In this world, only Yuntian knows, and only Yuntian can say this with certainty. The strength of the 'Bizwing' in front of him is no less than that of Edelweiss himself!

If you want to talk about the difference, it is the reduced magic power and the demon state that cannot be restored.

The reduction of magic power is inevitable, even if Sarah's magic power is A-level, it is impossible to reach the level of Edelweiss.

After all, it was the accumulation of her years of devil realm.

As for the realm of the devil, this kind of existence beyond fate cannot be restored by the current Sarah.

But even so, this Edelweiss is scary enough.

The amount of magic power has little effect on swordsmen like Yuntian and Edelweiss. As long as it is not particularly lacking, generally C-level magic power is enough.

Looking at the pure white figure without any flaws in front of him, looking at the pair of platinum long swords like wings.

Today's Yuntian will never admit to that dreamlike figure.

"Ha ha…"


Yun Tian smiled.

He was laughing wildly.

Uncontrollable ecstasy welled up from the bottom of my heart.



Accompanied by frantic laughter, a huge sword intent soared into the sky!

The sword intent was mixed with sword energy, which was unreservedly released by Yuntian!


No exaggeration to describe.

Facing Yuntian's berserk sword intent attack, 'Biyi' also unleashed his own piercing sword intent without hesitation.

The collision of sword intent and sword intent, two unscrupulous huge sword energy sweeping across everything directly divided the sky and the earth into two!

The stage had already been torn apart by the blow just now, but now it was turned into ruins mixed with rubble and loess.

This imposing collision naturally affected the audience above the auditorium, and directly brought them back to reality from silence and shock.

There were screams all of a sudden!

Countless people curled up their bodies, shivering and screaming while hiding under the chairs.

Even Stella and Ikki subconsciously summoned their spiritual outfits, and they immediately evacuated to the outermost edge of the auditorium.

The aura that directly hit the soul collided, no one could be an exception, all felt the fear of death!

Even if it was just the aftermath, the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

This is the confrontation between the world's top swordsmen!

It is the power at the end of the way of swords in this world!

"I know you beat 'Bizwing' twice." Sarah stood behind 'Bizwing'.

With the special protection of 'Bingwing', Sarah was not affected too much.

Unlike other audience members who couldn't even speak under absolute pressure, she was able to speak with relatively little difficulty.

"In order to win this game, and to win the bet between you and me, I have studied the result reports of those two battles in detail."

"Coupled with the unexpected intimacy between you and Lord Edelweiss that I saw yesterday, I finally have a slight chance of winning."

Yun Tian knew what Sarah wanted to say, and this was the reason for his joy.

If it's just for 'wing comparison', Yuntian now has countless reasons to compete with Edelweiss himself.

Maybe once he would be ecstatic, but now, he would be happy but not excited.

What really made him ecstatic was the killing intent!

It is the unreserved, wholehearted will to win!

This is the first time Yuntian saw on the body of 'Edweiss'.

The real Edelweiss didn't have such a strong will to win at all, and she didn't have any intention of killing Yuntian in the two fierce battles.

After the two became lovers, it was even more impossible to have such an idea, and even Edelweiss would subconsciously hold back because of distress.

However, this 'Edweiss' in front of him is different.

beat you!I will defeat you no matter what!

Killing intent, desire to win, completely indifferent to one's own life, willing to give everything in order to win!

'Edelweiss' in this state is not considered the power of a demon, and his strength has surpassed that of Edelweiss himself.

"I said, I will win!"

Just as Sarah uttered this declaration of victory with strong determination, 'Edweiss' moved!


Silent sword strikes!

Another platinum sword bypassed the two swords that were stalemate together, and approached Yuntian in an instant!


The sword hit the ground, cutting a huge crack.

But Yun Tian, ​​who was originally on the fencing track, disappeared.

The next moment, the disappearing Yuntian appeared at the side of 'Edelweiss', and the Star Death Sword in his hand mercilessly chopped towards her neck!


Likewise, the silent sword strike!

That is, the exact same Sword of Matching Wings!

Chapter 426 A Completely Different Ending


The collision of sword and sword caused shock waves again and again.

But fortunately, the power of the shock wave was limited within the stage.

With the joint efforts of all the professional magic knights and teachers headed by Heono and Ning Yin, coupled with the huge magic support provided by Stella, the aftermath of the battle between Yuntian and 'Edelweiss' was finally blocked.

Clang, clang, clang, clang——!

This 'Edelweiss' is no different from the deity, every move is silent.

Only when it intersects with the two swords of Yuntian will it emit a soft moan and deafening roar that resound through the sky.

The power of the Sword of Wings is far beyond people's imagination, not to mention ordinary swordsmen, even world-renowned powerhouses like Heinao and Ning Yin are not sure that they can take it.

That is Yun Tian, ​​who can use the same wing-to-wing sword, and has practiced against Edelweiss for a period of time, and has a considerable understanding of her sword.

Otherwise, even if the two swordsmen are at the same level or even Yuntian is slightly better, they will inevitably be injured.

What's more, the evaluation of being slightly better is somewhat watery.

It is true that Yuntian beat Edelweiss in swordsmanship, but it was more of a victory in change. In terms of hard power, it should be said that Edelweiss is stronger.

The fight between the two was very fast.

In just a short moment, the clear sound of countless swords intersecting echoed in the venue.

The wonderful confrontation between Yuntian and 'Edelweiss' shocked the audience, but to be honest, few people could really see the fight between the two of them clearly.

The flickering sword lights in black and white, and the various sound effects echoing in the venue, are exciting and full of special effects.

But how to fight in reality, you can't even see the shadow until you reach a certain level.

Regardless of the thoughts of the people around him, Yun Tian was really playing heartily, and was extremely happy.

However, he was aware of the shortcomings of the 'Edelweiss' in front of him.

In terms of strength, this 'Edelweiss' is undoubtedly powerful, even stronger than the deity of Edelweiss.

But apart from strength, there are two crucial factors that do not exist in this 'Edweiss'.

The Star Death Sword in his hand drew a strange arc to bounce off the two platinum swords, and then turned into an offensive in the next second, attacking 'Edelweiss' wrapped in blue starlight.

Undoubtedly, he was stopped by the Platinum Sword who returned to defense in time.

Yuntian and 'Edelweiss' just fought countless swords back and forth.

Best of all, no one was hurt!

That's right, neither Yuntian nor Edelweiss was slashed by the opponent's sword.

It seems that there is no problem, after all, the level of swordsmanship between the two is not far apart, and they both use the sword of wing-to-wing, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with breaking each other's moves.

But in fact, there is something wrong with coming and going, attacking and defending!

In the two previous battles, which one was not for Edelweiss, who was soaked in blood and tried his best to defeat Yuntian.

Not to mention forcing Edelweiss to defend, just defending Edelweiss' sword strike Yuntian requires full concentration, and eventually as the battle progresses, he will gradually become overwhelmed and get injured.

But now, even though this 'Edelweiss' is equally powerful, he could only suppress Yun Tian at the beginning, but as the battle progressed, he gradually became back and forth and evenly matched.

Why is this happening?

In fact, it is very simple. This is the first fatal flaw of 'Edweiss' drawn by Sarah.


Not to mention the unique talents of Yuntian and Edelweiss, even Ikki, Stella and even Daohua will gradually grow in battle.

And the more intense the battle, the greater the growth rate.

When Yun Tian is fighting with Edelweiss, he will grow at an astonishing speed, and he will be able to get used to and adapt to the current pressure in a moment.

The same is true for Edelweiss, growing simultaneously at a speed not inferior to Yuntian, and constantly maintaining absolute suppression in the battle.

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