It is an honor for him to use the sword skill of Slaying the God of Disobedience to deal with a guy like Regulus.

The reason why he didn't kill him immediately was because Edelweiss wanted to take the lust factor from him.

The moment Regulus died, the lust factor would disappear, so it had to be stripped out with the Pure Rubik's Cube while he was alive.

If Yuntian is here, maybe he can try to kill directly to transfer the lust factor.

After all, with his desire to become stronger, there is a high probability that his compatibility with the lust factor is not low, and it is very likely that he will directly obtain the witch factor just like the protagonist in the original book.

But Edelweiss' own words, whether it is lust or its prototype of the seven deadly sins of greed, I am afraid that the adaptability is not very high.

Therefore, abolishing Regulus, removing all his resistance abilities and taking away the lust factor is what Edelweiss should do right now.

In fact, she did intend to do so.

The Pure Rubik's Cube is in Yuntian's hands, and it can be transferred to Edelweiss through the shared space.

Shocking Yuntian slightly with the contract induction between the two, Edelweiss was about to take out the pure Rubik's Cube.


Hum, hum——!

Yuntian's response stopped Edelweiss' movements.

Before having a shared space, the contract induction derived from Edelweiss' flawless oath of machete skills was the only means for the two of them to communicate across distances.

Therefore, in order to ensure normal contact, there is a set of codes between them.

Even though it is very convenient to have a shared space now, the sense of contract is still in use.

After all, the shared space needs to be viewed actively, and contract induction can ignore the other party's ideas and directly transmit messages.

like now

The message sent by Yuntian is extremely simple.

Something is wrong!


At the moment of receiving this news, Edelweiss cut off with the platinum long sword without any hesitation!


Blood splattered and heads fell to the ground!

Regulus Cornias, 'The Bishop of Desire', die!

2113 False!The Witch's Appearance!

There was no doubt that Regulus was dead.

With his head cut off, he had no reason to be alive, his breath dissipated, and his witch factor disappeared.

It should be right.

Edelweiss was very sure of this, and his judgment would not be wrong.


Crack, crack, crack—!

The sudden clapping sound seemed extremely abrupt at this moment.

At the same time, a soft female voice like a silver bell came from the other side.

"It's great, how exciting, you can still defeat Bishop Konias and Bishop Edelweiss without using your power, you are indeed an arrogant person."

Appearing without warning was a girl who was so beautiful that she could take her breath away.

The translucent white-blonde long hair was shining brightly, almost like a waterfall of light hanging down along the slender white shoulders towards the back after the sunlight materialized.

In the eyes with long eyelashes, there is a deep blue as if the sky and the sea are intertwined. The overly delicate appearance emphasizes everyone's cognition and interpretation of the concept of "beauty".

The petite and delicate body is pitiful, and people worry that they will fall if they are blown by the wind.

There is only a piece of pure white cloth wrapped all over her body, but it is so dreamy that people can understand that only that piece of cloth is allowed to touch her skin.

If beauty and dreams could kill, it must be this girl.

and she is

"'Pandora' Pandora...why are you here?"

Edelweiss looked at the platinum-blonde girl, his expression became serious for the first time.

"Of course it's for you and Bishop Conias, Bishop Edelweiss."

A girl whose beauty alone was enough to be the cause of death, Pandora slightly tilted her head and answered Edelweiss' question.

The silver-bell-like voice seems to melt people's hearts, gently penetrating into the depths of the soul, and just saying a word can bring ordinary people a strong sense of happiness without regrets.

The magic charm and temptation all the time show her—"Phantom Witch" Pandora is a dangerous person who shouldn't exist in the world!

Under her smile, probably even an existence like the Archbishop of Sin would be wrapped in that kind of happiness that rivals the blessings of the world, and thus accept her 'guidance'.

Pandora spread her hands towards Edelweiss, even facing her who killed the two great sin archbishops Gluttony and Lust in succession, Pandora didn't mean to be angry at all.

There was no malice or hostility at all, only a kind and friendly smile on Pandora's face.

It's almost like a 'betrayal' of the Witch Cult if they don't know what Edelweiss did.

However, just near the two of them, Regulus' body was still lying there.

This made Pandora's behavior extremely abnormal.

"You are special, not everyone has the means to reach you and his field, you are more special and complete than anyone else.

"That's why I came here, for the only outstanding and outstanding people in 400 years like you and Bishop Konias, losing any of you is now unacceptable to me, Bishop Edelweiss .”

Not only is his behavior and attitude abnormal, but even the words he speaks reveal strange meanings.

After all, Regulus was dead, and Edelweiss killed him himself.

The matter only appeared now, and she said that losing any of them was unacceptable, the hidden meaning in Pandora's tone was as if she was saying that Regulus was still alive.

In fact, Regulus, Archbishop of Great Sins, should. . .

Still alive!

The line of sight is not distorted, and there is no so-called fluctuation of space or reversal of time.

Without any warning, the moment Pandora finished speaking, the intact Regulus appeared by her side.

The severed head was reattached, and the severed palm returned to its original shape.

The body of Regulus, who was supposed to be completely dead, turned back into a person with a breath of life. Although he didn't wake up, Regulus did indeed come back to life.

No, 'come alive' is not an accurate description.

Because Regulus didn't die from the beginning, or in other words, the fact of his death was rewritten.

This is the power of Pandora, the power of ostentation!

The ability to rewrite reality!

"Okay, that's it for now."

Platinum long hair was fluttering in the breeze, Pandora still smiled and said to Edelweiss as if she hadn't done anything:

"You have proved your excellence and excellence, and there is no doubt that you are stronger than Bishop Konyas, Bishop Edelweiss.

"After this time, Bishop Konyas will not come to trouble you again, I will ask him, you can rest assured."

Having said that, Pandora paused.

Her tone and expression didn't change at all, but her attitude was slightly different.

"Therefore, Bishop Edelweiss, I will not allow you to kill him here."

Although the tone is still gentle and full of kindness, the meaning of order is very obvious.

As Pandora said at the beginning, whether it is Edelweiss or Regulus, she does not accept losing either party.

In fact, this time was the same as the previous time in Kalaragi, Pandora didn't come to stop the battle to save Regulus.

On the contrary, she came to save Edelweiss.

The powerful Pandora of Regulus' authority is also recognized. In the past 400 years, since the death of the Sin Witches, the Sin Bishops in various positions have changed generation after generation.

However, there are few people who can compare with the great sin witch of the past. In terms of the adaptability of the witch factor, this generation of "lazy" can only use mismatched people like Qiu Si to make up for it.

The strongest sloth 400 years ago and the weakest sloth today, the gap between them can be described as heaven and earth.

For 400 years, there has been only one Regulus, and there has been such a great sin bishop who can be compared with the great sin witches in terms of adaptability.

And not long ago, the always vacant seat of arrogance ushered in a new master.

To Pandora's surprise, this is also a great sin priest with unparalleled adaptability.

If the other archbishops of great crimes are currently in a state where they can find a replacement at any time, then once the lust and arrogance cannot find a good substitute, they can only be replaced by other inferior qualified people.

Lust is fortunate, there is no shortage of lust and greed in this world.

But arrogance is different.

Those who are truly qualified to inherit the name of arrogance are not so easy to appear.

The arrogance of too many people is just appearance or acquired, and the real arrogance, in a sense, is a natural aptitude.

Therefore, any major sin archbishop can die, but Edelweiss and Regulus can't have an accident until they find a real qualified candidate.

So here comes Pandora.

She came here to save Edelweiss. After all, she knew Regulus' character very well. Even if she was a false witch, Regulus would dare to attack her.

But what I didn't expect was that the result of the fight between the two sides would be a complete defeat for Regulus.

Therefore, Pandora, who originally planned to save Edelweiss, turned into saving Regulus.

At the same time, she also hopes to take this opportunity to temporarily stop the fight between the two, since the winner has already been decided anyway.

After this battle, Regulus whose power has been deciphered will never dare to appear in front of Edelweiss again.

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