The Star Perishing Sword in his hand slashed down mercilessly!

"Tsk." Frowning, Sarah knew that it must be too late to hide at this time.

So with a wave of her brush, she drew a white line in front of her.

"Color Magic · Guidance of Pure White!"

This trick was originally not used for defense. The pure white of guidance is a magic used to guide forward. Once you step on the pure white road, you can only move forward along the route, and there is no way to dodge to other places.

Moreover, people and things outside the pure white road will also be blocked and cannot enter the road, so it can also be used to break through.

Now, Sarah formed a pure white road horizontally between herself and Yuntian, hoping to block Yuntian's attack.


It was as if the Star Perishing Sword hit an invisible transparent wall, making a loud noise!


Just when Sarah thought this way and felt a little happy, the voice that appeared immediately made her complexion change drastically.


The pure white road that stood in front of the Star Death Sword lasted only for a moment before it shattered under Sarah's disbelieving expression.



Yun Tian mercilessly blasted Sarah away!

Hit directly!

However, Yun Tian didn't mean to be happy, instead he frowned unobtrusively.

Because, it doesn't feel right!

Using the cutting ability, Yun Tian destroyed the pure white road and Sarah's magic armor in one go, and canceled the ability when he finally cut on her body.

After all, he didn't intend to kill anyone. If he used the cutting ability to cut on Sarah, even if he used the fantasy form, Sarah would be instantly split into two under the effect of the ability.

That's why Yun Tian would cancel his ability at the last moment, not only facing Sarah, but also facing other people, he has always done this.

Unless it was a fight, Yuntian would do this in a simple battle.

Moreover, even the magic power has been penetrated, and it is impossible for pure flesh to block the sharpness of the Starfall Sword, so there is no need to waste magic power to maintain the cutting effect.

Maintaining the role of this powerful ability is quite serious for the consumption of mana.

However, seeing Sarah standing up in the distance as if nothing had happened, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Color Magic·Steel Bronze!

This is the defensive magic that Sarah added to her body at the critical moment just now, and it was for this the moment the guiding pure white intercepted Yuntian.

The strange feeling that Yun Tian felt came from this.


Sarah's ability was beyond Yun Tian's imagination, both in terms of strength and effect.

Hiding in the water can affect his perception, and the speed of moving with the water flow is no slower than his regular extreme speed. The white road can intercept the "cut off" moment, and the bronze defense can resist the sharpness of the Starfall Sword and the sky without injury. strange power.

Coupled with a powerful flame attack with a large range.

Sarah's endless methods allow her to deal with any situation, and the strength of each ability is surprisingly high.

With the series of color magics just now, any one can be stronger than the average knife cutter.

As expected of Akatsuki Academy's trump card.

But that's all for now!

Sarah's current strength is indeed very strong, even Yun Tian can't easily defeat her, relying on this alone, her performance is already better than Wang Ma.

However, this premise is that Yuntian did not use swordsmanship!

The Star Death Sword was put into its sheath, and a smile appeared on the corner of Yun Tian's mouth, which was in a stance.

It was indeed beyond his expectation that Sarah could fight him back and forth, and Yun Tian was even more surprised by her rich combat experience.

But after all, it has not yet reached the level that Edelweiss can praise.

'Let me see what cards you have. '

'Be sure, don't let me down! '

Seeing Sarah who just stood up and was about to do something, Yun Tian instantly disappeared in place!

As if crossing time and space, Yun Tian quietly appeared beside Sarah, and the sword light directly slashed at her body like a shooting star piercing the sky!

Feitian Yujianliu·Sky Dragon Flash!


Under the blessing of the winged sword, the super-fast drawing of the sword rose to another level, and no one could capture the trajectory of this blow.

When the audience reacted, blood flowers flying all over the sky and Sarah fell to the ground greeted their eyes.

With this sword, Yuntian didn't hold back anything, in order to prevent being blocked again, he mercilessly used all his strength!

With one blow, along with the bronze of steel, it was cut in two!

Chapter 422 Destroy the flowers?

A huge wound appeared on Sarah's body, almost running through the entire front of her body from top to bottom, and a large amount of blood gushed out and stained a large area around her.

This scene shocked all the audience.

It's not that the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival has never seen the dead. Before the competition, each contestant must sign something similar to a life and death certificate. According to the rules, the dead are allowed to appear.

After all, it is a real battle with real swords and guns. The profession of magic knight is not a joke, it is a profession that really needs to fight criminals.

Having said that, under normal circumstances, whether it is the operation committee or the contestants, most of them will avoid death.

Normal people don't want to be murderers, even if it's legal.

And the impact is also very bad, not conducive to their future prospects.

Even if there were murders, most of them would be missed, and the two of them would only appear by chance when they were exhausted from the last move.

In that case, most of them will be stopped by the professional magic knights or teachers who have already prepared, so although there will be deaths in the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, it is rare.

However, this time, no one stopped Yun Tian.

No one can keep up with the speed of Bingyizhijian. If it is a battle with full concentration, there may be a few strong people who can react.

But now they are on the sidelines and are reacting passively. Under such circumstances, almost no one can stop Yun Tian's super fast attack.

There are only two people present who can do this.

Ning Yin and Hei Nai!

However, they were all very relieved of Yun Tian, ​​and they never thought that he would kill someone, so it was already too late when they wanted to do it.

Hei Nai was the first to react, she didn't even have time to think about why, and immediately wanted to stop time and rush into the battle circle.

Using her time regression, the death in just a few seconds can still be reversed.

However, Heono missed this opportunity because of the short moment of stunned by Yuntian's behavior.

Yun Tian, ​​who hit Sarah with a sword, had no intention of stopping at all. With a turn of the sword, the Star Death Sword turned into a cruel red light arc, which was slashed at Sarah who was lying on the ground. cut it down!


With the sound of a sword cutting into the flesh, a head rolled out.

Suddenly, the audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at Yun Tian in shock, even Hei Nai and Ning Yin were stunned.

This sudden death is unbelievable.

Compared to the terrified spectators around, Yun Tian in the battle circle didn't have that kind of cranky kung fu.

Almost at the same time as 'Sarah' was disposed of, violent sword qi mixed with sword intent swept the entire venue.


"found it!"

In the next moment, Yuntian didn't care about the 'corpse' on the ground at all, Tian Xianglong flashed again and directly flashed to another location.


The sword light flickered, and the head fell to the ground!

It turned out to be another Sarah!

That's right, this person who was killed by Yun Tian from an empty place looks exactly like Sarah!

The dress, breath, body, and flying blood seem to be the reappearance of the scene just now.

At this moment, the audience around realized that something was wrong.

Cutting knife stunt · illusion painting!

This is enough to make the puppet achieve the knife-cutting stunt that looks like the real thing.

Sarah used it once during the army breaking attack, but now this time it is even more realistic than that time.

If he hadn't seen it once before and was prepared, Yun Tian might have been deceived by Sarah just like the audience around him in the face of the illusion that the realism has been improved again this time.

Yun Tian, ​​who beheaded the second puppet, still had no intention of stopping. The spreading sword energy and sword intent had already reflected all the situations on the field.

Sarah did not only set up these two dolls, it was probably placed when the audience was swimming just now. Although I don’t know how the dolls are stored, but according to the means Sarah showed, there is a space for storage. The color is no surprise.

There are a total of four reactions, including Sarah's body, and now there are only two left.

Thus, Yuntian put on the posture of Tianxiang Longshan for the third time.

It was at this time that Sarah reluctantly removed the magic covering her body.

"Tsk, haven't you thought about what to do if you really hit my body?"

Color Magic · Roadside Rock Ash!

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