Sitting on this adjective, Regulus took it for granted that he was the most perfect person.

However, it also created a very serious flaw for him.

"Enough! Give me almost a little, you bloody woman!"

Facing Edelweiss' attack, Regulus yelled childishly like a child losing his temper.

At the same time, he waved his hands, bursting out terrifying destructive impacts one after another.

The atmosphere is distorted, the smoke and dust are flying, the broken rocks are splashing, and the ground is churning.

Explosions and roars swept everything around.

However, no matter how he erupted and wreaked havoc, he couldn't touch the white corner of his clothes from the beginning to the end.

The destructive power of air, breeze, gravel, and even sand as the attack medium is extremely difficult to dodge. Regulus' power allows him to turn these harmless things into murder weapons.

Wave your hand to raise a cloud of dust, every grain of sand has the terrifying power of dying on touch, no matter how strong you are, how can you avoid every grain of dust in the sky full of smoke and dust.

However, Edelweiss did.

No matter if it was the air blown out, or the breeze caused by his movements, no matter whether it was gravel or dust, all of Regulus' offensive methods couldn't touch her!

It's not that Edelweiss can really do the outrageous operation of avoiding every speck of dust in the smoke, but that every time Regulus' attack is released, Edelweiss is no longer there.

Powerful authority brought Regulus unparalleled strength and an invincible life course, but it also deprived him of all possibilities for growth.

The attack mode is single, and the attack intention is childish and ridiculous.

In the eyes of a powerhouse like Edelweiss, and a seasoned powerhouse like her, Regulus' fighting style is simply full of loopholes.

That's what a mortal or a combat layman does. . .No, mortals are stronger than him!

Any adult, male or female, strong or not, could do better than Regulus as long as he had brains.

I can't hit with a straight punch, let me try a kick?Try a left and right uppercut?

But what about changing hands?Always try to change, don't you?

Because you can't hit people with straight punches!

But Regulus was different, he decided on a straight punch, and if I couldn't hit one punch, I punched again, and if I couldn't hit two punches, I screamed angrily and then continued to punch the third punch.

He didn't even think about speeding up his punches.

Slowly waving his arms, kicking out the sand and dust, slowly bending over to pick up stones and sand on the ground and throwing them towards Edelweiss.

How can a random attack hit if I can't even catch Edelweiss' movements in my sight?

If she was really going to be hit by such an attack speed and attack pattern that was inferior to ordinary people, she, Edelweiss, would just find a piece of tofu and kill him, because she couldn't afford to lose this person.

However, Regulus himself didn't realize the problem at all, and kept talking about it endlessly.

"You have been doing whatever you want since just now? It seems that you are also a person with good strength, but unfortunately your brain is not very good. After running around for so long and attacking me for so long, you should understand? No matter you How to do it, how hard I try, it doesn’t make any sense to me and doesn’t work. How about giving up?”

His personality is very annoying, and his constant chatter is also annoying.

But it had to be admitted that Regulus' words were not without reason.

In the case that the defense cannot be defeated, Edelweiss, who continues to attack, will be dragged down sooner or later.

Perhaps this process is extremely long, but if this stalemate continues, Edelweiss will undoubtedly lose in the end.

After all, the consumption of the two sides is completely out of proportion.

However, the premise must be to be able to stalemate!

"You're right, there's no point in going on like this."

At a certain moment, Edelweiss suddenly stopped his attack, and stood not too far away from Regulus again.

"It seems that your brain is still barely usable. Have you finally understood the insurmountable gap between me and you? It's not too late. I'm still very magnanimous. As long as you apologize to me seriously, it seems like a big crime For the sake of the bishop, I can reluctantly forgive you. But remember not to be an example, and if you dare to destroy my marriage, I will definitely not take it easy..."


Regulus's obnoxious chatter came to an abrupt end with a tiny voice.

The pain on his face instantly turned his expression into disbelief.

He raised his hand, touched the side of his face lightly, and then put his hand in front of his eyes.

A bright red came into the eyes!

Looking at the bloodstains on his fingers, Regulus widened his eyes and fell silent.

At the same time, Edelweiss' joking inquiry sounded across from him.

"Why, don't you continue talking? Don't you like talking very much, how do you express your mood at the moment?"

2112 Desire to die!

Regulus is very powerful, almost invincible.

Not only that, but the key lies in the fact that the opponent's ability is not clear.

Edelweiss, who also holds the Witch Factor, of course knows that Regulus' ability comes from the Lust Factor, but the specific ability that the Witch Factor will form depends on the individual, and there are not many rules to follow.

Even the power that a person obtains from the witch factor may not be unique, and may even change in strength or weakness.

The latter is laziness. As for the former, Regulus has two different abilities.

'Heart of a Lion' and 'Little King'

The first power gives him near-invulnerability and a huge weakness, while the second can counteract the weakness of the first.

The combination of the two gave birth to the seemingly invincible lust priest Regulus.

This is the key for ordinary people to defeat Regulus.

They must first understand the fact that Regulus has two powers, and then find the restriction of the second power, break it before facing this lustful bishop.

With the help of the weakness exposed by the first authority, it is possible to defeat this strong desire and sinful bishop.

This process is cumbersome and difficult, and if there is no certain coincidence and accident, it is almost an impossible task.

However, it was different for Edelweiss.

Subtle familiarity, that's how she felt when she fought Regulus, and it even intensified as the battle progressed and after more and more futile attempts.

In the end, Edelweiss located the reason for this feeling.

"The ability of the space-time system, this is your power."

There is no need for further verification, Regulus, who can't manage his expressions at all, showed the truth with his distorted expression of astonishment when he heard this sentence.

And the moment Edelweiss knew the nature of Regulus' ability, the battle was over.

after all

"I have faced more than one opponent who has mastered time ability and concepts, and you can be said to be the worst one."

Edelweiss' tone was very calm, she was expounding the facts, but at the same time, her condescending attitude unexpectedly matched her 'arrogant' identity.

Heinai, the chairman of the fallen knight, Shilu Witch of Xuezhan City, and even the Six Paths Sword, One Thought Boundless Calamity, was used by Yuntian back then.

Edelweiss has seen, experienced, fought, and defeated more than one time-based ability, and his experience in this area can be said to be very rich.

For others, the high-level ability that is rare and difficult to deal with, in her case, is nothing more than one of the many abilities that have been solved in the past.

Regulus' power 'Lion's Heart' can stop time.

Stopping the time of one's own body can turn itself into an 'unchanged' outside the time axis.

So he won't get hurt.

Smoke and dust can't stain his clothes, water can't soak his shoes, any outside interference can't affect time, and naturally it's impossible to hurt Regulus who is in an 'unchanged' state under the concept of time .

At the same time, his ability can also be used on other things.

Whether it is the thrown sand or the waving breeze, in a state where time is stopped, all interference from external factors is rejected.

On the trajectory of their flight, all blocking things will be squeezed, repelled, and penetrated.

Unstoppable attacks and massive explosions are just by-products of this process.

Invincible defense combined with undefensable attack constituted Regulus' overwhelming strength.

"Damn you..." Facing the unbelievable facts, Regulus couldn't keep calm.

His only thought now is to make the other party disappear from his eyes.

So of course, I want to use power to destroy everything in front of me.


"You'd better not move."


Along with Edelweiss' voice, there was the sound of the flesh being cut!

Regulus, who tried to raise his hand and waved it out of the air, saw his left hand being sliced ​​obliquely from the tiger's mouth, and half of his palm fell to the ground along with spurting blood.

at the same time

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The severe pain eroded Regulus' nerves, causing him to scream crazily and hug his left hand to collapse on the ground.

Maintaining an invincible posture all the time, Regulus had long forgotten the feeling of pain, or he had never experienced pain from the very beginning.

At this moment, more than half of the palm was cut off, and the severe pain directly caused him to lose all mobility.

This archbishop of crimes is nothing more than a trash who is not even as good as a normal adult after he has no authority.

As for the ability to crack the time system, Edelweiss has more than one method.

Time and space are not separated, time can affect space, and vice versa, space can also interfere with time.

When high-level abilities collide, the comparison is the degree of development and utilization of the user's own abilities.

But precisely, Regulus is the type that only stops at the most superficial level.

Spatial slash marks, a powerful sword skill that was demonstrated in the battle between Godslayer World and the ever-victorious army god Veleslana, will only be more handy for Edelweiss today.

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