This is one of the two cores in the sanctuary, and it is also the key to the Yuntian side mission.

The resting place of Echidna, the witch of lust, the place where the souls of the six witches are sealed, and also the place where the 'trial' is carried out!

Yuntian didn't rush in.

He knew that once he entered here, he would face that lusty witch, Echidna, without accident.

Regardless of the original rules of the trial in the sanctuary, it is impossible for the other party to be indifferent to Emilia beside him and the lazy factor deliberately brought by Yun Tian.

As long as he steps into this ruins, he will immediately receive an invitation from the witch.

This is Yun Tian's purpose in coming to Sanctuary, but not now.

There are two key core nodes in the sanctuary, one is the tomb of the witch in front of you.

And if he wanted to meet that lusty witch safely, Yun Tian had to find another node to leave protective measures.

Therefore, he did not plan to stay here for too long.

However, before he could leave first, a strange voice came from behind them.

"Hey! You really walked in openly, what a bold intruder!"

A rude tone of voice and hostile stares indicate that the visitor is not friendly.

Yun Tian turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw the fierce young man.

Short, bristling blond hair suggested a fierce personality, and there was a prominent scar on his forehead.

The upper body is only wearing a black topless vest, but the not too tall body exudes a strong enough sense of presence and momentum.

The young man was looking at Yun Tian with those emerald green eyes with ferocious and sharp eyes.

In addition, he also has a very representative feature that illustrates his identity as a subhuman race.

"Slipping away on an earth dragon and letting my uncle chase after him, I really don't know what to do!"

The blond young man stared at Yun Tian, ​​and grinned, revealing those two rows of extremely scary sharp teeth.

The characteristics of the orc blood, considering the particularity of the sanctuary, I am afraid that he should be called a half-orc.

"My uncle's name is Garfiel Tinzel, and he is the shield of this sanctuary! Remember my name, and then fall down with honor!"

Not intending to give Yuntian and others any chance to speak, the blond youth—Garfiel took a sudden step and disappeared in place in an instant!

His goal is undoubtedly Yuntian.

Or it should be said that from the very beginning, only Yuntian existed in his eyes.

The orc instinct originating from his body was constantly warning himself, crazily reminding him of the danger of the man in front of him.

You must be the first to attack, concentrate and go all out, otherwise you have no chance of winning at all!

The wild instinct made Garfiel understand this matter, and at the same time ignored all other factors, just for this initial thunder strike to defeat the enemy!



The violent blow was stopped.

However, it wasn't Yun Tian as the young man had imagined, but a familiar figure he had just realized.

"Rem does not allow you to be rude to Lord Yuntian, Garfield!"

It was Rem standing beside Yuntian who blocked Garfiel's attack with the iron chain.

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"Rem?! Why are you with the intruder? Ah no... aren't you the intruder?"

Seeing his fist being blocked, Garfiel was attracted by the familiar figure before he could be surprised.

As a former Maid of the Mezzas family, Rem, who had visited the sanctuary several times, naturally knew Garfiel. Although the relationship was rather delicate, they were still childhood playmates.

Garfiel, who was originally full of murderous aura, stopped his movements when he saw that the person blocking him was Rem, and asked in doubt:

"Where is that clown Roswaal? Since you are here and there are strangers with you, that guy has no reason not to follow...By the way, isn't Ram here?"

Probably understanding it as a misunderstanding, Garfiel withdrew his fist from the iron chain, and at the same time gave Rem an extra look in surprise.

"You guys have become stronger? You can actually block my uncle's attack with that kind of toy."

Garfiel is quite familiar with the strength of the sisters Ram and Rem.

Ram is very strong, so strong that even he can hardly win a victory in the opponent's hands, but the problems of physical fitness and lack of mana make Ram have fatal flaws.

If you really want to win, Garfiel thinks that his chances of winning are not low.

After all, what he is good at is protracted warfare, and the longer it takes, the better it will be for him.

But Rem, who is the younger sister, is different.

To put it bluntly, in terms of combat strength alone, she is really not qualified to be compared with herself and Ram.

But in front of him, Rem was able to block his full blow to attack Yuntian without even turning into a ghost, which was really unbelievable in Garfiel's memory.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. You have worked hard."

"It's just that Garfield is standing still, my sister is far better than the current Rem... let's not gossip, Rem has very important things to do this time, Garfield, can you let me go?"

"Who are you talking about standing still! The current uncle, even Ram, has the confidence to win!"

Being looked down upon by Rem seemed to make Garfiel very upset, he didn't pay attention to the second part of Rem's sentence, and stared at the girl as if his fur was blown.

"Hey, then please find your sister to prove it yourself later, get out of the way now, Garfield, you have already wasted Rem's time."

Rem sighed, interrupting Garfiel's complaints, and at the same time put away his weapon with a serious expression of 'going to get down to business'.

Seeing her like this, Garfiel paused, then curled his lips and said:

"Tch, got it, you call that guy sir, that means he is Roswaal's guest, right? Really, I didn't receive any notification here, I thought there was an intruder, boring!"

While muttering, Garfiel stepped aside from the middle of the road.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and stretched out his hand to Rem impatiently.

"Give me the token, I want to go back and do business with the old woman. That guy Roswaal didn't abide by the rules he set himself, and asked someone to bring strangers in here, which made my trip for nothing... What's wrong?"

Garfiel was still complaining, but he suddenly felt that Rem's reaction was a little ink-stained.

I raised my hand for a long time, but the other party didn't respond.

According to Garfiel's understanding of Rem, her almost obsessive-compulsive efficiency should not allow time to be wasted on such a trivial matter.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and give me the token... Rem?"

Garfiel, who didn't get a response, vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

He turned around and stood in the middle of the road again, his expression became a little hazy and he said to Rem with a hint of warning:

"Roswaal's clown set the rules himself, without prior notice and without his guidance, even you and Ram can't bring strangers to the sanctuary, Rem, you don't want to tell my uncle to forget Bar."

Seeing Garfiel who seemed to be beginning to understand the situation, Rem was silent for a while, and then tried to make a final effort.

"This time the situation is special, Lord Roswaal couldn't get away, so Rem couldn't get the proof of passage, you should get out of the way first, and then ask Lord Roswaal to verify it, and it is Rem's fault if there is a problem. responsibility."

"...You bastard, that's not how you joke!"

Garfiel took a deep look at Rem, then fixed his eyes on Yun Tian behind Rem again, and asked in a heavy tone:

"Although my uncle is upset with that clown and wanted to beat him up a long time ago, but you...

"Rem, I think it's almost impossible, but you guys didn't betray Roswaal and brought someone to the sanctuary privately, right?"

Garfiel's question did not get the expected answer, and what was waiting for him was Rem's silence for a moment.

"It's not a betrayal."

This time, it was Yun Tian who spoke.

He reached out and touched Rem's head, and comforted the girl who was silenced by Garfiel's words, before continuing:

"The relationship between Rem and Roswaal itself is a transaction. There is neither an oath nor trust. From the very beginning, it is not a relationship of loyalty. There is no betrayal at all."

"I don't want to hear your lip service!"

"Then what do you want to know? Are we the invaders?"

Yun Tian's voice suddenly rang out from Garfiel's ear.

"Nonsense, is it possible for me to pay back... When will you bastard?!"

Before he finished speaking, Garfiel drew back in shock.

He looked at Yun Tian who was standing next to him at some point, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He opened his mouth, as if intending to question him, but unfortunately he had no chance.


With his eyes lost, the blond youth shook his body and fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

"The talent is good, but it would be a waste to stay in this kind of place."

Yun Tian shook his head, did not pay too much attention to the unconscious young man, and said to the others:

"Let's go, let's get down to business first."

With that said, he left here with a few people.

Before leaving at the end, Rem glanced at the fallen Garfiel and sighed.

She wanted to persuade Garfiel to leave, but she was also thinking about him.

Rem knew that Garfiel didn't have the slightest affection for Roswaal, and he didn't need to go into this muddy water at all.

Retreating honestly and waiting for the result knowing nothing, in Rem's opinion, should be the best situation for Garfiel.

Now that Yun Tian did it, although it wouldn't kill him, it was absolutely impossible for him to interfere with what was about to happen in the sanctuary.

If there were no accidents, Garfiel would probably sleep for a few days, and then everything would be over.

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