When she suddenly reacted in the next second, she almost twisted her neck in shock.

"Difficult, difficult, is it the sword of comparing wings?!?!"

The girl looked at Ikki in shock, a little unbelievable.

She quickly turned her gaze to Yun Tian next to her, as if intending to verify the authenticity of this incident.

She would rather believe that she was tricked by Yuntian and Yihui, anyway, it was more than once, but such things as the Sword of Wings are too exaggerated.

"Is that level of swordsmanship something you can learn casually???"

"C-Could it be Yuntian who gave Yihui a little trouble!"

"I want to learn too!!!"

Seeing Stella's excited performance, Yun Tian waved his hand to signal her to calm down first.

The three of them are now in the park, surrounded by flowers and trees.

If Her Royal Highness did not control the intensity while being excited, and accidentally ignited something, it might directly turn into a fire.

"This time, I really have nothing to do with it. It was Ikki who learned it by himself. I only knew it after seeing him train."

"As for teaching you...it's not impossible, but I think you should know how difficult it is."

Yun Tian looked at Stella with some amusement, he knew that Stella didn't really want to learn...

It doesn't seem right to say that, if you want to learn, you definitely want to learn, but Stella herself knows that she probably won't be able to learn.

That's what she said, the pursuit of swordsmanship is not as persistent as Yuntian and Yihui.

The path that Stella walks is the path of the strong with supremacy of strength, the path of kingship.

And although her aptitude in swordsmanship is not bad enough to be called a genius, it is far worse than monsters like Yuntian, Edelweiss, and Yihui.

If she really wants to learn the Sword of Wings, she may not be able to learn it, but it will take a long time to practice hard. For Stella, who still has a lot of room for improvement in terms of ability, this kind of practice is not worth the candle.

Chapter 431 Do not damage public facilities


Stella looked at Ikki somewhat unwillingly.

As Yun Tian said, she didn't really have a strong desire to learn from Biyi Zhijian.

What makes Stella unhappy is that Yuntian and Ikki know how to do it, but she can't.

Although this has always been the case in multi-door swordsmanship, it is inevitable that some emotions will arise every time at this time, after all, it is like being excluded.

Sighing silently, she shook her head to get the inexplicable emotions out of her mind, then Stella changed her previous attitude, looked at Yun Tian quite seriously and said:

"It's finally time for the semi-finals!"

Ikki immediately understood what Stella meant, and he also turned his gaze to Yuntian, saying with emotion:

"Yeah, it's finally here."


For Stella and Ikki, the meaning of the semi-finals is completely different from the previous games.

The two who had been chasing after Yun Tian were finally going to challenge him head-on.

Looking at Ikki and Stella who were full of fighting spirit, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows and said intentionally:

"Don't get excited too early, if my opponent is senior sister Daohua, you two will bump into each other first."

"That possibility is the lowest, and you should be clear about it." Stella was not affected by Yun Tian's words, but her fighting spirit became more and more high.

She was right, among all possible combinations tomorrow, the possibility of Yuntian taking the lead against Daohua is the least.

After the battle with 'Edelweiss', Yun Tian has almost been regarded as a champion candidate by the crowd, and is a well-deserved 'Seven Star Sword King' in the eyes of everyone.

No one thought he would lose.

Therefore, for the sake of the so-called popularity, Stella and Yihui, two more topical contestants, are obviously more suitable opponents of Yuntian than Dao Hua.

In tomorrow's match, there is a high probability that one of Stella and Yihui will face Yuntian and realize their dream of challenging Yuntian.

And this person is most likely to be Stella!

No matter how fair and popular the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is, it is also an event in the Far East.

Players from other countries can win the championship, but it would be too embarrassing if their own country can't even make it to the final.

Therefore, Ikki vs. Daohua, this combination that absolutely guarantees that a domestic player will enter the final must be the committee's priority.

Of course, these are just inferences, and the specific combination will still have to wait for the notice from the operation committee tomorrow.


"Tomorrow is going to be a tough fight."

"Any combination is good, one of the three of us will definitely exit here."

Ikki's tone was a bit heavy, but also extremely firm and serious.

"I don't know how to put water!"

"Me too!" Stella picked up Ikki's words.

At the same time, as if to prove something to Yuntian and Ikki who were always stronger than her, Stella casually grabbed a few white papers from beside Ikki and crumpled them into a ball.


"I have become stronger!"

As the girl said so, the magic power in her body boiled.

Flames and hot wind gushed out, sweeping across the sky!

At that moment, both Yuntian and Ikki saw the huge shadow of the dragon looming behind Stella!

Immediately afterwards, Stella threw the ball of paper pinched in her hand to the iron pipe used for Ikki's training.



The moment the paper ball touched the iron pipe, the iron pipe broke in two as if it had been torn apart by force.

However, the ball of paper that tore the iron pipe was not affected in any way, and flew to the distance with unabated strength, directly smashing a wall in the distance.

After doing all this, Stella put away her magic power, looking at her as if the powerful blow just now was just done casually.

Unexpectedly, a blow of such power with a ball of paper is no worse than what Yuntian showed when he fought Sarah in terms of destructive power.

Stella's body was filled with strong self-confidence, and she took a deep look at Yun Tian.

"I'll be waiting for you on the playing field!"

The strong fighting spirit was suppressed by the girl, and after saying this statement, she planned to turn around and leave the park.

After Ning Yin's special training, Stella, who has fully mastered the power of dragon transformation, can be said to be comparable to the top powerhouses in the world in terms of strength.

Even if she is placed in the level of the devil, she will not be at the bottom.

Even Yuntian had to admit that the current Stella was enough to make him fight, and even make him feel pressured and threatened.

Like the girl, Yuntian is also looking forward to this match.


"Although you plan to leave in such a cool way, I still want to remind you... This is a park, and it can be regarded as a public place. It seems a bit inappropriate to destroy public facilities casually..."

Yun Tian's words made Stella, who was leaving with his back, froze in place.

Ikki next to him also covered his mouth, trying hard not to let himself laugh out loud.

"...I, I, I, I will call and surrender tomorrow! Isn't it just compensation!!!" Stella blushed and ran away.

Poor Her Royal Highness, originally planned to declare war handsomely, but instead ran away in despair.

Of course, she didn't mean to destroy public property on purpose, she just aimed at the iron pipe and then got emotional and used too much force.

During the competition, including this park, many facilities around the hotel will be defaulted as training grounds for the contestants.

It is allowed to use magic power and call out spiritual equipment at will, as long as it is not intentionally damaged, it will not be punished too severely.

Pay a fine and you're done.


After Stella left, Yun Tian also planned to leave.

Ikki obviously planned to train until very late, and might not even return to his room all night.

Yun Tian just came out for a walk, and he came to the park only because he heard the sound and came to have a look.

It's almost time to go back now.

However, after saying goodbye to Ikki, he didn't immediately walk to the hotel, but walked into the grove on the other side.

Just as he stopped, a voice came from behind.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to hide from your perception."

There were not too many ups and downs in his tone, obviously he had expected that he would be discovered by Yun Tian.

"You and I are meeting for the first time...but you should know me, just like I know you."

"It's the first time I've met 'Falling Star Sword Emperor'. My name is Heitie Yan, I am the father of Heitie Ikki, and the head of the current generation of the Heirie family."

"To be honest, although I sensed someone, I didn't expect it to be you." Yun Tian looked at the person in surprise.

It was the first time he saw this black iron patriarch named 'Iron Blood'.

However, as the other party said, although the two have never met, they both know each other.

Chapter 432 The Fuse of Troubled Times

"The current Patriarch of the Heitie Family will also be interested in a student-level event like the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival?"

"After all, it is a major event held by the country. As the head of the Far East branch of the alliance, isn't it a matter of course that I will be here?"

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