Yuntian is actually very good at trying to figure out people's hearts. Although he often uses it in annoying directions, but with rich experience in dealing with old monsters, Yuntian can easily understand Echidna's thoughts.

While also acknowledging her correctness.

After so long, Yuntian can clearly feel that the main god space is not a rigid machine. The most direct example is the special mission in the world of Godslayer.

Echidna's speculative evaluation is said to be true.

It may sound very utilitarian, but there is no doubt that if you encounter such a vague special task next time, with Echidna by your side, Yuntian will definitely not get a not too high evaluation and task progress.

That's why we need someone like that in the team.

Only by looking at the problem from a completely different angle can the team reduce the problems as much as possible.

Right now, Echidna's appearance makes up for a large part of what was lacking before.

Yuntian is the core that determines the direction of the team, Edelweiss is the conscience that ensures that the direction will not deviate, and Echidna helps the team broaden their choices so that they can go faster and farther.

"Let's talk about that later."

Yun Tian made up his mind to hold a really in-depth team meeting, but not now, it's better to finish opening the treasure chest first.

There are a total of four A-level treasure chests, two are reserved before, and two are rewards for this mission together with the other three privilege treasure chests.

Because of the authority, Yuntian has always had the habit of keeping two treasure chests for emergencies. He once proved the feasibility and value of the method in Gensokyo.

Having said that, if the battle with Reinhardt's Juggernaut hadn't been for the fact that Yuntian obtained the power with a very high upper limit through the lust factor before the battle, he would probably open the treasure chest to seek a breakthrough.

This was his idea, and Edelweiss had no objection to it.

After all, having authority, this major premise guarantees that the props created by Yuntian have a high probability of being something he can use or need.

But now, Yun Tian wants to hear Echidna's opinion.

"Is it related to the title of authority and the preservation of the treasure chest... I see."

After listening to Yun Tian's description, Echidna nodded without much change in expression, and then gave her own point of view.

"From my point of view, the conclusion would be 'unnecessary', but the conclusion is based on my personal behavior pattern."

Echidna looked at Yun Tian, ​​and then shifted her gaze to Edelweiss, because she felt that this 'sister' should understand what she said next.

"From Yun Tian's point of view, let's take the battle with that sword master as an example.

"With two treasure chests in hand, you are undoubtedly correct based on the situation at the time. They allow you to have a chance of winning at any time, and you can think about and build the details of the war without any worries."

Echidna's words were what Yun Tian thought.

They didn't even mention what the treasure chests would reveal. Their existence alone allowed Yuntian to get rid of a lot of restrictions on his actions.

The improvement of self-confidence and morale can increase part of the combat power in itself.

No matter how strong Yuntian is, he will challenge him, but he will definitely have doubts when dealing with it, because they can definitely see that Yuntian's eyes that are confident that he has a chance of winning are not fake.

This is also in a sense the ebb and flow of combat attitudes.

"But if it were me, I would have avoided fighting that sword master from the very beginning."

While saying this, Echidna kept looking at Edelweiss.

Her expression seemed to be asking 'why didn't you stop him from doing something like this? '

And Edelweiss, who was a little stressed by Echidna's eyes, looked away unnaturally, and didn't continue to look at her.

2162 Crystal of Light

Edelweiss knows Yuntian's character, whether it is warlike or the pursuit of becoming stronger.

Knowing the other party's character flaws, she still chose to accompany Yun Tian to the main god's space.

Edelweiss understands and tolerates Yuntian's shortcomings, and will never become an obstacle for Yuntian's progress in these matters.

This is the key factor why she has an important position in Yuntian's heart.

But in all fairness, although Edelweiss accepts all this, he doesn't really think that Yun Tian's behavior is all right.

After all, to be honest, this victory between Yuntian and Reinhardt is really not big, especially after knowing that they will face the will of the world.

Of course, the result is good, but this is just like gambling. If you win this time, can you ignore the fact that you gambled in front of the huge gains?

Obviously not.

This time it worked, what about next time?What about next time?

In other words, is it possible for Yuntian to stop?

That must not be possible.

Because this is different from ordinary gambling, Yun Tian's bargaining chip is his life, and he just doesn't really care about his life.

For Yuntian, this is tantamount to participating in a high-priced gamble of hundreds of millions, but the cost he pays is only a few coins that he carries with him.

Then of course he will gamble without any psychological pressure, because the price has no weight at all from his perspective.

This is caused by Yuntian's huge personality flaws, it is also his way of life, and it is also the cornerstone of his road to becoming stronger and the reason for him to be fearless.

Just like how Reinhardt felt during the battle, Yuntian in that state was a frenzy that even a sword master would feel creepy about.

It is not terrible for people who know that they will not die and who cannot correctly recognize the value of life to ignore death.

The frightening thing is that a person is very aware that he will die, and after he has a very deep understanding of the meaning and weight of life, he still doesn't take his life seriously.

This kind of person is either a hero with lofty ideals, or a true Madonna in a commendatory sense, or. . .Just a crazy monster.

Without the perspective of God, it is impossible for anyone to be sure that he is the protagonist of Destiny.

The reason why a miracle is a miracle is because of its extreme and non-reproducible characteristics.

Because of this, Yuntian became powerful, and likewise, he always put himself on the dangerous line that could be lost at any time.

"All of your action principles are based on this. When facing the Juggernaut, you never thought about avoiding the edge."

As she spoke, Echidna pointed to the treasure chest.

"So from your point of view, it is the most correct decision to always keep winning, but in my opinion it is not necessary."

"Are you persuading me to choose to avoid fighting when facing the enemy?" Yun Tian was silent for a while.

"No, I'm just telling you to clarify the situation." Echidna shook her head.

Although Yun Tian's reaction was very calm, she still didn't want to cause any misunderstanding, so she immediately asked:

"Yun Tian, ​​you should also have weak times, no matter if you are C-level or B-level."

"Of course."

"I assume you met a Juggernaut when you were at C-level, would you choose to initiate a challenge?"

"will not."

Fearlessness and recklessness are two different things, even if Yuntian doesn't take his own life seriously, he won't be so stupid as to challenge an enemy who has no chance of winning.

Talking about exchanging ideas is another matter, but in the fight of life and death, Yun Tian must have at least seen a slight chance of winning before making the decision to challenge.

But this is the problem that Echidna wants to emphasize.

"Then if I give you two A-level treasure chests, or the previous assumption, what would you do?"

This time, Yun Tian was silent.

It was simply impossible for him to challenge Reinhardt when he was at C-level.

But what if there are two A-level treasure chests?

What if the trump card props that are enough for Yuntian to face A-level with C-level are really opened?

What will Yuntian do?

In any case, it must be a stupid decision for C-level to challenge that Juggernaut.


"He will definitely declare war." Edelweiss took over the topic in silence.

She sighed deeply, now Edelweiss who knew Yuntian very well could conclude without hesitation.

"Give him two A-level treasure chests. When facing that sword master, he will definitely challenge him. Yun Tian has this kind of personality."

As long as there is a chance of winning, no matter how small and stupid, Yuntian will only choose to move forward!

Even if there is only death ahead.

"This is my conclusion and suggestion." Echidna spread her hands and stopped talking.

And what she meant was also understood by Yuntian and Edelweiss.

It is indeed a feasible measure to keep the treasure chest as a hole card. This will bring Yuntian a comprehensive improvement from the heart to the style of action, so that he can have the confidence to reverse at any time.

But at the same time, this move will also greatly magnify Yun Tian's character flaws, directly putting himself and even the entire team in a dangerous situation at all times.

Sometimes fear is actually the same as pain, which is an indispensable early warning and defense mechanism for human beings.

Without pain, you can't properly realize how much damage the crisis in front of you is going to do to you, and you may be dying without knowing it.

Without fear, it is extremely easy for people to put themselves in a dangerous situation and try many things that they should not do at first sight.

Edelweiss will not stop Yuntian, she is in a situation where she will go crazy and die with Yuntian.

Echidna was just a suggestion, if Yun Tian hadn't asked, she would never have brought up this matter.

At least at this stage, she has no position or qualification to criticize Yun Tian, ​​the actual master.

So the final decision is still in Yuntian's own hands.

Echidna is just pointing out the difference between the two.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian was silent for a long time, and did not really come to a conclusion until the end.

He also knows his personality flaws, but these things cannot be changed in a few words.

Today's dialogue may be an opportunity for some changes, but it will take a period of precipitation and reflection to ferment the results.

No matter what, Yuntian kept this matter in his heart.

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