"In any case, even those involved in this game will risk their lives."

"There is no way to hand it over to ordinary magic knights. If something happens, we can only rely on you and me to stop it... Just like when Mr. Nanxiang and Mr. Heitie risked their lives to stop the two of us."

Kurono took another drag on his cigarette.

"This time it's our turn."

"Of course I know about this kind of thing." Ning Yin nodded without any dissatisfaction with Hei Nao's words.

Originally, she didn't accept the job of commentary, which was part of the reason.

Needless to say, she understands this kind of thing.

Compared with this, there is another more important thing now.

Ning Yin showed an extremely serious expression to Hei Nai, and then said:

"That's it, Xiao Hei."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Here, no smoking~"

"...remind me next time before lighting the fire."

"Ah, I will try my best to remember~"

Looking at the embarrassed Hei Nao, Ning Yin put on a smirk.

Chapter 436 Here and now, I want to surpass you!

"The first one to appear on the stage is our princess, the contestant 'Red Lotus Princess' Stella Vermilion!"

With enthusiastic cheers and shouts from the narrator, Stella walked onto the stage through the red gate with swaying red hair.

"The second princess of the Vermilion Kingdom, I think everyone knows her genius name!"

"Although there were some accidents at the start of the first round due to being late, but she faced all the players in the B area at once and ended the battle with only one blow. Presumably, everyone should remember it as fresh as me!"

"Will the giant shadow of the dragon that covers the sky and the sun, that incarnation of 'ultimate violence', appear before our eyes again today!"

The reaction caused by Stella's appearance was violent.

There is no doubt about her strength, and she is a veritable candidate for the championship.

The owner of the highest magical power in the world, the princess of Vermilion Kingdom, a beautiful girl with a good figure, under the blessing of various auras, Stella's popularity is terrifyingly high.

Countless spectators shouted and screamed at her.

"Princess Stella—! Come on—!"

"Yeah! Your Highness Stella, look this way!"

"There will be a final tomorrow, so don't ruin the venue—!"

Facing the cheers of the audience, Stella walked forward awe-inspiringly.

At the same time, all the lights in the venue turned red and gathered on her body at the same time.

In line with Stella's advancing pace, the flames of the red lotus soared into the sky, forming a fire channel connecting the gate and the battle circle.

Of course, the flaming flames were not caused by Stella's ability, but just a performance effect to ignite the atmosphere of the venue.

This kind of special effect is usually only provided during the finals, but the quality of this year's Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is too high, so the operation committee decided to provide this performance effect from the semifinals.

Although this is only a competition between students, it attracts much more attention than professional league competitions.

Originally, no matter how good the contestant was, he was just a student after all.

Faced with such a gorgeous entrance performance that even professional players have never seen before, they will basically be overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the stage, and they will often show some unnaturalness at this time.

However, Stella is completely different.

As a princess of a country, she has long been used to this kind of scene.

Without any pause or hesitation, Stella directly ignored the raging flames on both sides, walked all the way to the stage, and looked at the other side silently.

At this moment, the moment Stella stood still, all the lights in the venue suddenly went out.

At the same time, the commentator's voice was once again heard by everyone through the radio.

"However, even if you are as strong as Stella, you won't be able to cover the sky with one hand at this Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival!"

"There is a knight whose call to win the championship overwhelmingly surpasses all players!"

"Let's have another protagonist come on stage!"

"Blue Gate, 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian player!!!"


From the auditorium, it was no longer cheers.

That was a frantic response that shook the sky!

The frenzied atmosphere that far surpassed Stella's when she entered the venue instantly enveloped the entire venue!

""Sword Emperor! Sword Emperor! Sword Emperor! Sword Emperor!"""

Countless voices finally turned into a single word, which echoed continuously in the venue!

At the same time, the extinguished lights were turned on again, and blue light gathered on the figure passing through the gate.

In the blue light, little stars flickered, as if the endless starry sky descended on the ground.

"This contestant... or Lord Sword Emperor, to be honest, I don't know what words and sentences to use to describe him."

"The quality of this year's Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival is extremely high. In the history of the Sword and Martial Arts Festival for many years, it is also one of the few occasions where there are so many outstanding players participating at the same time."

"The only thing that can be compared in recent years is the era when 'World Clock' and 'Yasha Ji' competed."

"Among the star-studded sword martial arts festival, Sword Emperor Yuntian's opponent can be said to be unimaginably powerful."

"I don't know how many people have discovered that the road he traveled is far more terrifying than other players."

"'Galewind Sword Emperor' Black Iron Ouma, 'Misfortune' Shinomiya Tianyin, 'Blooded Vinci' Sarah Bradley, and even that 'Bingwing' Edelweiss were all defeated by him !"

"It's unbelievable. It's extremely terrifying. Counting down all the opponents of Yuntian, they are all so strong that they are desperate."

"But even so, the Sword Emperor still completely defeated them all with his incomparable strength!"

"If 'Red Lotus Empress' is the ultimate violence, then 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' is the ultimate technology!"

"Today, did the dragon shoot down the stars, or did the stars defeat the dragon!"

"This battle will definitely shake the world!"

Yun Tian was surrounded by stars, compared to Stella who entered the arena with a destructive aura, his atmosphere at this moment was even more dreamlike.

As a result, the fanatical atmosphere of the venue was pushed to a higher level.

However, Yun Tian didn't care about the cheers around him at all. Like Stella, he walked towards the battle circle without any pause.

Perhaps for other players, this kind of formation may be so powerful that people can't help but generate pressure.

But for Yun Tian, ​​it was not the first time he had seen the so-called crowds of audience, or the extremely gorgeous special effects of the performance.

He has even seen more than one miraculous scene far more shocking than these.

Now he has only one goal in his eyes.

That's the red-haired girl on the opposite side!

"This is really beyond my imagination." Yun Tian was very surprised.

It can be said that he overestimated Stella as much as possible, but at this moment when he was actually face to face, he realized that he still underestimated this girl.

Although not as good as Edelweiss, the current Stella is not inferior to Ning Yin and He Nao.

At least in Yuntian's perception, the sense of oppression she brought to him was stronger than that of Ning Yin and Hei Nai.

Momentum does not represent strength, but at least it shows that Stella has reached a level similar to Ning Yin and Heinao on a large level.

Undoubtedly the world's top powerhouse!

"Finally, I caught up with you!"

Stella looked at Yuntian, she didn't care about the cheers around her, she didn't care about the surprise and admiration in Yuntian's eyes.

Now in the girl's heart, only the burning fighting spirit remains!

"It's been a year, since I was easily defeated by you at the beginning of school, I have been chasing after you for nearly a year."

"It is because of your goal in front of me that I am what I am today..."

"But... sorry, looking at the back of the same person for a year has made me feel a little anxious."

As Stella said so, the crimson flames condensed on her right hand.

The red flame danced, forming the shape of a sword.


Accompanied by a violent bang, the golden sword of flame pierced the ground in diameter.

Shock waves and flames instantly shattered nearly one-third of the stage.

Stella tightly held the hilt of the sword, and said to Yuntian with firm will:

"Here and now, I want to surpass you!"


Chapter 437 Stella is so terrifying!

"It's really scary."

"If there are a few more young people like this, we can retire early~"

Ning Yin looked at Yun Tian and Stella who were facing each other on the stage, and looked at the auditorium which became extremely silent due to the collision of their momentum, and smiled happily.

However, Hei Nao, who was sitting next to her, was not very happy.

Seeing the damaged stage before the competition started, Kurono felt a dull pain in his liver.

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