This time it was not because of the model, but because Sarah had no fighting spirit.

Yun Tian was looking forward to this battle with Sarah.

With Edelweiss' guarantee, at least it can be confirmed that this battle is enough to make Yuntian excited.

So, no matter what, Yuntian didn't want to give up this opportunity.

Unlike Stella and Ikki, Sarah doesn't consider herself a warrior, and doesn't seem to like fighting very much depending on the situation.

And considering the special status of Sarah's rebels, who want to fight freely, this sword martial arts competition is the right opportunity. Stella and Ikki, who are willing to learn from each other when they follow, are just the opposite.

But looking at it now, Sarah herself doesn't seem to have any will to fight, which makes Yuntian feel a little uncomfortable.

Although it is not necessary to fight, but if possible, Yuntian still hopes to experience the ability that his lover also admires.

Edelweiss didn't tell him the details, just to make Yun Tian feel a sense of surprise.

Don't say it's a surprise now, the person who gave the surprise just quit.

At this moment, Yun Tian suddenly fell into silence.

He began to think about how to stimulate Sarah's desire to fight so that he could see this so-called surprise.

On the other side, after seeing that Yun Tian didn't speak, Sarah took out a small drawing book out of nowhere.

Taking off the paintbrush hanging on the side of the drawing book, she just looked directly at Yun Tian and began to draw.

The speed of painting is not fast, and Sarah’s fighting Yuntian has also seen it several times. Her fighting style is related to painting, and she can achieve different effects by manipulating different colors.

In the battle, Sarah's drawing speed is extremely fast, and the drawing can be completed almost instantly.

Not only that, but when she was painting Yuntian and Edelweiss last night, Sarah's drawing speed was quite astonishing, and a painting could be easily formed in a short period of time.

Originally, Yuntian thought that it was the embodiment of Sarah's painting realm reaching a master, just like Yuntian's general swordsmanship, which can be activated easily and instantly.

However, seeing Sarah at this moment, Yun Tian knew that his understanding might be a bit off.

Sarah painted very slowly this time, slowly and carefully.

On the flat white drawing book, Yun Tian's face was gradually rubbed on it.

That's right, rubbing.

It didn't look like the content of the painting at all, as if Yun Tian's own face was really printed on it.

Yun Tian didn't move to paint, but Sarah's technique seemed to make him really think he saw magic.

This is the second time he has watched Sarah paint. Even if he saw it last night, he still feels shocked.

Without making a sound to disturb her, Yun Tian even quietly used the power of the stars to reduce the two people's sense of existence to prevent being recognized by passers-by.

Yun Tian sat quietly while Sarah drew silently. Soon, a simple figure painting was completed.

For a master painter like Sarah, even if the speed is slow, it will not take too much time to draw an extremely simple and monotonous figure painting.

It may have only been a few minutes before and after, looking at the lifelike self outlined in black, Yun Tian couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"You really like drawing."

Although Yun Tian doesn't know painting, he can read people.

From Sarah's actions just now, he can see that there are no redundant movements at all, from the wrist, fingertips, and the trace of the brush, that is not something that ordinary exercises can do.

It is equivalent to swordsmanship practice, a unique personal style that can only be achieved through countless years of hard work.

It is the field of the so-called "master", without a lot of hard work and enthusiasm, without a certain will and awareness, it is absolutely impossible to reach this level.

Sarah, who heard Yun Tian's praise, did not show happiness, but showed a complicated expression.

She was silent for a moment before responding:

"Now, I like it."

"Before, painting was the most annoying thing."

The second half of the sentence muttered softly, and the tone was full of complex emotions.


Sarah Bradley, a teenage girl who grew up in Italy for as long as she can remember.

It was a small house in a mountain.

Born with fragile bones, she couldn't walk at all, so she could only lie in bed and learn about the world.

So, at that time, all she could see in that small room was her whole world.

And in the center of that world, there is always a figure with his back to her, that is her father.

Sarah's father is an unknown painter. He faced the huge canvas from the beginning to the end, and with his back to Sarah, he completed the oil painting step by step.

It was a religious painting that told the story of a savior preventing the end of the world.

It took several years for that painting, and in Sarah's memory, there is only the back view of her father, and there is no memory of looking back at herself even once.

He never responded when I asked him, and even the sick Sarah was taken care of by hired maids.

Therefore, Sarah doesn't know her father's appearance, doesn't know her father's voice, doesn't know whether the two have met face to face, and even... except for a back view, she doesn't know anything about her father.

That man was deeply immersed in the painting in front of him as if possessed.


"I hate it very much. I hate the 'painting' that took away my father."

Then, one day, my father died.

Without warning, she fell in front of the oil painting. The maid who sent her father to the hospital later told Sarah that it seemed to be due to the relapse of some vicious old disease.

After crying for three days, Sarah shed all her tears alone in the small empty room.

Finally, looking at the unfinished oil painting, a flame of hatred ignited in her heart.

The painting is nearly complete, leaving only the place of the savior in the center blank.

Sarah looked at the culprit who killed her father and decided to destroy it.

She climbed off the bed, dragged her fragile body, and slowly moved to the front of the oil painting.

Picking up the oil painting knife that fell on the ground, Sarah can cut this unfortunate 'painting' apart with a single wave.


"But I can't do it."

Looking at the countless empty paint cans scattered on the floor, the dry layers of paint, and the damaged canvas that has been painted and covered countless times, Sarah saw things that she couldn't detect on the bed.

She felt her father's unparalleled passion for painting!

Chapter 418 Sarah Raising Fighting Intent and Amazing Pressure

It took a lot of time, even the daughter didn't exist, and even died in front of the painting. Sarah's father still couldn't complete the painting in the end.

After realizing this fact, a feeling of sadness appeared in Sarah's heart instead of hatred.

In the end, she made up her mind while shedding tears.

"Completing this painting is the only filial piety I can do to my father."

After that, Sarah was treated by one of the leading physicians in the rebel army, the "Great Professor" from the "Twelve Apostles", relying on her father's lifelong friend, the Kazeji family, who was also a member of the rebel army.

Although it can't be said to be completely cured, it is at least enough for Sarah to get out of bed and move freely. Of course, she has been burdened with a huge medical debt.

There is no cure for this kind of congenital strange disease, and the 'big professor' took action to cure Sarah, even if the asking price is astronomical.

"So you joined the Rebel Army, is that considered part-time work and repayment?"

Hearing this, Yuntian interjected for the first time, asking curiously.

After all, it doesn't make sense for the famous world's number one painter 'Mario Rosso' to join the rebels.

Especially after seeing Sarah herself, and finding out that the other party has a character who wants nothing but painting, Yun Tian couldn't figure out why she would join the rebel army.

Now it seems that repaying money or repaying kindness seems to be a more reasonable explanation.

However, Sarah who heard this question shook her head.

"I didn't join the rebels, but paying back the one of the reasons?"

Sarah tilted her head, as if she was thinking about how to explain to Yuntian the relationship between herself and the rebels.

"My relationship with the Rebels... should be more like a cooperative relationship."

"I want to finish the painting my father left behind anyway, but in order to finish it, I have to travel around the world to broaden my horizons."

"Besides, it won't work if I don't find the ideal model. I need to use the rebels to get in and out of some disputed areas."

"After I recovered from my illness, I gave all my paintings to the 'big professor', and I have done so until now."

"One is for medical expenses, and the other is to sell the paintings through the contacts of the rebels. After all, I am not good at this myself."

"Up to now, although I haven't calculated it, the medical expenses must have been paid off, so the rebels and I just use each other more."

"As long as I have this body to be able to paint, I don't need money at all, and I don't need anything above money."

"If I give the benefits to the rebels, they can provide me with travel around the world, including food and lodging and treatment by the 'big professor'."

"It's the same for participating in the battle this time, because I haven't been here in the extreme east, so I followed here to find a model."

Hearing the model, Yun Tian couldn't help covering his face, because he was indeed discovered by Sarah during this project.

For Sarah, it doesn't really matter what the Rebels are, it's just that they can facilitate their painting journey so they can cooperate with them.

"It was during this process that I gradually fell in love with painting, and I became more and more able to understand my father's thoughts at that time."

"So that's how it is." After listening to Sarah's description, Yun Tian had some understanding of Sarah.

Knowing the other party's past and her obsession, Yun Tian felt relieved.

To be honest, the matter of modeling is actually nothing. Yun Tian is more willing to help people like this kind of people who are immersed in a certain skill.

However, Sarah's identity is very sensitive, and the abilities of this world's slasher are all kinds of strange, so he can't easily agree to some things no matter what.

After all, no one can guarantee whether it is because of this painting that he will be entangled in some strange abilities.

It was easy to tell that Sarah wasn't lying, and the grandmaster aura she possessed couldn't be faked, so Yun Tian could safely use the modeling thing as a bargaining chip.

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