It is precisely because he chased Echidona, the witch of lust, that he forced Echidna to pay the price to complete the sanctuary enchantment that would have taken a lot of time to build ahead of schedule.

In that battle, Roswaal was easily destroyed by Hector's wave of all pride and self-confidence. Together with the magic aptitude of all attributes, the magic power of Echidna's true inheritance was directly crippled.

Roswaal's comical clown attire and that unpleasantly sticky emphasis are all learned from Hector the Melancholic Demon.

That memory, that experience is unforgettable for Roswaal.

Although Echidna completed the construction of the Sanctuary Barrier later, the friend he sacrificed at the price——Ruz Mayer would not come back.

Everything cherished by Roswaal in his youth fell apart from that moment on.

This is what Yuntian learned about Roswaal's experience.

But what caught his attention was not Roswaal's own tragic experience, but other information revealed in this story.

The strength of the melancholy demon, and the fact that the most critical lust witch, Echidna, can repel it with the sanctuary enchantment!

An enchantment formula that can be used to repel world-class powerhouses, this is a spell that Yun Tian is rarely interested in.

If the principle can be analyzed, the power of the Temple of Stars will surely increase.

Therefore, Yun Tian didn't rush to continue to set off with a few people, but stood still and raised his head, silently staring at the invisible and invisible enchantment of the sanctuary.

Anyway, Emilia temporarily lost consciousness due to the effect of the enchantment, and several people have to wait for her to wake up.

However, after observing for a while, Yun Tian shook his head, sighed and looked away.

'As expected of the spell constructed by that lustful witch, no useful information can be obtained from just observing here. '

Yuntian once had experience in analyzing the Great Barrier in Gensokyo, and the magical art of Star Temple was born by borrowing the principle of Gensokyo's Great Barrier.

But at that time, Yuntian was able to understand its operation mechanism and spell construction relatively smoothly because he had been in contact with Hakurei Shrine and Hakurei Reimu, the two nodes that formed the Great Barrier.

If you want to analyze the sanctuary enchantment in front of you, you also have to find a node.

While thinking this way, Yun Tian moved his gaze to a certain tree in the distant forest.

Immediately afterwards, they met a figure with four eyes.

Those were a pair of eyes without any emotion in them, and it could almost be concluded that the other party's self-awareness was weak, or that there was no autonomous personality at all.

Doll, this is Yun Tian's first impression of her.

It was a young girl, or so it seemed.

A head of long pink hair hangs down over his waist, and he looks roughly in his teens.

His skin was so white that it seemed like a snowflake that would melt if he touched it, and he was petite, wearing a plain white robe that covered his whole body from top to bottom.

If you look carefully, the impression of a doll will be fixed.

Not only the exquisite appearance, but even the temperament gives people such associations.

With emotionless eyes and expressionless face, even the sense of existence is so thin that it is almost non-existent, and she can't feel any willpower in her body.

It doesn't look like a human being at all. . .No, it should be said that it is not life.

After all, the other party's pointed and long ears, like Emilia's, tell of the elf blood in her body, either elves or half elves, in short, not human beings.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Yuntian who once suffered from avatar-like magic in the Earth Wrong World, he would understand that perception has limited effects on non-living bodies and things with a weak sense of existence.

As a result, the habit of confirming with the naked eye is formed at the same time.

Otherwise, it is really possible that there is no way to notice the girl's appearance in the first place.

After looking at Yun Tian for a moment, he didn't know whether it was because he knew he had been discovered, or if he had received some instructions.

The petite girl with long pink hair immediately turned around and disappeared into the forest at a ghostly speed, as if she was worried that Yun Tian would pursue her, she ran in a hurry.

Looking at his figure skillfully shuttled through the forest until the opponent disappeared from the end of his vision, Yun Tian had no intention of chasing him at all.

The reason why he didn't chase her was because Yuntian knew her well, and knew that it was pointless even if he chased her.

Luz Mayer, this was Roswaal's friend in the past, and also the half-elf girl who sacrificed herself to become the core of the sanctuary's enchantment in order to fight against the melancholy demon.

The girl who just ran away has the same appearance as Ryuzu Mayer, but she is not her. Although the same name is 'Ryuzi', she is just a copy of the half-elf girl 400 years ago.

Simply put, it is cloning.

There are dozens of Ryuzi clones in total, which are the product of the experiment of the real lust witch Echidna who studied immortality 400 years ago.

At that time, Echidna hoped to achieve immortality by transferring her soul to the newborn container.

It's a pity that when she almost touched success, she died first.

Afterwards, Roswaal completed this miraculous magic based on Echidna's research, and achieved soul reincarnation through blood affinity.

The information is recorded in the forbidden library of the Mezas mansion, and Yun Tian has also read the relevant content.

Because they are containers prepared purely for their own souls, these Ryuzi clones will naturally not have self-awareness.

They are just empty shells, that's why they give Yuntian the sense of inanimate body.

Echidna made four special Ryuzi clones before she died. The four of them possessed personality and self-awareness. area.

Now these clones of Ryuzi, which have no function but no consciousness, act as the 'eyes' of the sanctuary.

They were scattered in every corner of the sanctuary and built a surveillance system.

There is a telepathic ability between the clones of Ryuzu, and they will transmit what they see and information in an instant.

Her appearance also meant that Yun Tian and the others had been discovered.

2055 'Shield of Sanctuary' Garfiel Tinzel

"Master Yuntian, that..."

Rem couldn't detect the lifeless clone of Liuzi, but she noticed Yun Tian's movements, so she looked over with a little worry.

"It doesn't matter, they have already entered the sanctuary, even if they inform Roswaal that they want to get here, it will take a few hours."

Yun Tian shook his head, signaling Rem to be at ease.

Roswaal can fly, so he can come here faster.

But it's meaningless for him to come here alone. Without knowing Yuntian's purpose, he must bring Lahm's trump card, and even use more hole cards.

Having personally witnessed the scene of Yuntian fighting Parker in the Elliot Forest, Roswaal understands the huge gap between him and Yuntian.

It is impossible not to be prepared for this.

at this time

"Huh... um..." A slight breath sounded from Rem's arms.

Emilia shook her head, reached out and rubbed her temples, waking up from a coma in a little confusion.

"I am...?"

Subconsciously rubbing the 'pillow', Emilia, who was not yet fully awake, looked around with cyanotic eyes with a hint of laziness as if she had just woken up.

"That, that, Lady Emilia, even if you do such a thing, Rem will feel troubled."

In the next second, a voice rang in her ear that made Emilia freeze.

Her brain woke up in an instant, and after she realized what state she was in and the truth about the pair of 'pillows' behind her, she bounced off Rem's body with a 'swish' sound like an electric shock.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Rem, I, I, I don't know who is leaning behind me... yes... Anyhow, I'm sorry!"

After more than half a year of study, Emilia has been able to understand what it means to be ashamed as a girl.

This can be seen from the slight blush on her face.

However, to be honest, there is only one point.

Even if Yuntian knew about Emilia's situation and specially arranged a course on physical hygiene for her, the effect was only slightly better than the original book.

This kind of cognitive problem, if people want to teach after they have formed a perfect self-awareness, it is not enough to spend half a year of simple study.

She's habit forming, but not overly shy.

The panic in front of him was more of worry and embarrassment that he had caused trouble for Rem.

"It's okay, Rem knows that Lady Emilia was unconscious because of the barrier, so you don't need to apologize so solemnly."

Rem also stood up, patted the dirt on her body and responded to Emilia's apology.

Afterwards, the girl turned her eyes to Yuntian and suggested:

"Lord Yuntian, it's time for us to set off. Someone will come over soon after being discovered by the 'Eye'."

"Well, let's go." Yun Tian nodded.

He knew who Rem was referring to, and he didn't want to stay here and wait for trouble to come.

So soon, the four set off again.

This time, there is no need to worry about Emilia's sudden coma, so she switched from walking to earth dragon transportation.

Not long after, passing through the woods, the field of vision suddenly became wider.

The wonderful building that appeared in front of them made the four of Yuntian stop again.

It is a primitive ruins composed of stacked stone materials.

Most of the exterior is covered with green vines and moss, and there are cracks on the slightly exposed walls.

Full of a strong historical atmosphere, more than half of the entire building has been swallowed by nature. There is no doubt that this relic was built 400 years ago.

Not a temple, but a tomb.

"This is the Grave of the Witch of Greed."

Yun Tian looked at the building in front of him, it was obvious that very few people would come here, and there were signs of disrepair everywhere.

However, if you look closely, you can find the entrance of the ruins on the side.

Looking inside through the dark door opening without any light source, it can be found that there are almost no artificial traces in the internal structure.

And unlike the outside, there are no signs of damage or time.

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