.

In fact, this is not a characteristic of the forest.

The reason why no one can pass through and reach the depths of the forest is because the enchantment of the lustful witch that was set up here in the past is still in operation.

Its purpose is to conceal and protect the sanctuary of Cremarti in the depths of the forest, that is, the tomb of the witch!

This great enchantment can even repel the melancholy demon from 400 years ago, and its powerful effect does not need to be repeated.

As the place where the souls of the other six witches except the Envious Witch are sealed, the way to enter here is only mastered by a few people.

One of them is standing beside Yun Tian at this moment.

. . . . . .

"The sanctuary is protected by a special barrier, which will repel outsiders so that they cannot pass through, and it is even impossible to find the location of the forest at all.

"It's where the Mezzas family took in many demihumans, and they don't know much about Sanctuary Rem. Maybe my sister knows the details better."

The earth dragon was running fast, and at the same time, Rem's explanation to the sanctuary rang in his ears.

After solving the major crime of laziness, Yun Tian chose to leave the place without delaying too long.

However, he didn't meet up with Roswaal as agreed in advance, but turned to the sanctuary at the fastest speed under the leadership of Rem.

The book of wisdom in Roswaal's hands cannot accurately show his movements, which has been proved by Yuntian.

But Yuntian couldn't guarantee whether Emilia and Rem would appear on the Book of Wisdom, which caused Roswaal to guess Yuntian's movements in a side sense.

Therefore, he had to enter the sanctuary before Roswaal reacted, find the super-large magic spar central core that maintains the sanctuary itself, and protect it.

In the original book, Roswaal uses that center to operate and cast magic that can change the celestial phenomena in a large area.

As a disciple of the lustful witch, Roswaal, who was ordered to guard the sanctuary, must have some control over the Great Barrier and even the sanctuary itself.

Yuntian was not sure how far this power could go, whether it would include destroying the sanctuary itself.

Inferring from the original information he knew, Roswaal may not know that the souls of six witches are sealed in the witch's tomb.

What he cares about may be only the transparent coffin made of magic spar in the depths of the tomb, and the body of the real lustful witch Echidna sealed in the coffin 400 years ago.

The sanctuary itself doesn't mean much to Roswaal. Once he is pushed to the limit, he may choose such an extreme method as destroying the sanctuary.

Just like in the original book, with the help of the sanctuary core, the blizzard that freezes everything fell, and finally attracted Duotu, one of the three major monsters, to destroy it.

In order to prevent this from happening, Yuntian must first control the central core before he can safely participate in the trial and complete side missions.

Otherwise, he didn't want the trial to be terminated halfway through, and then he would wake up in a ruin or snowfield when the mission failed.

Fortunately, since it has been confirmed that the power of destiny can resist the prophecy of the Book of Wisdom, Yuntian has room to operate.

The strong fluctuation of destiny spread around him, covering four people and four earth dragons including himself.

In this way, Yuntian thought that at least he would not be discovered the movements of himself and others in the first place, which was enough to buy the necessary time.

. . . . . .

"It's here, it's here."

Finally, in front of a forest, a group of four stopped.

The verdant forest in front of me is the Forest of Mystery, and its depth is the destination of this trip, the 'Sanctuary'.

The forest is not big, and with Rem leading the way, they will soon reach the sanctuary.

At this point, Yuntian's plan has basically succeeded. At least judging from the reaction of the Star Immortal Technique he set, Roswaal and Ram have not responded yet.

They are still blocking Lazy's escape route, waiting for Yuntian's signal after the battle is over.

Yun Tian, ​​who stopped in his tracks without entering the forest immediately, made a final confirmation.

"Emilia, are you sure you want to go in with us?"

Looking at the silver-haired girl beside him, Yun Tian asked.

In fact, Emilia's theoretical responsibilities ended after defeating sloth.

The key factor for her to join the team is to lead to the Witch Cult, so it is necessary.

But the next trip to the sanctuary is essentially a confrontation between Yuntian and Roswaal, which is a competition for interests.

In fact, Emilia does not necessarily have to participate.

From the perspective of the Dragon Priestess, although Yuntian's weight is heavier, Roswaal is also Emilia's supporter after all.

In the conflict of interest between the two sides, Emilia's joining is equivalent to leaning towards one of them, which is not a decision that a qualified superior should have.

However, if you look at this matter from Emilia's personal point of view, there will be a different explanation.

"Rem also said just now, about the enchantment here."

Emilia looked beyond the sky into the depths of the forest, and her expression became a little complicated.

"Those demihumans living in the sanctuary are trapped inside by a barrier and deprived of their freedom, right?"

This enchantment set up by the lust witch will react to non-pure blood races. As long as the blood in the body is divided into two and a half, once entering the enchantment, its effect will be activated, and thus trapped in the enchantment and can no longer leave.

The moment they touch the barrier, they will lose consciousness, even if they are brought out by a pure-blooded person.

They cannot wake up from the outside world, and their spirits will be imprisoned in the enchantment.

Only by completing the trials in the Witch's Tomb can the barrier be lifted and the half-blood demihumans living in the sanctuary released.

"Lord Emilia is also of mixed blood, if you enter the Sanctuary..." Rem also looked at Emilia, hesitating to speak.

"I know that I can't come out without completing the trial, right?"

Emilia nodded, then looked at Yuntian again, and said with a serious expression:

"As you said, the trials in the sanctuary can help me recall my vague memories."

. . .

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