"I must have obtained some information from Minister Moon Shadow before coming to me, otherwise it would be impossible to be so polite to me."

"So you should know that my judgment will not be wrong."

"...I still can't believe it." Heitie Yan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"But as a condition of the deal, it's enough, isn't it?"

Yun Tian still had that smiling expression, as if he had predicted this result from the very beginning.

Heitieyan looked at the young man in front of him, and deeply understood the gap between himself and him.

After a long time, he nodded slowly.

"If it's what you said, then the Kurotetsu family has no reason to reject Ikki's return."


the next day.

Early in the morning, Yuntian received a notice from the operation committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival. Not only Yuntian, but all four contestants who participated in the semi-finals received the notice.

At the same time, the content of the notice was also published on the official website of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

To contestants and spectators:

The No.60 [-]nd Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival semi-finals will be held tomorrow, which is the fourth day after the start of the competition.

The two games will be held sequentially in the morning, and the battle combinations are as follows:

First game

A first-year F-class knight in the Pojun, the 'uncrowned sword king' Kakki Kurogane


Third Grade B Knight of Pojun, 'Rayche' Dongdou Daohua

Second game

First-year Grade A Knight of Pojun, 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian


First-year A-rank knight of the Pojun, 'Red Lotus Princess' Stella Vermilion

that's all.

(Note: The time of the finals may be changed depending on the situation. Please prepare for the adjustment in advance.)

This notice proved Yuntian and Stella's guess last night.

The reappearance of the A-level vs. A-level match made the audience look forward to it. Whether it was Yuntian who defeated 'Edweiss' or the giant shadow of the dragon that Stella once summoned, they all made the audience look forward to it. Fascinated.

The attention of this match easily surpassed that of the first round of the Sword Emperor Battle at the opening of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

However, compared to the enthusiastic audience, the four semi-finalists were not affected in any way.

Whether it was Ikki, Daohua, Yuntian or Stella, they were doing their own things as if they had not received the notification.

The reaction of the four of them seemed to be the calm before the storm, quiet and depressing!


Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, the fourth day!

The scorching sun of summer scorched the earth mercilessly, but the heat couldn't compare to the enthusiasm of the audience in the venue at the moment.

"The temperature is 35 degrees! Thank you very much for your willingness to gather in this venue under the scorching sun!"

"The No.60 [-]nd Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival has finally reached the semi-finals!"

"Now, let's invite the contestants from the first match of the semi-finals to come on stage!"

Following the loud shout of the announcer Iida, there was a burst of cheers in the venue.

"The first one to appear is 'Rayche' Todo Daohua!"

"The knight who appeared from the red gate must be familiar to everyone. As the top four of the last Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, she has a truly powerful strength."

"Last year, she only lost to the 'Seven Star Sword King', and now she is back on this stage again."

"Same venue, same name! The players from Dongtang broke through the entire Division A with an unrivaled attitude and came back here!"

"Facing a powerful opponent who defeated her old enemy, can she win this ticket to the final!!!"

Chapter 434

Yun Tian looked at the blond girl with high fighting spirit on the field, and felt a little complicated for a while.

This year's Dao Hua is exceptionally strong, and her growth has far exceeded everyone's imagination.

Although it has never been compared, almost everyone who has watched the game believes that if this year's Daohua meets Zhuxing Xiongda again, he will definitely win!

Her strength is obvious, but few know what makes her so powerful.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian sighed silently.

Because he knows that he knows better than anyone what the purpose of Dao Hua's all-out leap forward is.

'again!Challenge him again! '

This idea supported the girl all the way to the semi-finals.

There is such a swordsman who desperately wants to challenge himself again, it is impossible not to be moved.

However, this small dream could not be realized after all.

Because her opponent is stronger than her!

Yun Tian was also a little regretful, Dao Hua took himself as the goal and came to the distance that is only one step away, it would be too cruel to retreat here.

But the reality is like this, just like she ended Shizuku's dream, now it's her turn.

Yun Tian, ​​who knew the strength of the two of them very well, could almost conclude that Dao Hua had no chance of winning this match.

Although I am a little sorry for Daohua's persistence, but to be honest, Yuntian still wants to fight Yihui more than Daohua.

Just as the thoughts in his head were chaotically intertwined, another contestant also stepped onto the stage.

"The player who enters through the blue gate is very inferior in magic power, and the level of the slasher is only the lowest F level, which is worse than the general standard value."

"However, he made up for his lack of magical power with his powerful physical and sword skills, and his unparalleled skills!"

"From the bottom to the bottom, I have been invincible all the way, and finally climbed to the current position!"

"He is the 'uncrowned sword king' player Ikki Kurogane!!!"

"Successively defeated the previous champion Morohoshi and the runner-up Jonosaki, and after that also defeated Kurashiki Kurashiki who is known as the 'Swordsman Killer'!"

"Now, he only needs to win this game to enter the final!"

"Whether he can overcome obstacles with his superb swordsmanship and become the first F-rank knight in history to stand at the top, let us wait and see!"

"Now, I declare!"

"The first match of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival semi-finals has officially begun!"



Shizuku and Arisuin walked over while greeting him.

"I didn't see Stella, she thought she must be with you, Yuntian."

Yuqiyuan first looked around Yuntian, and then asked with a little surprise.

"I didn't see Stella...Well, actually, I haven't seen her since yesterday." Yun Tian shook his head, then moved a few seats to the side to signal them to sit down and talk.

"It's not just me and Stella, Ikki and Toka-senpai are probably like this too."

"The few of us consciously avoided meeting each other before the game."

"Ah, unexpectedly childish."

Passing the drink in his hand to Yuntian, Yusuin sat down and looked at him with some teasing.

"Isn't it possible that after the game is over, the losing side will still be awkward?"

Maybe it was too graphic, Yun Tian couldn't help but smile when he heard Yusuin's words.

"It sounds like something Stella would do... But, compared to ours, what's the situation behind you?"

After slightly responding to Arisuin's teasing, Yun Tiancai brought the topic to another person.

The reason for asking this is because the person behind Shizuku and Arisuin is really in a strange state, as if he only has half his life left.

"Heh, heh heh, brat, you really dare to ask... Huh, forget it, I don't have the energy to talk about you right now... Let me take a break first."

Hei Nai sat directly next to Yun Tian, ​​grabbed the drink in his hand and drank it down in one gulp.

"Uh... Li, the chairman looks quite haggard..." Feeling the low air pressure coming from Heono next to him, Yun Tian smiled dryly, and quietly moved in another direction.

At this time, Yusuin came over curiously, and asked aloud:

"We are the chairman we met on the way, what happened?"

"Hmph, what happened?" Maybe it was because he recovered a little bit of strength after drinking water, or because he was a little relieved because he snatched Yuntian's drink, in short, Kurono's complexion was a little better.

She gave Yun Tian a hard look, then stuffed the empty drink bottle into Yun Tian's hand, and said:

"Isn't it because this brat didn't think about our hard work at all, so he just tore down the venue..."

"Ah... so the repair work is done by the chairman."

"Tsk, who said that this brat is a student of my school, of course the responsibility falls on me!"

Listening to Kurono's rebuke, Yun Tian muttered in a low voice:

"In the final analysis, it's not that the venue is too small. The stage is so fragile for a national-level large-scale competition."


Hei Nai patted Yun Tian angrily, and then said:

"Which venue can withstand the devastation of a monster like you!"

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