It's not stealth in the true sense, but extremely reducing one's own sense of existence, making oneself as inconspicuous as a pebble on the side of the road, making the enemy completely unaware of one's existence.

The effect of this trick is very terrifying, but it also has quite a few flaws.

One of them was that he couldn't deal with large-scale skills, so he was directly discovered by the sword qi and sword intent that were enveloped by Yuntian.

Reluctantly, he showed his figure, because this time Yuntian happened to aim at Sarah's body.

In order not to be beheaded cruelly, she could only get rid of the 'Ash of Rock' state first, and she dared not gamble with her life on whether Yuntian could really see through her special skill of cutting knives, illusion shadow.

The way Yun Tian beheaded the two puppets made Sarah's heart tremble uncontrollably.

Her puppet is exactly the same as a real human being under the effect of the machete stunt. Even if you know that it is just a puppet, the feeling of cutting it off is the same as killing someone.

However, Yuntian was indifferent.

Without even the slightest hesitation or pause, the bloody murderous aura at that moment almost frightened Sarah's legs.

As a collaborator of the Rebel Army, Sarah has traveled all over the world to find models. Sarah can even be said to be more knowledgeable than Edelweiss.

She has seen all kinds of people, and she has been to war-torn areas, but even so, this is the first time she has seen such a strong bloody smell.

That is the evil spirit that can only be formed after a large number of killings that lasted for several years, or even more than ten years.

Not to mention teenagers, even adults in their tens of years can't do it. The most important thing is that it's impossible to kill so many people for you!

At Yuntian's age, Sarah can't imagine what he has experienced. A teenager can only form such an aura after fighting day and night for nearly ten years. this really possible?

Godlike body, demonic aura, this strange combination made Sarah feel a little moved while being terrified.

"Simply, it's perfect!"

"I must make you my model!"

Sarah looked at Yuntian who was in a stance, and swiped the last stroke of the 'Demiorg's Pen' to the ground.

The moment the painting took shape on the ground, Sarah fearlessly looked at Yuntian.

That look seemed to be telling him that the second stage had begun!

Chapter 423 Sir, times have changed!

Yun Tian and Sarah's series of attacks and defenses was so fast that the surrounding audience couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the two of them.

One second they were immersed in the wonderful battle, and the next second it suddenly turned into a blood-splattered tragedy. Before they had time to scream, the situation on the field changed again.

The dumbfounded audience could only sit dumbfounded in their seats, letting their eyes move instinctively to follow the movements of Yuntian and Sarah.

Then, they saw an astonishing scene that subverted cognition.

"what is that?!"

With the completion of Sarah's last strokes, a painting appeared in everyone's eyes.

It was a bone gate exuding an eerie aura. This painting was extremely realistic... No, it couldn't be described as realistic anymore.

Because it's totally true!

A solid gate of bones stood behind Sarah, and the things depicted in her paintings became reality at this moment.

"Fantasy Caricature Army of Undead!"

Sarah's voice echoed on the field, and at the same time, the bone door behind her suddenly opened, and skeletons of undead came out of it!

"What, what?!"

"What the hell is going on here! Contestant Sarah actually materialized the painting!!!"

The narrator's shocking shouts spread quickly through the radio, and the scene in front of him was so terrifying that it was like hell descending.

the most important is…

"This machete stunt is not recorded in the data at all!"

"Sarah's login ability should be based on the concept of manipulating colors, and this cutting knife skill is a hidden trick revealed for the first time!"

Not only the narrator was shocked, but the audience also exclaimed.

However, looking at the skeletons of the undead coming out of the white bone gate one after another, Yun Tian smiled instead.

The appearance of the 'monster' directly stimulated the ability of God's Grace, and all of Yuntian's ability values ​​had a huge increase for a while.

Feeling the power coming from inside his body, Yun Tian gripped the Star Death Sword tightly.

If Sarah intends to use this army of undead to deal with Yuntian, then she is really too unfortunate.

In the last world, not to mention ordinary skeletons, such as skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, skeleton mages, etc., which Yuntian has never seen.

He has killed countless monsters of this type, even the floor masters of the skeletal system.

Facing these miscellaneous soldiers, Yuntian didn't even need to exert too much effort, he could easily wipe them out completely.

Yun Tian thought so, and of course planned to do so.

However, just when he was about to charge, his face suddenly changed and he dodged to the side.



A loud bang sounded from where he was standing just now, and at the same time, there was a violent shock wave that swept around because of the explosion!

"Fantasy Caricature Cruise Missile!"

He looked at the stage that was blown out of a huge deep pit, then at the huge killer around Sarah, and finally at the Star Death Sword in his hand.

Yun Tian blinked his eyes, feeling a little confused.

Anyway, it would be too much for him to chop missiles with a sword! ! !Can such a dangerous thing be conjured at will? !

Can't go on like this.

Yuntian immediately understood the situation.

He didn't expect Sarah's ability to be so terrifying, not only manipulating the concept of color, but also directly manifesting the concept of pictures.

Its creation is like a creation of the gods, De Miog - the pen that creates all things, which is really worthy of the name.

However, the 'surprise' Sarah prepared for Yuntian was more than that.

The moment he was interrupted by the cruise missile, the skeleton warriors surrounding Sarah as shields suddenly threw the bone sword in their hands to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, with the flash of magic power, they pulled out a straight machine gun and set it on the ground. Amidst the stunned expressions of Yun Tian and the audience, they began to shoot mercilessly!


The metal storm destroyed everything in its path with a destructive aura, and even Yun Tian had to choose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

While Sarah's fantasy caricatures embody modern weapons, don't forget, they're made of magic.

The overwhelming metal storm is not just a simple metal bullet, but a magic bullet in the true sense.

Sarah's magic power and magic power control are both A-level, and she is also a leader in A-level. She can use the least amount of magic power to exert the greatest power, and at the same time, she doesn't need to worry about the magic power reserve.

She can trigger this kind of attack almost unlimited!

This is truly an army of one man!

With the all-round and no dead angle firepower of the undead army, Sarah completed the drawing of the second cruise missile in an instant.


The next moment, an explosion of light and heat swept the entire venue again!



Da da da--!

Boom, boom, boom——!


Hell on earth, for the audience whose missiles are exploding right in front of them, there is nothing more appropriate than this word to describe their mood at the moment.

"A straight, direct hit from a cruise missile!"

"The explosion caused quite a storm. There were many magic knights guarding the auditorium, but the battle circle was filled with flames and thick smoke, and nothing could be seen..."

"Players Yun and Yuntian will be fine, right?!"

The commentator's tone seemed a little trembling, apparently he hadn't recovered from the sudden change of situation.

And the audience in the auditorium also looked at the stage in fear. Many people may not be able to see this kind of battlefield full of gunfire once in their lifetime.

"Sword, Sword Emperor, he won't die, will he die??"

"No matter how you say it, it is impossible for human beings to survive in this environment..."

"No, it won't! How could it be possible, Master Yun, Yuntian... How could it be possible..."

"If he really died, I'm afraid there won't even be a corpse left."

The audience can't be blamed for their wild thinking. After all, no matter how small the equivalent is, cruise missiles are not weapons used to deal with mere human beings.

What's more, in terms of power, the cruise missile used by Sarah is not the type with the smallest equivalent. If it is directly hit by such a big killer, the average person may not even have ashes left.

Coupled with the uninterrupted attack of the metal storm formed by countless machine guns, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Yuntian to survive.

In fact, this is not wrong.

Even with the magical body protection, Yun Tian's physical fitness is like a monster, it will not be easy to eat this kind of attack head-on.

Although not serious injuries, injuries are inevitable.

However, that was the result that would only appear when Yun Tian only used his magic power.

The bombing was still going on, and the machine guns were still firing. Unlike the audience, Sarah on the field knew Yuntian's horror better than anyone else.

Her attack didn't work at all!

The evidence is that a sudden huge pressure directly enveloped the entire venue.

"At this point...he hasn't taken it seriously yet..."

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