"About the matter of modeling, I really need to discuss it with Edelweiss, but at the same time I am sure enough to convince her."

"But this matter itself is not good for me, so in theory I don't need to cooperate with your ideas."

Hearing what Yun Tian said, Sarah's whole body was like a deflated ball, and she instantly became a little depressed.

Of course, even though her mood was a little low, she still looked at Yun Tian with firm eyes, and she didn't have any intention of giving up.

Seeing Sarah like this, Yun Tian smiled, and then added:

"Well, let me make a condition. If you can do it, it will be good for me, and I will have enough reasons to help you."

"In the next match, which is the quarter-finals in the third round in the afternoon, as long as you beat me, then I will be a model according to your request. Of course, I will explain to Edelweiss."

"How about it, can you accept this condition?"

Yun Tian looked at Sarah with some interest. Others may not know the information about his defeat of Edelweiss, but it is impossible for Sarah, who is the trump card of Xiao Academy, to not know.

Even Edelweiss was defeated, Yuntian's strength can be imagined.

Clown and Tian Yin also knew this, so they wanted to use tricks to eliminate monster-level players like Stella and Yun Tian through methods other than competitions.

But now, in the face of Yuntian who is almost invincible, Yuntian is very interested in what choice Sarah will make.

Then, in the next instant, a creepy feeling of trembling directly put him into a state of preparation for battle!

Before her eyes, Sarah's expression completely changed.

"I see."

As if a different person, in Sarah's eyes, Yun Tian saw a fierce burning will.

The sense of oppression overflowing from the girl even shocked Yun Tian a little.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Tian suppressed the fighting spirit that was almost detonated into the bottom of his heart.

Unbelievable, really hard to believe.

Yun Tian looked at Sarah in surprise. Feeling the pressure and tension from her, he was so excited that he almost laughed out loud for a moment.

This kind of momentum, this state, this kind of oppression, in this world Yuntian has only seen one person who can bring it to him.

That is 'Bizwing' Edelweiss!

That's right, Xijing Ningyin can't do it, Shinguji Kurino can't do it, and neither can 'God of Fighting' Nango Toujiro!

Maybe Yuntian can't beat them, but their suppression of Yuntian is not that great.

Only Edelweiss could make Yun Tian feel this kind of tension like a sword blade cutting his throat!

And now, Yun Tian actually felt a similar aura on Sarah's body!

Chapter 419 The third round, the quarterfinals!

For a long time, Sarah didn't feel like a warrior to Yuntian, and she really didn't consider herself a warrior.

The grandmaster's aura is indeed terrifying, but it can't have too much influence on Yuntian, who is also a grandmaster.

But it was different now, Sarah's will to fight was mobilized by Yuntian.

Although it's not particularly clear, and it's still slightly weird, but Yuntian can be sure that Sarah definitely has the strength to pose a threat to him.

Therefore, Yun Tian laughed.

It seems that the next game will finally not let him get bored!


After that, Yuntian packed some meals by himself, and went back to the hotel to have lunch with Edelweiss.

As for why it is a person.

That's because Sarah is gone.

That's right, Sarah voluntarily gave up her plan to continue to act with Yuntian.

It seemed that she was planning to prepare for the game in the afternoon, she left with a serious face, and gave Yun Tian a look as she left.

What is contained in it is a firm will and a belief in victory.


After a midday break, the afternoon game will begin soon.

Although it was the third round and the quarter-finals, it was actually only four games.

In addition, Stella had a bye because she had no opponent, so it was actually three games.

Yuntian and Sarah are contestants in Zone D, so they were arranged for the last match.

The first match will be the two contestants from Area A, 'Raikier' Todo Toka VS 'Deep Sea Witch' Kuro Tetsuzuku!

It is an internal confrontation belonging to Pojun Academy!

The most interesting thing is that these two people once fought against each other in the representative selection competition in the school. That time, it was Dao Hua's victory.

The news had spread throughout the venue almost before the start of the game, and the gimmick of the Avengers War added a lot to the spectacle of the game.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time, Senior Sister Dao Hua."

Shizuku stared at Dao Hua, her tone contained many inexplicable emotions.

Ever since she was defeated by Toka in the selection battle, Shizuku has never relaxed in training.

She is looking forward to fighting Daohua again almost all the time, and winning the battle!

Now on the stage of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, on this best stage, her wish has come true.

"This time, I won't lose again."

"My brother will undoubtedly enter the semi-finals. If I want to meet my brother on the stage, this battle must not be lost!"

"Sister Daohua, I will, defeat you!"

"So that's how it is, in order to meet classmate Kurotsutsu on the stage... It's a beautiful brother and sister dream." Dao Hua looked at Shizuku opposite him with some emotion.

Dao Hua knows how strong this petite school girl is.

That is definitely a powerful enemy that cannot be ignored.


"I'm sorry, but I can't cede victory to you."

"Just like you want to meet Kurotsutsu-san, I also have opponents I want to fight again."

"Yuntian... on the stage of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, I want to complete my own challenge!"

Daohua is actually very similar to Zhuyu. After being defeated by Yuntian, she devoted herself to practicing, and even found her master "God of Fighting" Nanxiang for guidance.

In this short period of time, Daohua's progress can be called terrifying, otherwise she would not have the confidence to challenge Yuntian again.

Now that she has reached the top eight, as long as she takes one step forward, she has a great chance to meet Yun Tian.

"Before that, I won't hold back even if it's my partner from Pojun Academy."

"Your challenge, I took it!"

The monstrous thunder light and the turbulent waves, the second battle between Toka and Shizuku began under the eyes of all the people!


Stella in Zone B had a bye, and after the game in Zone A, Ikki from Zone C was next to play.

And his opponent in the quarterfinals is also an 'acquaintance'.

A grinning skull tattoo could be clearly seen on the open chest, and the eyes hidden behind the sunglasses stared fiercely at Ikki, revealing an extremely ferocious look.

Greedy Wolf Academy third grade, 'Swordsman Killer' Kurashiki Tibetan!

Once caused a commotion centered on Ayatsuji Ayase, and was defeated by Yuntian and Ikki twice successively. He is a player who has a close relationship with Pojun Academy.

"Kurotek, Ikki!"

"Ha, it was you who met first."

The Tibetan's tone was full of murderous intent, and Ikki who was opposite him had no doubt that the other party would kill him if he had the chance.

However, what is hidden under that killing intent is unparalleled fanaticism and a sky-high fighting intent!

"In fact, I would rather take the lead in cleaning up Yun Tian, ​​but...forget it, anyway, it will be sooner or later, it doesn't matter which of you two comes first."

"Yuntian, Heitie, apart from the match with you, nothing else matters!"

The soaring fighting spirit and powerful magic power rose from Tibetan, and the violent aura made Ikki a little nervous.

"In order to fight the two of you, to return the defeat to the two of you, and to defeat you, I finally obtained this power!"

The momentum of the Tibetan became stronger as he spoke more and more, and the magic power gradually condensed in his hands.

Then, the familiar spiritual outfit, the bone sword 'Orochimaru' once again appeared in the eyes of Ikki and Yun Tian who was on the sidelines.

It was at this moment that Ikki and Yuntian showed indescribable surprise.

Of course, they were not surprised by the Bone Sword. The reason why they were surprised was that the Tibetans were actually holding a spiritual outfit with exactly the same shape in their left and right hands!

Bone Sword · Dual Swordsmanship!

This is not as simple as having an extra sword.

The number of inherent spiritual outfits cannot be increased casually. There are indeed some swordsmen who can manifest multiple spiritual outfits, such as Arisuin and Tianyin.

But that's because the spiritual outfit itself exists in plural, and it's not an acquired quantity.

As for the "Swordsman Killer" Kurashiki Tibetan's "Oshemaru", both Yuntian and Ikki have seen it with their own eyes, and it is definitely a sword.

Not only that, but now the "Oshemaru" that has become a two-edged style has also changed in shape. The bone sword used to be more like a saw, but now it looks like a double-edged Western sword.

The change in the spiritual outfit itself is simply unbelievable.

The innate spiritual outfit is the manifestation of a person's soul, which is equivalent to the existence of this person, and is the crystallization of his own values, aesthetics, worldview, personality, and way of survival.

If the inherent spiritual outfit has changed, there is only one possibility. Compared with the past, this person has undergone an earth-shaking change in essence.

He even... killed his former self with his own hands!

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