Do I have to spend extra exchange points?

Yun Tian knew that Echidna was asking this question, and also knew the answer.


If this kind of life created by its own ability also needs to spend exchange points, it will first lead to the scrapping of part of the abilities of the summoning system.

It will even directly affect the agents who develop in the directions of 'creation' and 'creation'.

"So, at least the familiar can be taken away, and the premise is likely to be that it is created by itself or there is essentially a certain level of contract with the agent itself."

After listening to Echidna's analysis, Yun Tian had to admit that what she said was very reasonable.


"The witches in the city of dreams are not related to you as familiars, are they?"

"But there is an indirect affiliation between us."

Echidna continued what Yun Tian said.

"I am the master of the City of Dreams, and their current state is in a sense a vassal of the City of Dreams, and they are indirectly controlled by me."

This point is reflected in the original book, without Echidna's consent, it is not something that other witches can do casually if they want to appear in the City of Dreams.

"Moreover, after losing the witch factor connected to the soul, they did experience death. It is hard to say whether they are considered to be 'complete souls' when Ode is incomplete.

"Worth a try, isn't it?"

"...I always feel that I have said so much, the last sentence is the key." Yun Tian shook his head helplessly.

However, he did not dispute Echidna's statement.

It has to be said that at least in terms of analysis, this lust witch is indeed far superior to Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

Before entering the main god's space, Yuntian and the others had already begun to revise their existing understanding.

Based on the benefits in this regard alone, the decision to take Echidna away was quite wise.

There are many things in the Lord God's Dimension that can only be known by the agent who takes the initiative to discover them. With Echidna, Yun Tian and Edelweiss can avoid many detours.

. . . . . .

With the chitchat over, Echidna's transformation of the Sky Gem is complete.

The blue gemstone that has transformed into a pyroxene can no longer see the fiery red color it once was.

Yun Tian simply wrapped a rope around the gemstone, and then hung the gemstone with the City of Dreams around his neck.

Echidna can observe the world through gems, instead of living in the dream city like before.

"Well, how do you feel about leaving the grave?"

Yun Tian, ​​who left the central room, poked the gem on his chest.

The blue sky, the verdant forest, the vast land, and the rising sun.

Echidna, who was really getting to know the 'world' for the first time, was silent for a moment, then said with a feeling of disappointment:

"Accidentally, I don't feel touched."

Before leaving the tomb, Echidna also had expectations for the moment when she personally perceived the world.

But facing this moment in reality, I didn't feel the joy or satisfaction I imagined.

"Maybe it's because there's no real body?"

"Then wait until you go back to the Lord God's Dimension. There are plenty of ways to help you reshape your body."

2103 Leaving Sanctuary

When Yun Tian took Echidna and Dream City away, Emilia also completed her trial.

So far, this sanctuary has lost its final meaning to Yuntian.

He finally chose to remove the barrier and released the half-breed demihumans trapped here.

Of course, whether these people want to stay and live or plan to go to other places is no longer something Yuntian needs to worry about.

Otto and his Kingdom Sword Chamber of Commerce will assist in handling this matter. After all, it is Roswaal's territory, and the responsibility itself lies with him.

Although I don't know if this border uncle will cheer up, but in any case, because of the reversal of the oath with Ram, the current Roswaal can be regarded as Yuntian's subordinate.

Yun Tian didn't care too much about this matter, but it could be considered as a help for Emilia to sit on the throne, and it belonged to the power of Bai Jian.

After experiencing the trials in the sanctuary, in fact, it didn't take too long in total, just a few hours at a time.

Now it's over, Yuntian doesn't plan to stay too long.

With the two sisters Ram and Rem and Otto, they left the sanctuary directly, and rushed back in the direction of the Moby Whale battlefield.

. . . . . .

After Yuntian and others left for a while


The petite figure commanded the monster to dig up the gravel and sand, and dug out a certain corpse from the ground.

The blue-haired Warcraft envoy, the girl looked at the corpse and called softly:

"Hey, are you awake?"

"To be honest, I still want to sleep a little longer." The 'corpse' responded to the girl's call.

"Then don't sleep in such a dirty place, there is sand and blood everywhere."

Hearing the blue-haired girl's complaint, the corpse lying there stood up while saying "Okay".

The seductive black-haired woman with blood remaining all over her body stretched, and said to the blue-haired girl standing beside her with emotion:

"I'm glad I'm still alive to meet you, Merry."

"Okay, okay, that kind of thing is fine, let's treat you first, Elsa."

The woman who died and came back to life was the "Intestinal Hunter" Elsa who was smashed to pieces by Yuntian's sword.

As for the blue-haired girl, the Warcraft Envoy is her partner and her sister.

The location of the two is still the sanctuary.

After the battle, the central core building buried in the soil by Otto's magic was dug out again.

A large amount of gravel and dust rolled aside, among them was the body of Elsa who had not yet died.

"We have to leave as soon as possible. No one can guarantee whether that terrible big brother will realize that Elsa, you are not dead, and turn back."

A blue-haired girl, 'Warcraft' Meili looked a little nervous.

The scary big brother she was talking about was undoubtedly Yun Tian, ​​although the two sides had no communication and only met each other for a moment.

But Yuntian still left an extremely strong impression on Meili.

Horrible, scary, and unbeatable!

However, Elsa's performance was exactly the opposite of Meili's. She smiled happily and said in a very satisfied tone:

"No need, that man has already discovered that I am not dead, and left his mark in my body."

"Eh?! He found out? Then don't we..."

"That's right, I was probably let go. Although I don't know the reason, at least my life is still valuable to him, so Mei Li, you don't have to worry about him turning back."

Meili looked at Elsa who was panting while talking, and couldn't help reaching out and gently touching Elsa's chest.

There, there was still a hideous scar on the body that was not covered by clothes, and it was still oozing blood.

"It looks painful."

"Yeah, it hurts, it's great, right?"

"I'm not going to nod my head in affirmation of your perverted speech. But let's put it aside, it's incredible. Didn't the blessing take effect?"

Not agreeing with Elsa's words like shaking M, Meili changed the subject.

However, this blue-haired girl can't be considered a normal person if she calls a curse like a cursed doll a blessing.

"It has taken effect, but the current level is already at the limit."

"Overload? Just that sword?!"

Meili exclaimed first, then nodded unconsciously as she recalled that scene.

"As strong as a monster, that big brother."

"Yeah, it's just like the rumors... No, it's even more powerful than the rumors. I really want to see what color his belly will be."

Hearing Elsa's sickly tone, Meili was silent for a while before she said with emotion:

"Elsa has someone she can't kill."

In the cognition of young girls, this is a very incredible thing.

"So far, Elsa has killed all the targets she was looking at. I thought she would kill all of them except 'Mom'."

"That's speaking too highly of me. But this one was really good, it was great."

Seeing Elsa's flushed cheeks, Meili sighed helplessly, and then took out a small bottle from the inside of her clothes.

Pour the white slime from the bottle and apply it to Elsa's wound.

"Okay." After applying the medicine, Mei Li looked at Elsa, and then at the 'clothes' near her that couldn't even be counted as rags.

"How do you leave like this?"

"It's just clothes, I don't care."

"But I don't want to go with nasty Elsa with no clothes on and covered in white goo."

"It's really a cruel statement, obviously you made the mucus."

"...Go to the village to get a set, wait for me for a while, don't run around."

Obviously Elsa is older, but when Meili speaks, she has an admonishing tone.

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