
The match is over. This is the last match of the day. This concludes the third round of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and the quarterfinals are officially over.

Next, it will be the semi-finals!

Chapter 428 The next step is the civil war of Pojun!

Everyone was cheering, cheering for this wonderful game that subverted their worldview.

'Blindfold' Edwards.

The appearance of this name makes the meaning of this game completely different.

From this moment on, Yuntian's popularity fundamentally changed.

However, when the crowd was cheering, three people did not cheer along. On the contrary, the three of them were still staring at Yuntian on the field with serious faces.

These three people are Ikki, Stella, and Toka!

That's right, it was the three contestants who successfully advanced to the semi-finals.


Daohua defeated Shizuku again. This result was very cruel for Shizuku. After all the hard work to get to this point, he finally met Daohua on the field again.

As long as this step is taken, the dream of competing with his brother on the same stage is within reach.

However, she lost.

The second defeat was in the hands of Daohua, and even the same defeat was very miserable.

After being defeated by Yuntian, Daohua, who was also stimulated like Shizuku, also trained himself hard during this period.

Compared with Shizuku, Toka's growth is even greater, enough to be called a qualitative change.

After all, it is to challenge Yuntian for the second time. If there is no earth-shaking improvement, how can Daohua have confidence.

Therefore, Shizuku lost.

With her dreams and revenge all shattered, she can only sit in the auditorium and cheer for Yun Tian and others for the next match.

It's cruel, but that's reality.

In contrast, Toka, who defeated Shizuku, took a huge step towards his goal.

The groupings for the semi-finals were re-assigned randomly, and if she was lucky, she might face Yuntian directly.

At that time, Daohua will be able to do his best for his dream of surpassing Yuntian.


Similarly, there is another player who stopped in the top eight.

That is Ikki's opponent, Kurashiki Kurashiki.

Coincidentally, like Shizuku, the Kurashiki Tibetans also failed in the battle of revenge.

Moreover, Shizuku hopes to compete with Ikki on the same stage after defeating Toka.

The Tibetans planned to compete with Yuntian after defeating Yihui.

The encounters and results of the two are surprisingly similar, as if they were destined to be the same.

The only difference is that Shizuku suffered a disastrous defeat against Toka, while the Tibetan did not lose so badly against Ikki.

This is not to say that Toka is stronger than Ikki, nor does it mean that Shizuku is weak.

But the growth rate of Tibetans is astonishing.

After consecutive defeats to Yuntian and Yihui, even if the Tibetans didn't want to, they had to admit the power of swordsmanship.

In the end, he listened to Yun Tian's advice and chose to learn swordsmanship.

The Tibetan who has been relying on the trait of 'swift reflex' to suppress his opponent and win has never imagined that he has very good swordsmanship qualifications.

Yuntian had seen through this at the beginning and suggested him to learn swordsmanship. If Yuntian was the guide of the Tibetans, then the person who really trained him to be an excellent swordsman is his current swordsmanship master.

'The Last Samurai' Kaito Ayatsuji!

That's right, Ayatsuji Kaito, the master swordsman who used to not lower his "speed reflex" because of old age and frailty, was severely injured and hospitalized by Tibetans in a duel, accepted Tibetans as his disciples.

It was he who taught Tibetans swordsmanship, discovered Tibetans' talent in the two-sword style, and even taught Tibetans to sharpen their sword spirit in a short period of time.

And the Tibetan did not disappoint Master Kaito. He has now thoroughly understood Ayatsuji's one-sword style swordsmanship, and based on this, he has developed a two-sword style that is more suitable for him.

Including the esoteric technique 'Inseparable Clothes', Tibetans who have fully learned the Ayatsuji school of swordsmanship are even more like his heir than Ayatsuji Kaito's biological daughter Ayatsuji Ayase.

The perfect combination of 'quick reflexes' and 'seamless clothes' makes Tibetans almost perfect in defensive counterattacks.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Ikki.

The realm of swordsmanship is above him, the talent of swordsmanship is above him, the time immersed in swordsmanship is longer than him, and the strength has also completely surpassed Tibetans because of Yuntian's guidance.

To be honest, the Tibetans were not wronged.

It was far more difficult for him to face Ikki than for Shizuku to face Toka.

Therefore, the performance of the Tibetans is enough to be called a miracle.

I stream swordsmanship 'Yatata no Orochi'!

This cutting knife skill that he once used against Yuntian has now been integrated into his own swordsmanship.

Even Tibetans can use two swords at the same time, which is the so-called sixteen flashes of one knife!

It is a powerful sword skill beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even Ikki couldn't completely resist this sword skill.

Although the Tibetan lost in the end, he used this trick to successfully injure Ikki, which proved his growth.


The end of the battle between Yuntian and Sarah indicated the complete failure of Xiao Xueyuan, that is, the plan of the rebel army.

Regardless of the purpose of Minister Moon Shadow's hiring of the rebels, it was all in vain with the failure of Sarah, the last contestant in Xiao Academy.

However, no one cares about Akatsuki Academy anymore.

Everyone's focus is on Pojun Academy.

Falling Star Sword Emperor, Uncrowned Sword King, Red Lotus Queen, Lei Qie, let's see, the four contestants who entered the semi-finals are all students of Pojun Academy without exception!

Moreover, Shizuku Kurotsutsumi, the only defeated contestant in Pojun Academy so far, was still defeated by Todo Toka, that is, he was only defeated by his own people!

What's even more frightening is that three of the contestants are only first-year students. If Toka hadn't defeated Shizuku, all four contestants would be first-year students of Pokun Academy.

This terrifying record shocked the entire Far East.

There are a total of four first graders, which means that the current situation of being dominated by the Pojun Academy in the top four is likely to last for another two years.

This is no longer a matter of winning two or three consecutive championships, but that Pojun Academy will completely dominate the stage of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival for three consecutive years.

Every teacher and student in Pojun is excited about this unprecedented record, even Heono is no exception.

Among other things, she made such a terrifying achievement in her first year as the chairman, which will have a huge impact on her future career.

As long as these three years pass, or even after this year alone, Xingongji Kurono will become the leader in the education field, and will have an unparalleled voice in the education field in the Far East and even the entire alliance.

However, compared to the happiness of the others, the moods of Ikki, Stella, and Toka are not so beautiful.

Because after this battle with Sarah, Yuntian's terrifying strength was finally displayed in front of the three of them.

Anyone can become Yun Tianxia's opponent in a match.

However, the three of them counted as one, and none of them was sure of defeating the pure white Valkyrie drawn by Sarah.

And Yuntian obviously didn't exert his full strength in the battle just now!

Chapter 429

The semifinals have been postponed.

This news was announced by the Operation Committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival some time after Yun Tian and Sarah's match ended.

The semi-finals of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, which was originally scheduled to be held tomorrow, will be postponed, and the new date will be 'as soon as possible'.

This notice naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of almost all viewers.

After all, most of the audience who bought tickets at the scene were not locals, and even locals would not accept that their time was wasted like this.

The people who opened the shop closed the shop, the student party either asked for leave or pretended to be sick, and the office workers even used up their precious vacations. No one would accept such absurd postponement announcement.

However, complaints are complaints, protests are protests, and the audience has to admit that the reasons given by the operation committee are sufficient.

'Due to the serious damage to the venue, in order to ensure the safety of the audience and the normal progress of the subsequent games, the committee will urgently repair and reinforce the battle venue and the competition venue again. We apologize for delaying your precious time. '

Seeing this reason, all the audience who witnessed the battle between Yuntian and Sarah, or it should be said that Yuntian and 'Edweiss' fought recalled the tragedy at that time.

Whether on or off the court, the battle that was like the end of the world is something they will never forget.

One of the images that impressed me the most was the match venue that looked like ruins after the battle.

Wangan Dome... No, it should be said that the ruins of a building that used to be a dome are still piled there, not to mention people with brains, but anyone who has eyes and can see the ruins will not think that the game can still be normal conduct.

The entire building was almost completely destroyed. It was said to be repaired, but in fact it was no different from reconstruction.

Therefore, although it is difficult for the audience to accept the postponement of the game, they also understand that this is a helpless move.

Fortunately, in the end this matter was mediated by the 'Alliance'.

Don't forget, this year's Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival is highly valued by the alliance, and the rebel army's jumping out to make trouble can be said to directly slap the alliance in the face.

Once Xiao Xueyuan's players win the championship, the alliance's influence in the Far East will be fatally hit.

But there is no need to worry now, Yuntian's defeat of Sarah is considered to have completely shattered the plan of the rebels, so the alliance executives, who were greatly relieved, also took over the finishing work for him without hesitation.

Mediation, compensation, announcements, and apologies have borne most of the losses of the audience and the operating committee in the league, minimizing the impact.

At the same time, the league also sent a group of people to help rebuild the Wangan Dome venue.

Most of the professional magic knights and teachers stationed here were injured in the battle between Yuntian and Sarah, and more than one was seriously injured and needed to be hospitalized because of intercepting the aftermath.

The alliance's move to send additional manpower can be said to be a timely help, which greatly relieved Heinai... ahem, it relieved the pressure on the operation committee to rebuild.

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