
These messy things did not affect Yuntian.

As the person involved, after delivering dinner to his lover, he went for a stroll outside the hotel alone.

It's not that Yun Tian doesn't want to stay in the room with Edelweiss, it's that Edelweiss hasn't recovered yet. After being tortured by him last night, even after a whole day's rest, he couldn't relieve his exhaustion. 'status.

Can't get out of bed for three days, Yun Tian is not just talking~

Without going too far, Yun Tian just walked around the hotel, intending to enjoy the quiet night time.

And just as he was passing by a park, he suddenly heard a faint sound of breaking through the air.

The voice was very small, if it wasn't for Yun Tian's level of strength, I'm afraid he would really ignore it.

I was a little curious, since I came out to hang out and relax anyway, so Yun Tian turned and walked into the park.

It was not difficult for Yun Tian to follow the sound, but what surprised him was that the sound, which obviously sounded like a weapon being swung, was intermittent.

There will be some time, there will be no, it should be who is training, but it is very strange intermittently.

The park is not big, and Yuntian arrived at the destination after walking for not too long.

It was an open space in the center of the park, and a familiar figure was training just as Yun Tian guessed.

The training method is quite common, that is, cutting off square wood standing on the ground, a very common chopping practice.

Adjusting his breathing and swinging his weapon, there was an extremely faint sound of breaking wind, and a slash pierced through the icy night air.

The wood was cut shorter and shorter, and the wood that was originally taller than a person was gradually cut down to waist height.

Yun Tian didn't make a sound to disturb him, just watched quietly for a while, until the other party stopped.


Ikki was panting heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead even more.

According to his physical fitness, this simple slashing training would not consume so much energy.

So, without thinking, there must be something else hidden in this seemingly simple training.

"This is really interesting training."

Yun Tian walked out from the small woods, while looking at Yi Hui with interest.

The weapon Ikki used for training at this time was not his spiritual outfit 'Yin Iron', but a piece of paper.

That's right, it's just a piece of paper.

A plain white paper that can be seen everywhere.

Stand up the paper and use the edge, and under the high-speed swing, use the edge of the paper as the blade to chop off the hard wood placed in front of you.

This is actually not difficult, both Yuntian and Edelweiss can do the same thing, even not only wood, even harder materials can be cut with paper.

It's no joke that picking flowers and flying leaves can hurt people.

However, this is not what interests Yuntian.

"Already available?"

Yun Tian's sudden appearance and this thoughtless remark startled Yihui.

Concentrating on the training, coupled with Yuntian hiding very well, so Ikki didn't notice his arrival at all.

Taking a big step back abruptly, and entering a state of alert for an instant, Ikki saw clearly that the person who came was Yun Tian.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, and canceling the summoned spiritual outfit, Ikki replied:

"You almost scared me to death..."

"Hmm... It can be used, but I'm still not proficient. If I want to use it perfectly, I'm still not ready for it now."

Yuntian's thoughtless question was answered by Yihui, and he immediately knew what Yuntian was asking.

I'm a little embarrassed, after all, this is considered stealing.

Although Ikki has learned a lot of swordsmanship from Yuntian and Yuntian has never been angry, this is not a commendable behavior.

Chapter 430 You Don't Take Me To Play!

"Your insight that you can learn swordsmanship just by looking at it is getting more and more terrifying. You can restore swordsmanship to this level."

Looking at Yihui, Yun Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It is said that he has no talent to become a swordsman, but in terms of swordsmanship or martial arts, Ikki's talent is simply frighteningly high.

"It's not 'restore', at most it can be used barely." Ikki shook his head, he knew his current level very well.

"I just got the light of 'One Sword Shura'. I have already gained experience in completely mastering the body, so I can learn this sword technique just by looking."

"Otherwise, it might not be so easy to find the way."

Saying so, Ikki adjusted his breathing while wiping off his sweat with the towel wrapped around his neck.

Then, he walked to the side and stood a prepared iron pipe on the ground.

His training is not just cutting wood with paper, the next stage is to cut iron with paper!

However, this is not yet possible.

Now carry out this stage of training in advance, one is to show Yuntian his current progress, and the other is to hope to get some pointers.

When they were in Pojun Academy, Yuntian and Yihui always did this during training. Although this kind of guidance gradually became less and less, the habit still remained.


The paper in his hand instantly turned into a white sword light, slashing towards the iron pipe in front of him!

This blow was extremely quick, but there was no sound at all!

And the moment Yihui shot, Yuntian understood his problem.

Before the paper sword hit the iron pipe, Yun Tian silently made a handprint with his right hand.


With the twinkling of blue stars, a breeze suddenly blew over.

For a swordsman of Ikki's level, it is impossible for this kind of breeze to affect his sword strikes, even with paper swords.

However, something is not quite right.

The instant the powerless breeze blew across the paper, the originally extremely fierce white sword strikes turned into nothingness and dissipated directly into the air.

The white paper also instantly crumpled into a ball under the action of various forces.

This startling change made Ikki stop his movements, and seriously looked at the discarded paper sword in his hand.

"You are too focused, too focused."

Yun Tian's voice also came over at this time.

"In order to use this sword technique, you concentrate on urging your body, leaving no room for changing moves. I don't need to say more about this kind of common-sense question."

"Don't pay too much attention to it. This sword technique is really strong, but it's just a sword technique after all. Sword technique is not the whole element of fighting."

Yuntian's words gave Yihui a feeling.

In fact, the reason is very simple, even if Yuntian is not talkative, Yihui can figure it out by himself in a short time.

He just cared too much about this swordsmanship, or maybe it was because Yuntian's display of strength today put even greater pressure on Ikki, which made him fall into this kind of cornered situation.

Just a quick reminder to figure it out.

Sighing, just when Yihui was about to say something to Yuntian, another voice came from behind the two of them.

"I said, you two guys are too much!"

"Secretly conduct special training without me!"

The red-haired girl came over, and the flames floating around her showed that the girl was not in a good mood at this time.

She pouted angrily and looked at Yuntian and Yihui very unhappy.



"Okay, don't be angry, I just passed by by chance." Yuntian smiled helplessly, and pointed to the towel around Ikki's neck.

"Look, I didn't even get a towel."

"It's just that I heard voices here during the walk and took a look."

After listening to Yun Tian's explanation, Stella was no longer angry.

In fact, in the end, she wasn't really angry, but just complained that Yuntian and Yihui didn't take her to play.

You know, Stella knocked on the doors of Yuntian and Yihui, wanting to chat or train with them, but neither of them was there.

That's why she came out for a stroll alone sullenly, feeling a little lonely because she was left alone.

Later, I passed by the park and heard the sound before I found it.

Since she wasn't left behind, Stella wasn't so angry anymore.

On the contrary, the encounter of the three of them highlights an inexplicable fate, which makes her a little happy.

"Speaking of which, Ikki, your training is really strange."

"What is this for exercise?"

After the mood recovered, curiosity came up.

Stella, who has excellent eyesight, naturally saw the scene where Ikki cut iron with paper just now.

Unlike Yuntian, Stella was completely confused about Ikki's training purpose and could not understand it at all.

But it doesn't matter, just ask if you don't understand, the three of them have long formed a habit of getting along with each other.

Hearing Stella's question, Ikki glanced at Yuntian with some embarrassment, and after seeing him nodding, he answered:

"I'm practicing the extraordinary swordsmanship I saw from Yuntian's competition in the past two days."

"Extraordinary swordsmanship?" Stella tilted her head, not reacting immediately.

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