This means that as long as she is a little familiar with it, she can start making magic tools for the black dragon corpse in a few days.

"The exchange points are not in vain."

Yun Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Let's go, let's go back."

"Well, but on the way back, can you stop by the trading area?"

"Are you going to buy something?"

"Always choose some auxiliary materials. The production of magic tools cannot be completed with a single material."

Echidna's words surprised Yun Tian.

"Are you ready to start making?" Yun Tian originally thought that she would at least need some time to explore.

"It's not difficult for a little bit of stuff, and I have to provide some contributions to the team, so I can get the next research funding, isn't it?"

Echidna smiled, and her fierceness faded a lot after changing back to the dress.

Although those red eyes were more natural and oppressive than her original black eyes, the deliberate restraint of her breath allowed her to regain the disguise of a harmless girl.

I have to say that in terms of acting skills alone, Echidna is indeed superb.

If Yuntian didn't know everything about her in advance, it would be really difficult to ensure that he could see through her disguise every time.

Especially after several face-to-face disguises with Yuntian failed, Echidna's acting skills even improved slightly.

It has only been a long time, and the two bodies with completely different temperaments are more than [-]% similar under Echidna's manipulation.

If it weren't for Yuntian's special attack on dragon killing and being relatively sensitive to dragon species and dragon races, I'm afraid that at this time, apart from the color of the eyes, he would not be able to distinguish the specific races.

Ah, no, there is also Nabai's Xuezi who is not the same.

The gap on this scale is more apparent than meets the eye.

Seemingly noticing Yuntian's inadvertent observation of a certain part, Echidna paused, and then wrapped her arms around her body and supported her with her arms.

"So you like big ones."

Echidna, who was not shy about showing it, had a dazed expression on her face.

"Whether you like it or not is another story, but I don't deny that it attracts attention." Yun Tian is not an innocent boy anymore, after he glanced at Echidna, he didn't shy away from this topic.

But he didn't want to get too entangled here, so he changed the subject and asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Naturally, he was referring to the matter of 'contributing to the team' that Echidna said just now.

In fact, it is not unreasonable, counting the invitation letter, Yuntian has already invested nearly [-] exchange points in her.

If she didn't come up with some results, Echidna herself would be ashamed to ask Yuntian for research funds.

But right now, Echidna wants to do quite a lot of things and things, and there are many places that need to be exchanged.

She also knew that Yuntian had other good things in his hands, so she had to prove that she was worthy of the investment.

as for what to do

"How about keeping it a secret? Anticipation is also important, isn't it?"

Echidna couldn't resist Yun Tian's order, so she used questions.

Yun Tian didn't mind, he nodded and didn't continue to ask.

After that, the two who finished their trip left the Temple of Life.

On the way, he briefly strolled around the trading area, helped Echidna choose a few materials that Yuntian couldn't understand at all, and then returned home.

. . . . . .

When he got home, Edweiss had already prepared the meal.

Echidna had no intention of getting involved in the world of Yuntian and Edelweiss, so instead of having dinner together, she took her body back to her own house.

The research and production agreed with Yuntian started almost non-stop.

For Echidna, this process itself is also a kind of exploration of the unknown, and she enjoys it.

Especially thinking of the countless unknowns waiting for her in the future, Echidna couldn't help being in a state of excitement.

But it is said that she left alone, but her house is actually next to Yuntian, and she can go to find her at any time.

. . .

Get home and finish your meal.

Yun Tian lay dead again.

"How long will you continue in this state?"

Edelweiss, who was making tea for him, looked at Yun Tian who was lying on the bed and said nothing, and sighed helplessly.

Edelweiss always feels that Yun Tian is too diligent, and he often regards daily exercise as entertainment to kill time, which always makes Edelweiss distressed.

But now, in reverse, it is also a headache to become a state of laziness that does not move for a while when it is not necessary.

"I don't know." Yun Tian replied briefly.

In fact, he himself has already felt that this persistent exhaustion is getting better, and the subjective exhaustion is still secondary, after all, it can be overcome by relying on reason and will.

The biggest problem is the mental or spiritual exhaustion caused by the serious overdraft of potential, and the resulting inactivation of energy and physical laziness.

This is the key to affecting his strength, and at the same time, his recovery is much slower than the subjective feeling of fatigue.

In the battle with Reinhardt, as a result of facing the will of the world, Yuntian got a huge harvest.

The overdraft as a price is also very serious.

After all, it was an insurrection that surpassed a large rank, and the final explosion was not what Yuntian should have at this stage.

To be honest, it is lucky enough that there are no permanent sequelae that need to be treated with redemption points.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian sighed.

Instead of letting himself lie down, he forced his body to get out of bed in a semi-forced manner, and started the long-lost daily exercise with Edweis's bewildered expression on his face.

"Are you...?" Edwards asked cautiously.

The sudden change in Yuntian made her a little worried about some mental illness.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that I haven't done basic exercises other than morning exercises for a while, and I felt it...or did I do it?"

Ever since Yuntian crossed the world-class threshold, basic training was basically equivalent to 0 improvement for him.

Even the morning exercise that I maintain all the time is a matter of habit, and I haven't done basic training for a long time.

This is not laziness, but a symbol of his strength and the inevitable result after reaching a higher level.

However, after the battle with Reinhardt, Yuntian once again deeply felt his own shortcomings.

If he didn't have the resurrection protection stolen from the Prometheus cheat book, and if he didn't have the A+ grade ace item, then Yuntian would not have the capital to defeat that sword master at all.

That victory, like the black dragon battle in the past, was not a real victory in Yuntian's view.

He still needs to continue to grow.

2161 Advice from Echidna

After finishing all the things he was anxious to do, Yuntian's life returned to peace.

For about three days, Yuntian didn't do anything or go anywhere. He just stayed at home and did some basic exercises that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Edelweiss was always by his side, but Echidna never showed up.

Finally, on the fourth day after returning to the main god's space, the exhaustion he felt due to the power of lust disappeared, and Yuntian also returned to his usual state.

At least on the surface.

The physical and mental overdraft fatigue has recovered, but the inactivation of energy in the body has not been completely recovered, and it will probably take a few days.

In any case, the movement is no longer restricted, and Yuntian is ready to do some things that are temporarily put on hold.

Such as drug supplements.

But before that, there is one more important thing to do, open the treasure chest!

. . . . . .

"This is the treasure chest? By the way, why is it in the form of a treasure chest?"

In Yuntian's house, the three of them sat at the table looking at two different styles of treasure chests, and it was Echidna who spoke first.

She was called by Yun Tian.

This lady witch is very interested in everything in the main god's space, and all the unknowns are the elements that Echidna is eager to understand.

Knowing her character well, Yun Tian went next door before opening the treasure box, and by the way visited Donna's house which had been completely transformed into a magic laboratory.

All in all, it was shocking, filled with incomprehensible containers and shimmering spell patterns everywhere.

Yun Tian didn't ask in detail what it was all about, after all, he probably wouldn't understand it if he asked, so he still has this bit of self-knowledge.

But one thing can be confirmed, Echidna also took the initiative to tell him.

The gadgets mentioned earlier that can help the team are almost ready, probably Yuntian will be able to get the preliminary test product No. 1 today and tomorrow.

"I haven't really thought about why it is in the form of a treasure chest, so is there a difference between a treasure chest and a jar?"

Yun Tian glanced at Echidna, and felt that the way of thinking of genuine spellcasters or researchers was really different.

Whether it is Yuntian or Edelweiss, the first thing they care about when they see the treasure chest is its content, but Echidna first asked why.

Facing Yun Tian's inquiry, Echidna explained:

"Of course it doesn't matter what container you use to hold the rewards, but why you choose this container can be a factor to speculate on the thinking circuit of the main god's space to a certain extent.

"Intelligence, ideas, and character, as long as you have subjective thinking, you will inevitably have its action principles. After understanding the action principles of the main god's space, we can make some targeted adjustments to your behavior, and then improve your value in the eyes of the other party. importance."

"You can see so many things from the treasure chest?" Yun Tian rubbed his forehead with a subtle expression.

"A treasure chest is definitely not enough, but the puzzle must be accumulated piece by piece to form the final picture. The process of transforming the unknown into knowledge is completed in these tiny piles."

Listening to Echidna's words, Yun Tian paused for a moment.

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