"Do you know why Heitie and Dongtang took the lead in the competition today?"

"Do you know why both games are scheduled in the morning?"

"Do you know why the 'note' on the notice is written there!!!"

"You can't restrain yourself, remember to put some water on me next time!"

"Eh... Actually, I'm already pretty good..." Yun Tian answered this sentence in a low voice secretly.

Then, before Kurono's murderous eyes shifted over, he changed his words and explained:

"This is what Teacher Ning Yin taught me."

"At that time in school, her original words were, 'It is our teacher's job to protect the venue and the audience, you, a student, don't need to care too much, just mess around~'"

"By the way, Stella has been training with Teacher Ning Yin for a while, so she probably will be told the same thing."

"Instead of worrying about me, why not think about how to stop Stella? After all, in terms of destructive power, she is far ahead of me now."

"In the next game, we will face each other... Tsk tsk tsk."


With a punch on Yun Tian's head, Hei Nai's face darkened instantly.

"That guy Ningning will teach you some things..."

Rubbing his head, Yun Tian didn't feel any pain.

I don't know if it's because he's tired and has no energy, or because he's not willing to beat up his student after all, Kurono's seemingly imposing fist just now is actually useless at all.

Smiling in his heart, Yun Tian continued:

"And I've heard that the chairman was much naughtier than me when he was a student."

"The big hole in space that was dug open in the venue of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival has not been closed yet, and it has become a death penalty zone now."

"There is more than one similar rumor."

"Hmm...!" Yun Tian's words pierced Heono's heart instantly like a sharp sword.

Hit the nail on the head and kill with one blow.

Compared with the scars that Kurono and Ning Yin carved on the world back then, the damage that can be repaired by Yuntian and Stella is already quite cute.

Now she has nothing to say.

"Oh, forget it... Anyway, there are only two games left, it's up to you to make a fuss."

In the end, Kurono could only slump down on the chair with a pale face.

Vaguely, she seemed to recall the wry smiles of Teacher Yueying and Teacher Nanxiang when they faced herself and Ning Yin.

Chapter 435 The Sleeping Dragon

Both Ikki and Toka are high-speed swordsmen, so the duel between the two ended quite quickly.

As Yun Tian expected, Ikki won the victory.

Although Daohua showed amazing strength, he still couldn't defeat Ikki who had been guided by Yuntian in the end.

The first game has come to an end, which means that the second game is about to start.

The interval between the two games was very short, and Ikki and Daohua did not cause too much damage to the playing field.

So Yuntian didn't waste any time, and went directly to the preparation room to wait.

the other side.

Kurono came to a restaurant inside the Wangan Dome venue.

The restaurant, which was supposed to be open to the outside world, closed its doors tightly at this time, and through the glass walls, busy figures could be vaguely seen inside.

Even though there were no customers and the doors were closed tightly, all the employees of the hotel were busy getting in and out of the elevator.

He went all the way to the top floor, and the moment he entered the largest banquet hall, Kurono heard that familiar voice.

"Huhahaha——! People are crawling on the ground like ants~"

Xijing Ningyin stood on the balcony of the banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel and looked out. Looking at the long queue of snakes extending from the station to the Wangan Dome venue below, she let out a pretended shout.

Hei Nai walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, then cast a wise look at Ning Yin.

"What the hell are you shouting about?"

"Oh, that's the one. When you look at the crowd from a high place, you want to shout, the instinctive kind."

"Humans don't have such weird instincts."

"real or fake?!"

"Alas..." With a silent sigh, Kurono decided to ignore this topic.

She took out a lady's cigarette from the pocket of her suit, lit one and put it in her mouth, then changed the subject aloud.

"You don't seem to have accepted the commentary job for the next game, it's obviously so lucrative."

"Ah, that, after all, it's my lover's game, so of course I want to watch it in the audience."

"Ai, Aitu... Are you referring to Yuntian??"

"Who would accept him as an apprentice!!!" Ning Yin jumped up when she heard Heinao's words, and said very dissatisfied.

"That little monster can only teach him, I'm talking about Stella!"

Hei Nai took a puff of cigarette, then glanced at Ning Yin and said:

"What kind of apprentice are you talking about in such a short time...Although I want to complain about you, but her change is indeed a bit amazing."

Speaking of serious matters, Ning Yin also put away her playful smile and sighed with emotion.

"I was also taken aback. Although it was a bit messy, I really didn't expect to wake up this monster..."

"Monster... huh. Speaking of which, think carefully about the unsuitable food intake is also the effect of dragon power."

Kurono said so and glanced at the distance.

There was the center of the banquet hall, which had been filled with several hills of food remains.

And in a corner against the wall, the red-haired girl who did all this was lying on a bed.

'Red Lotus Empress' Stella Vermilion curled up like a baby, falling into a deep sleep.

"...Ning Ning, what do you think of today's game?"

"Hmm... it will be a good match." Ning Yin pondered for a while, and finally gave this answer.

"The strength of the two of them is completely different. With absolute strength and extreme skills, there is no doubt that they are both very good magic knights, and neither side will easily retreat."

"If nothing else happens, it will turn into a fairly high-level deathmatch."

"A fight to the death..." Hei Nai felt a little complicated when he heard Ning Yin's answer.

"Yeah, if you're not careful, one of you will die. It's a world-class collision in the true sense... just like when you and I competed."

Although Ning Yin said this in a joking tone, her pupils were imprinted with the same tension as Kurono.

Memories were brought back immediately, it was the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival in their era.

The collision between 'World Clock' and 'Yasha Ji' is still talked about.

At that time, facing this game, there was only one thought in my heart.

'Defeat your opponent!Even if you give up this life! '

Ning Yin is like this, she knows that Heono must be like this too.

Then, at this moment, the situation of Yuntian and Stella is very similar to them at that time.

"But... it's really Xiaoyun who is not good."

"Oh? Does our great 'Yasha Ji' think 'Red Lotus Princess' is better?"

"It's a matter of course. Look at her like this. To be honest, I can't imagine the defeat of Her Royal Highness at all."

Ning Yin glanced at Stella who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

The girl slept very deeply, and even the sound of her breathing was extremely weak.

Without any unnecessary movements, she locked all the strength in her body as much as possible.

From the moment she was notified that she was about to confront Yun Tian, ​​Stella did so.

All the power accumulated is for the explosion in the next game.

Explode everything you have now, regardless of everything!

In the eyes of Ning Yin and Hei Nai, the figure of the red-haired girl lying on the bed was like a huge red dragon wrapped in flames lying there.

The overwhelming sense of presence made the two feel a little suffocated just by looking at it.

"This kind of momentum is no worse than that one."

Heino naturally knew who the 'that' was in Ning Yin's words.

Both of them had seen and felt the terror from the top of the world firsthand.

Now, at least at this moment when she didn't make a move, the aura exuding from Stella's body was not weaker than the top of the world that the two of them had seen before.

Even, because of the suppression of the giant dragon from the top of the food chain, Stella is even better in terms of pure aura.

'She can't lose. '

Kurono had to admit that this idea did appear in her heart the moment she saw Stella in this state.

However, suddenly, a picture flashed in Kurono's mind.

It was a defeated scene of a pure white figure floating on the water.

The appearance of this picture made her have another thought by accident.

'Momentum is not everything. '

Hei Nai froze for a moment, opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything to refute.

She was silent for a while, suppressing all kinds of chaotic emotions in her heart, and then said to Ning Yin:

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