Not long after, Mei Li who ran back threw the robe to Elsa who didn't know whether it was stolen or snatched.

"What next? Move to the hideout?"

"Well, there is no way. The butler recognized my identity. I don't know if there will be arrests. Let's find a place to rest and observe while I'm at it."

"For Elsa, the quiet time of doing nothing must be painful."

"It's really painful, but there's nothing I can do about it. My current body doesn't allow me to continue hunting. Well... According to the usual practice, I'll go back and weave a doll for you."

Elsa smiled and said something that didn't fit her identity as a killer.

It's just that this time Mei Li was not as happy as usual, but a little tangled.

"Do you want to be a doll for that scary big brother?"

"After all, it's what I care about most now, what's wrong?"

"...I just feel that it's a bit weird to put him and other dolls together, like throwing a monster into the prey, which is a bit out of harmony."

"If you don't want it, then I'll take it myself."

Elsa made a decision, and while humming, she took Mei Li and left the sanctuary from another direction.

2104 Preparation for returning to the city

The cheers on the plain had long since fallen silent, replaced by the weakness brought about by the relaxation of exhaustion and tense spirit.

The crusade against the white whale was almost at the same time as Yuntian ended the lazy bishop.

Yun Tian, ​​who finished the lazy bishop, went to the Sanctuary, but the crusade team at the Moby Whale Battlefield did not return home immediately.

From cheers to celebrations, too many soldiers wept with joy over the death of Moby Dick.

As I said before, among the warriors who responded to Crusch and Wilhelm's call was a group of veterans who also suffered from the mist of the white whale.

At the moment when the white whale fell, each of them cried.

This kind of emotional catharsis lasted for a long time, especially Wilhelm, the old swordsman stood in front of the white whale's corpse, motionless and silent for a long, long time.

No one bothered him and them, and the rest of the soldiers and mercenaries celebrated individually.

Although the Moby Dick was finally terminated by Edelweiss, according to the agreement, the merits will be counted in the Yuntian camp.

But participating in this great battle that must be engraved in the history of the Kingdom of Lugnica is an honor in itself.

In Lugnica, the land of knights, glory is sometimes far more important than merit.

At least when these people go back, each of them will have a bright future.

Facing the real fear and seeing the real strong is a kind of baptism for everyone present.

After a period of precipitation, it is conceivable that they will usher in a transformation. After all, those who can be selected to participate in this crusade are not mediocre themselves.

This crusade team will become a new elite that can be compared with the Knights of the Guards.

And most importantly, they live!

After going through such a big battle, the death rate was actually zero for the white whale, who thought it had been a disaster for the world for 400 years!

Undoubtedly, this crusade team will become the miracle and legend sung by bards, and they will leave a strong mark in the history of the world.

Whenever thinking of this, the soldiers of the subjugation team and the members of the Iron Fang mercenary group would cast respectful glances at the pure white figure sitting with Crusch not far away.

Everyone knew that all this was brought to them by the pure white Valkyrie.

Even if there is no merit, the follow-up impact of the white whale crusade is worthy of their gratitude for Dade's life.

What's more, their lives were all saved by that Valkyrie.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that there are too many uncertain factors at the moment, and most of the people present have their own masters, it is estimated that some people will swear allegiance to her.

It is conceivable that after everything is over, they go back to the capital and ask Edelweiss the identity of the Valkyrie who appeared next to Crusch and Yuntian.

There will definitely be people coming to visit one after another, wanting to join Edelweiss's command and play for him.

Even now people are starting to inquire.

Those veterans who followed the call didn't dare to disturb Crusch and Edelweiss, but they were able to ask the people from the Iron Fang mercenary group.

Ricardo, Mimi and others who were old acquaintances with Edelweiss were already surrounded.

. . . . . .

"After returning to the capital, you can easily form an elite army."

Noticing the eyes of the soldiers looking over from time to time, Crusch smiled and said to Edelweiss beside him.

But Edelweiss shook his head helplessly, and said with a sigh:

"I don't have that interest, and I don't have the character to lead soldiers."

"But as the sword of the kingdom, Yuntian has been idling with the power to form a direct army, right? This time is a very good opportunity."

Crusch gave her suggestions without hesitation, even if her subordinates were included, she still said:

"Those veterans are the cornerstone of the team, and they have the possibility to go to the next level after their knots are resolved.

"With your current prestige, there will be people willing to follow you among the fighters who participated in this crusade and the members of the Iron Fang Mercenary Group.

"As long as it's their own choice, neither I nor Anastasia will have any objections.

"In this way, with the cornerstone and the backbone, and with the prestige of the Sword of the Sky Kingdom, they will be called together, and the scale will soon be formed.

"There is no lack of good players in the Kingdom's army, what they lack is a chance."

Crusch's suggestion was actually good.

None of the members of the crusade team present were elites. With them, the middle and high-level officers of an elite force were completely assembled.

Once this force is formed, it will bring huge advantages to the Yuntian camp.

Fame, achievements, top combat power, power, influence, plus troops, there is no obstacle for Yuntian to send Emilia to the throne.

"Is that okay? You haven't given up competing for the throne, have you?" Edelweiss looked at Crusch.

"Naturally, at that time, I will contact several other dragon maidens, and use this method to compete with you."

Crusch didn't hide his intentions either, and spoke openly.

After all, there are five Dragon Priestesses, and the remaining four may not be invincible if they unite.



Edwards sighed again.

"Neither Yuntian nor I have much interest in it. Unless we can find a suitable commander, we probably won't be able to focus on this aspect."

"Is that so?" Crusch nodded, and she didn't continue on this topic since she had some understanding of the characters of Yuntian and the others.

Looking up at the sky, the sun has already risen high.

So Crusch suggested:

"It's been a few hours since the renovation. It's almost time to clean up the battlefield and prepare to go back to the city. How about Yuntian, do you need to wait for him to go back together?"

Hearing Crusch's question, Edelweiss shook his head.

"Don't wait for him, the Witch Cult has already dealt with it, and he is doing other things. Although the calculation time is almost over, it may take some time to come and join us.

"The war is over, let the soldiers go back as soon as possible."

"Alright." Crusch agreed, then stood up and gave orders to the troops.

"The whole army! The whole team! Start cleaning the battlefield and prepare to return to the city!"

The treatment of the wounded has been completed during the rest. With Phyllis and the treatment team led by him, the efficiency is not bad.

Although no one was killed, there were also many seriously injured people. These people need to go back to recuperate early.

In addition, the weapons and armor fragments left on the battlefield, etc., will be recycled as much as possible.

And most importantly, the body of the white whale must also be dealt with, at least the proof of the fall of the white whale must be brought back.

The carcass of a beluga whale with a total length of more than 50 meters cannot be transported away by only an elite hunting team.

But the white whale is a huge threat that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for 400 years. Its carcass is an ironclad evidence that reassures people, so it must be taken away.

Therefore, the crusade team will first cut off the head of the white whale and transport it back to Wangcheng. The body can only wait for the follow-up and send other large troops to transport it for the second time.

2105 Regulus Cornias, the 'bishop of lust'!

Because they had rested for a long time, the crusade team cleaned up the battlefield relatively quickly.

The only thing that wasted some effort was the beheading and transportation of the white whale, but in the end it was completed relatively efficiently with the help of Wilhelm who recovered from his senses and Captain Ricardo of the Iron Fang.

Taking the dragon chariot, Edelweiss returned to the capital with the crusade team.

Triumphant, and there was no death in this battle, so there is no haze in the atmosphere. Along the way, the whole team is filled with a sense of accomplishment of fulfilling their long-cherished wishes and adding glory and legend.

Even those seriously injured are no exception.

The pain is nothing compared to the fulfillment of long years of sad wishes. From time to time, people will come to the middle of the team to look at the head of the beluga whale that has been cut off and transported with emotion.


Contrary to the warm atmosphere of the team as a whole, Edelweiss didn't have any joy or smile on his face.

On the contrary, her attitude became more and more serious, and her momentum began to be restrained and cohesive.

'Will it really happen? '

Crusch, Phyllis, and Wilhelm who were riding in the dragon carriage with her all wanted to ask this question, but no one dared to disturb her at this time.

Just before departure, Edelweiss explained the real purpose of this trip to them.

After learning that the way back to the city was not safe, Crusch and the others couldn't calm down.

Looking at Edelweiss's state of closing her eyes and resting her mind at this moment, they all thought that she was calmly preparing for the next possible battle.

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