"In order to complete this painting, your help is necessary."

"Your words should be understandable. On the road of pursuing becoming stronger, you always move towards the highest peak and a higher realm, right?"

"Just like you, the completion of that painting is very important to me. I don't want to make do, I don't want to make do. I want to do my best and use the best and most perfect everything to complete it."

"And you are the most perfect template I have found all over the world."

Sarah's voice is not loud, and the ups and downs of her tone are not too big, but the determination and will revealed in her words cannot be underestimated.

Feeling that pure will, Yun Tian couldn't persuade him any more.

After all, Yun Tian somewhat has a good impression of such a pure person.

However, if you want him to be the model...

"You can discuss this matter with Edelweiss. If she has no objections, then I won't say anything more."

The moment Yun Tian's voice fell, Sarah suddenly stood still.

"...You don't plan to go to Edelweiss to discuss it right now, do you?" Yun Tian was completely helpless now.

He looked at Sarah, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, to Yuntian's surprise, Sarah shook her head silently after hearing his question.

"If you didn't intend to go to Edelweiss, what did you stop for?"

"...Finally think about it, give up and continue to follow me?"

Sarah shook her head again.

Now Yuntian was confused, he looked at Sarah and then around, and after careful consideration, he still couldn't come up with an answer.

So Yun Tian asked curiously:

"Why did you stop?"

"I can't walk anymore."



"So you want to stop and rest simply because you are tired???"


Yun Tian looked at Sarah, looked her up and down carefully, and at the same time there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

The trump card of Xiao Xueyuan, Sarah, who Edelweiss said could make Yuntian look forward to fighting power, actually said that she was tired after walking two steps? ? ?

Originally, Yuntian hadn't observed Sarah carefully, but at a glance, he could see that the other party was not some kind of swordsman who was good at physical fitness.

But right now, after careful observation, he found something was wrong.

Not only is she not good at it, Sarah's body is simply weak and out of shape, let alone a knife cutter, she is weak and sickly compared with ordinary people.

Chapter 416 Touching Porcelain!

Realizing that Sarah really couldn't move anymore, Yun Tian was speechless immediately.

Looking around, he found a shop selling drinks with outdoor seats, so Yun Tian even took Sarah to sit there for a while.

After all, if he was really too tired to walk, then Yuntian couldn't force Sarah to take him...huh?

Wait, something doesn't seem right?

Yun Tian, ​​who had just taken a step, suddenly stopped.

He seems to be... isn't he shopping with Sarah?

Yun Tian glanced back at Sarah, looking at her innocent eyes, then he suddenly changed direction!

What a joke, I was entangled, and now I have such a good opportunity, of course I chose to run away.

Although there is still some time before lunch, Yuntian still has to bring food back for Edweiss, so he doesn't have much time to waste on shopping.

After all, since when did shopping become a thing? !

And Sarah seemed to have expected Yuntian's reaction in advance, and the moment he turned around to run away, he directly reached out and grabbed Yuntian's clothes, with a serious expression on his face that seemed to express the meaning of 'I won't let you escape'.

So, following Sarah's actions, a huge force struck instantly!


Sarah fell to the ground.

This shocking change frightened Yun Tian.

It was really scary.

He looked in shock at Sarah who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. Yun Tian was sure that he didn't use any strength at all, just the strength to walk forward normally.

But Sarah, who was holding him, was directly dragged by this force, and fell to the ground.

"Peng, Pengci?!"

Yun Tian never expected that he would also meet Peng Ci?Or a so-called 'ace' player? ?

Even though Yuntian is well-informed, he doesn't know how to deal with it now, he can only watch Sarah struggle on the ground in a little daze.

Then, after watching for a few seconds, Yun Tian realized that things seemed to be different from what he had imagined?

"It hurts, hurts... um... my waist, my waist is about to break..."

Sarah struggled to stand up, and she didn't look like she was pretending at all, as if she was really hurt and couldn't move.

After hesitating for a while, Yuntian finally couldn't bear to throw her here.

Thinking of the other party's poor physical fitness, and also because of his own actions, he fell down, so Yun Tian stretched out his hand to help her up.

Holding Sarah by his arm, Yun Tian came to the drink shop he had just discovered, and after putting Sarah on the outdoor seat, he went to buy two drinks and came back.

Handing one of the cups to Sarah, Yuntian sat down helplessly.

"What's the matter with your body?"

Ordinary people, even if they are weak and sick, will not be too tired to walk after taking two steps, let alone fall down due to a little strength, and then be unable to get up for a long time.

This is no longer explained by physical weakness, it is completely a state of severe patients.

Sarah took the drink that Yun Tian handed over, as if she had just recovered from the pain.

"My physical problem is congenital, and my bones are very fragile. If it hadn't been for treatment, I would still be lying on the hospital bed and unable to move."

In fact, it’s more than that, and part of the reason is that Sarah herself doesn’t pay attention to her health at all, and she is obsessed with painting and rarely exercises.

That's why the injuries were added to the inherently poor and weak body.

However, Sarah herself seems to be completely unaware of this, and just thinks that her poor health is simply a bone problem.

"You don't have to mind this. This is my own problem. Although it looks painful to me, it is indeed painful, but I am used to it."

Falling to the ground, even a slight force will make Sarah feel pain. This kind of pain may not be a big deal to others, but to Sarah it is a veritable pain.

But she didn't lie to Yun Tian, ​​she was indeed used to it.

When she first came to Osaka to participate in the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, she broke a bone because she stepped on the empty stairs, and was finally taken to the venue by ambulance.

This kind of thing is already part of Sarah's daily life, and she has no intention of exercising herself.

One is because I consider myself an artist, not a fighter, there is no need to exercise at all. If I have that time, I might as well practice painting more.

The other is that her bones are completely unable to support her exercise. Even the slightest form of exercise, such as jogging, will result in a broken bone if she is not careful.

However, she is a knife cutter anyway, and she can use magic power to achieve superhuman movements when she really needs it, so she doesn't have to exercise.

Although the result of this is that in daily life, when you don't use magic power, you often bump into bumps.

That's how she got her title of 'Blooded Da Vinci'.

That's right, this title sounds rather cruel... The word 'blooded' actually refers to Sarah's own blood...

Of course, don't look at her like this, her strength is indeed extraordinarily terrifying.

After all, her strength has nothing to do with her body, and it is precisely because this strength is enough to cover up all her shortcomings that she was selected as the trump card of the rebel army's plan to participate in the battle.

Although Sarah said that Yuntian didn't need to care, but Yuntian had no choice but to leave just like that.

No matter how others fell because of his actions, more importantly, Yun Tian felt that if he just left like this, Sarah would definitely follow up again.

Seeing her fragile appearance, Yun Tian finally could only shake his head, sighed silently and stayed.

"I'll wait for you to rest for a while at most. It's impossible to stay with you all the time. There's still a game in the afternoon... Speaking of it."

It suddenly occurred to Yun Tian that his opponent in the third round in the afternoon seemed to be the last contestant in Zone D.

And Sarah is the contestant in Zone D!

In other words, the two who are sitting opposite each other and drinking cold drinks will meet in the afternoon game.

"You didn't follow me because of the game in the afternoon, did you plan to spy on me?"

"No, I'm not interested in the competition." Yun Tian was surprised by Sarah's answer.

While surprised, he was also a little helpless to complain, because Yun Tian found out that Sarah was serious.

In this case, among the six contestants in Akatsuki Academy, Ouma, Tianyin, and Sarah, a total of three people are not interested in this plan at all, plus Arisuin who was instigated...

More than half of the participants in a plan turned back. This rebel army is really pitiful.

Originally, Yun Tian thought that the organization of the Rebel Army, which could be vaguely called the third largest force in the world, should be quite a good organization.

But the more he got in touch with, the faster he felt that the world's largest criminal organization was forced to die.

Although there are indeed many capable people, it seems that they don't pay much attention to the organization of the Rebel Army itself?

Chapter 417 Painting is the most annoying thing!

"Since you have no interest in the game, does that mean you don't plan to use your full strength in the afternoon game?"

"Well, just deal with it properly. Compared with that kind of thing, it's more important for you to be my model."

"...As I said, go to Edelweiss for advice first." Yun Tian looked at Sarah with a bit of distress.

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