Then Sarah saw it, the blue starlight passing through the gunfire and black smoke in that instant!

Chapter 424 A Pure White Painting!

Groups versus individuals, guns versus swords.

Although this comparison is a little too simple, it does reflect the most basic advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, at this moment, almost no one is optimistic about Yuntian.

When the bullet hits, the missile hits, ordinary human beings, even knife cutters, will be torn to pieces in an instant.

But unfortunately, Yuntian does not fall into the category of 'average'.

The blue starlight surrounded him and formed a barrier, and Yuntian passed through the gunfire and black smoke calmly, walking towards Sarah.

Star power, this seemingly similar ability to magic power is actually completely different in essence, and there is one biggest difference in the external manifestations.

That's defense!

Magic power can form armor, which can resist modern weapons, and can also resist the magical modern weapons formed by Sarah with magic power.

As long as the magic power attached to the body is not exhausted, as long as the cutter keeps injecting magic power, the magic power armor will not be defeated.

But on the contrary, as long as the magic power is exhausted, the magic armor will dissipate.

The star power is different. The barrier formed by the star power will only consume power at the moment of formation. After that, as long as you cannot break through the barrier, it will not cause any impact on the user.

The comparison between the two can be seen as an energy shield that consumes energy continuously and a solidified physical shield.

The same attack hits the magic armor, even if it can't break the defense, it will consume a little magic power, but if it hits the star power barrier and can't break the defense, it will have no effect.

This feature is also the main reason why the star power far surpasses other energy systems of the same level in terms of defense.

The modern conventional weapons in the world of Xuezhan City were eliminated because they were completely useless against star power, unlike magic power.

However, even though he won't be injured, Yun Tian also has to admit that Sarah's current fighting strength is enough to qualify as his opponent.

To make Yuntian use magic power and star power at the same time, I am afraid that there are really few people in the world who can do it except the devil.

Up to now, Yuntian has recognized Edelweiss' evaluation of Sarah.

Without the specialization of star power in defense, Yun Tian would probably have to use the reserved magic power in Jing Xin's scabbard at this time in the face of Sarah's fierce offensive.

Therefore, in order to express his respect for the strong, Yun Tian decided not to hold back.

From just now, he had been looking forward to Sarah's performance, and Sarah did not disappoint him.

With the output of star power, endless starlight began to emerge.

Unknowingly, the looming dots of starlight have spread to the entire venue.

During the day, the blue starlight is not very conspicuous. If it is night, the audience may see the miraculous scene of the coming of the galaxy.

Star Swordsmanship Stars!

Yun Tian waved the Star Sword in his right hand towards Sarah's direction, and the endless starlight instantly turned into sword light.

A storm of blades composed of stars!

Almost at the same time, all the skeletons of the undead around Sarah were split into two, floating in the air like shredded paper.

This sword skill combining offense and defense easily disintegrated the army of undead.

After finishing all this, Yun Tian looked up at the incoming cruise missiles, and instantly sheathed the Star Death Sword in his hand.

Then, draw the knife and flash!

A huge sword energy soared into the sky, wrapped in blue starlight, and turned into a huge blue starlight blade that directly split the cruise missile in half!

The violent sword intent and raging sword energy blew away the thick black smoke brought by the artillery fire like a gust of wind, presenting the scene on the field again in front of the audience.

And at this moment, Sarah is the only enemy left on the battle circle!

However, Yun Tian, ​​who had already decided not to keep his hand, did not stop because of this.

Taking Sarah seriously as an enemy that could be fought, Yuntian didn't stop at all.

After defeating all the contents of the 'fantasy satire', the starlight suddenly began to shine to the extreme!

If the stars just now were not very obvious because it was in the daytime, then this galaxy composed of stars is now a vision that everyone can clearly see.

Then, a star suddenly drilled out of this galaxy, and slammed into Sarah with an unrivaled momentum!

Star Sword Art Mysteries!

Sword drawing skill · Slashing stars!

Sarah couldn't stop this blow!

Both Yuntian and Sarah understand this.

Even the surrounding audience can see that the mighty force from the universe is so unstoppable.

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, Sarah is doomed!

Sarah herself, however, has no intention of letting her go.

In the air, a painting that has been painted since the beginning of the game is finally nearing completion.

Huge magic power continuously flows into the painting through the spiritual outfit 'Demiorg's Pen', which seems to indicate that Sarah is also preparing to release her trump card.

But in the eyes of the surrounding audience, her movements seemed to be dying.

No matter what she took out, whether it was a tank or an airplane, even if it was a giant robot, it was impossible to resist the power of the falling stars.



With a loud noise, Xingchen was stopped!

Under the light of the stars, what Sarah showed was so vague that it was impossible to see clearly.

The only thing the audience knows is that what blocks the stars is a sword.

It is a platinum long sword!

Just as everyone was amazed and cheered for the fierce attack and defense of the two people on the field, a sword light chased after them.

Jian Guang, who was chasing behind, directly split the 'star' into two, and slashed towards the platinum sword in the eyes of everyone shocked!



The soft chant of the two swords intersecting resounded across the sky, but it lasted only for a moment before being replaced by a heaven-piercing boom.

The ground was churning, and the specially reinforced stage did not hold on for even a second.

The whole venue fell apart directly, and the protective shield that was shrouded in front of the auditorium and made by many professional magic knights was shattered the moment it touched the aftermath.

For a while, almost all professional magic knights flew upside down.

Hei Nai and Ning Yin were the first to react. They used their abilities without hesitation, and under the dual effects of the gravity circle and the time barrier, they finally stopped the earth-shattering shock wave.

The storm dissipated, the dust settled, and everyone who was still in shock had time to look into the battle circle.

The scene of the pure white Valkyrie holding the Platinum Sword blocking Yuntianxing's death sword appeared in everyone's eyes.

They didn't have the heart to care about the impact just now. The moment everyone saw this pure white figure, their minds went blank.

Because that's exactly, 'Blindfold' Edelweiss!

Chapter 425: The battle at the end of the sword path in this world!


Excessive surprise even made everyone forget to breathe.

While few people have ever seen a real person, the images and photos have been seen by almost everyone.

After all, she is the most wanted criminal in the world, and now her wanted warrant can be easily found on the Internet.

However, it is not so simple to accept the fact that you recognize it.

"Then, that figure... did I have hallucinations..."

The narrator's words were intermittent, and his tone was also erratic, obviously falling into deep confusion.

Not only him, but even the audience fell into chaos.

"Are you kidding, can the 'Fantasy Caricature' even reproduce the other swordsmen?!"

"The point is not that, that's...that's 'Bizwing'!!!"

"The power of that blow just now...'Blooded Da Vinci' can't even perfectly reproduce the strength of this one, right???"

Fantasy caricature · 'Bing wing' Edelweiss!

Facing this amazing ability, everyone froze in place in fright.

At this point, Sarah's ability can no longer be generalized whether it is strong or not.

That's an 'abnormality' that is almost beyond people's perception.

It is a realm that is impossible for ordinary sabers to reach.

In terms of the development of her own abilities alone, Sarah's "fantasy caricature" can be said to be well-deserved and unparalleled in the world.

Ironically, however, Sarah's officially registered knife level is C level.

In the previous Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festivals, it is not that there have been contestants who concealed their strength.

However, just look at the pure white Valkyrie standing proudly above the battle circle. The so-called hidden strength of Sarah is simply beyond ordinary horror.

Xiao Xueyuan's last trump card has the power to turn the tables!

Perhaps the surrounding audience may still question it, and may still think that this Edelweiss is a fake.

However, Yun Tian, ​​who had actually fought against Edelweiss, knew it.

The 'Bizwing' in front of me is undoubtedly the real thing!

Formidable strength, piercing sword intent, sky-high sword energy, unparalleled pressure and tension, and even the looming sword realm hidden behind the sword intent are all exactly the same as Edelweiss himself.

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