Chapter 420 Yuntian VS Sarah!

"I kept everyone waiting for a long time. Next up is the third round of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival in Zone D, which is also the last match of today's quarter-finals!"

The commentator's loud shouts drove the atmosphere of the audience. The previous two games, whether it was Toka VS Shizuku or Tibetan VS Ikki, were very exciting.

But in terms of expectations, this match between "Falling Star Sword Emperor" Yuntian VS "Blooded Da Vinci" Sarah Brad Lily will be even better.

No matter who the opponent is, Yun Tian, ​​who has crushed and defeated a strong opponent in two consecutive games, has already accumulated a huge popularity.

First up is Sarah.

The thick dark circles under the eyes that seemed to be painted on and the messy blonde hair that was completely unkempt seemed to be the same as usual.

However, both the audience and the narrator can clearly feel the difference brought about by that fierce momentum!

"The first one to appear from the blue gate is Sarah Bradley, a first-year student at Akatsuki Gakuen!"

"As the last remaining contestant of this year's Rookie Akatsuki Academy, Sarah's strength should not be underestimated."

"The ability to manipulate the ever-changing color concepts like a 'kaleidoscope' showed terrifying power in the first two games, and won the victory very easily."

"No one knows where the limit of her strength is. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to see her today... oh?"

"Sarah's mentality seems to have changed?"

So far, even if Sarah is standing on the battlefield, she is distracted and has no domineering at all. It can be said that she is absent-minded and has no concentration at all.

To put it bluntly, it was a boring gesture that made him want to sleep.

But Sarah is different now.

From her body, one can easily feel the strong concentration and will to fight.

Sarah stared at the opposite red gate with oppressive sharp eyes.

"Quite seriously, contestant Sarah."

"But it's no wonder. After all, her opponent today is very different from the previous two games. Facing 'him', even Sarah, who has always been listless, will inevitably feel a little nervous!"

"Let's invite the second contestant, the first year of Pojun Academy, 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian debuts!!!"

Following the commentator's voice, the audience focused their attention on the red gate.

And the moment he saw Yun Tian appearing, the sky-shattering cheers sounded immediately!

"Extremely powerful swordsmanship, terrifying physical fitness like an undead monster, defeated the favorite Wang Ma player unscathed, and then easily surpassed the mighty power of fate and karma."

"If you want to say who is the closest to the champion 'Seven Star Sword King' throne, it must be him!"

"Sword Emperor, well-deserved reputation!"

The audience cheered, the narrator praised, and Yun Tian, ​​who was listening to these voices, came across from Sarah.

Looking at the girl's sharp knife-like eyes, Yun Tian smiled.

"It looks like you're ready."

Sarah did not respond to Yun Tian's greeting, but maintained her stiff expression and said:

"The promise must be kept."

To her, polite words are of no value at all, the only important thing is the agreement with Yuntian.

"I will definitely defeat you!"

For today's Sarah, there is no distraction in her mind other than winning, winning, and then completing her father's painting.

For the first time in her life Sarah will go all out in battle.

With the flickering of magic light, Sarah's inherent spiritual outfit appeared in Sarah's hands.

'Demiorg's Pen' can also be called 'The Pen of Creation'.

It was a spiritual outfit composed of a paintbrush and a color palette. Considering Sarah's status as the world's number one painter, Yun Tian was not surprised that she had this type of spiritual outfit.

Knowing that the other party didn't intend to talk too much, Yun Tian also didn't say anything more.

Unlike Wang Ma and Tian Yin before, this match was enough to be taken seriously by Yun Tian, ​​he didn't have the habit of talking nonsense during 'battles'.

The high fighting spirit of the two made the referee understand the situation. Without much hesitation, he raised his right hand high and announced loudly:

"Game start!"


call out--!

The moment the game started, Yuntian disappeared.

Even though he didn't use skills such as the Sword of Wings, Yun Tian also increased his speed to the limit in an instant.

There is no doubt that this is his full performance under normal conditions!

The sword light disappeared in a flash, and directly slashed at Sarah, mercilessly!

Even under normal circumstances, the speed of Yuntian's sword attack is not something that ordinary people can react to, but Sarah has long been prepared.

She didn't try to capture the trajectory of Yuntian's attack, because it was impossible to do that, she still has this self-knowledge.

The 'Pen of Demiog' in the right hand crosses the palette on the left hand with a strange trajectory, and then sprinkles lightly at the feet.


With the faint sound of falling into the water, Sarah disappeared directly in place.

Color magic · the water blue of the lake!

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, unexpectedly no slower than Yun Tian's speed of drawing the sword!

Just like Yuntian swung his sword day after day, year after year, Sarah also repeated the action of swiping a pen thousands of times every day.

Even though her physical fitness is very weak, Sarah, as a master painter, has reached the state of perfection in the movement of swiping a brush.

With the blessing of magic power, she can even compare with Yuntian's sword speed.

The disappearance of the attacking target caused Yun Tian's sword to come to nothing.

However, Yuntian did not panic.

If a strong man who can be admired by Edelweiss can't even respond to the opening 'greeting', he will be too disappointed.

Yun Tian had long expected that the first attack failed.

Moreover, it is impossible for human beings to disappear out of thin air for no reason!

Looking at the place where Sarah disappeared, the puddle of blue paint mixed with a touch of green on the ground immediately came into view.

No need to think too much, knowing that Sarah must have disappeared in a way similar to 'sinking into the water', Yun Tian's sword skills directly adjusted the direction halfway.


The Xingjian Sword fell to the ground, directly blasting a small hole in the ground.

There was no time to be surprised that today's stage was extraordinarily hard, Yun Tian, ​​who missed a hit, immediately swung his sword and swept behind him.



The violent sword qi shattered the red paint coming from behind.

Obviously it's just the paint swayed from the tip of the pen, but the amount is so much that it looks like a whole bucket has been poured.

And these scattered paints fell to the ground sporadically, spouting flames like a volcano.

Color Magic·Fiery Red of Flame!

At the same time, Sarah, who had just emerged from the water-blue paint on the other side, disappeared into the water again.

She was just swimming in the battle circle, as if she was determined to have a tug-of-war with Yuntian.

Chapter 421 Long-lost Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

"Too, too thrilling!"

"The game has just started, and in just a split second, the two sides showed wonderful offense and defense as you came and went!"

The narrator's exclamation spread throughout the venue.

At the same time, Stella, who was sitting in the auditorium, also asked Arisuin next to her:


"I haven't watched other people's games much. What is the ability of this rebel member named Sarah?"

Hearing Stella's question, Arisuin thought about it for a while, and then explained:

"According to the information she used to have at Lucun Academy and her performance in the previous two games, the level of the slasher is C, but that look of ease probably hides her strength."

"As for the ability, according to people's understanding, it should be 'manipulating the concept of color'."

"Aqua blue mixed with light green is water, so it can make lakes, and fiery red is fire, so it can make high temperature."

"Theoretically, as many colors as she can concoct, she can use as many abilities as she can. When she was in Lucun Academy, Sarah was nicknamed 'kaleidoscope'."

"It's an ability that is very suitable for her identity as an artist. As for whether there is any further ability development... No one has seen her use it, so there is no way to know."


"Sure enough, it won't be so easy to succeed."

While Sara was swimming, she swayed red paint from time to time.

It's a pity that no matter what angle or direction she came from, Yun Tian could accurately intercept her attack.

"However, delaying the time like this is beneficial to me... What?!"

Just when Sarah was about to procrastinate for a little longer, she found that Yun Tian suddenly rushed over as if she had spotted her target!

Surprised, Sarah waved the paintbrush immediately, and the whole person moved to the other side at high speed with the fluctuation of the water flow.


"caught you!"

Yun Tian seemed to have expected her to do this a long time ago, and suddenly turned around on the way of moving, and stopped in the direction of Sarah's advance at a faster speed.

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