Ning Yin's laughter at the side became more and more piercing.

"Tsk." Hei Nai smacked his lips in displeasure, and gave Ning Yin a hard look.

"Didn't I tell you, we must always pay attention to the direction of the game, and we can't let the two of them have an accident. What's going on with your rest day mode?"

It's not that Heinai just vented his anger indiscriminately, but that Ning Yin's current state is indeed a little too much.

Two oversized buckets of popcorn were on hand, and a plastic bag filled with various snacks and drinks was thrown on the seat next door.

It's completely like a qualified audience.

"It's actually a rest day today, and the job of commentary has been rejected~"

Hearing the malicious voice of his bad friend, Kurono took a deep breath.

Suppressing the urge to hit someone, Hei Nai gritted his teeth and said to Ning Yin earnestly:

"I'm such an idiot to think you're so rare and reliable."

"Just kidding, just kidding, Xiao Hei, don't stare at me with that horrible expression... I feel like I'm going to be shot in the head by you in the next second."

"Really...Are you serious..."

Kurono reached out and rubbed his head, smoothing the throbbing veins.

Since her student days, Ning Yin's frivolous attitude has never changed.

To this day, looking at her like this... feels as if only I am getting older is very annoying.

Kurono kicked the bracket that fixed the seat next to him unhappily.



"...Give me something to eat."


"Stop talking, bring it here!"

"Hey! Wait...Wow, don't, don't grab it!"


On the other side, on the stage.

"Beyond me?"

Yun Tian looked at the Feilongsin Sword in Stella's hand, felt the extreme heat wrapped around it, and couldn't help laughing.

For Ikki and Stella, the two protagonists of the original novel, Yuntian's attitude can be said to be too good.

Of course, part of it comes from the natural goodwill carried in the memory, but more, it is for this moment!

For the growth of the two of them, Yun Tian did his best during this year, not only teaching the two of them unreservedly, but also solving their problems for their growth.

Today, it's finally time for him to reap the fruits!

This battle, no matter whether he wins or loses, will push Yuntian to the next level!

"Let me see your achievements this year!"

The blue starlight converged in Yuntian's hands, and the Starfall Sword was manifested in the next second.

At this moment, the referee's shout spread throughout the venue.

"Game start!!!"



The moment the game started, Yuntian disappeared.

Relying on the skill of the Sword of Wings, Yun Tian increased his speed to the extreme in an instant.

Appeared in front of Stella as if directly crossing the space!

Preemptive strike!

It was Yun Tian who took the lead in planning to seize the initiative!

Yun Tian, ​​who has always been calm and invincible, changed his previous attitude at this moment, and showed his full strength without hesitation.

He didn't underestimate Stella, let alone dare to underestimate Stella.

As I said before, today's Stella is truly the world's top powerhouse.

and so…

"Dragon shakes its feet!"

Almost at the same time as Yun Tian's charge, Stella raised her slender legs, and stomped hard on the ground with her feet.


The earth is shaking!

Accompanied by a huge bang, the entire venue shook violently like an earthquake!

All of a sudden, there were screams!

"What ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!"

"Earth, there was an earthquake ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Stella's foot directly stepped through the stage that had been strengthened countless times. Not only that, the huge magic power and terrifying strange power also turned the entire stage floor upside down.

With Stella at the center, countless rubble and ruins burst up!

The picture of the slender and lovely girl with her slender legs shocked everyone, and the visual impact brought by the strange contrast was extremely shocking.

As a matter of course, Stella's attack was not aimed at destroying the field.

Yun Tian jumped up the moment the stage was destroyed, dodging the impact of Long Zhen's feet, but at the same time the pre-emptive attack also failed.

The Sword of Wings is indeed miraculous, but it only cancels the process of acceleration, not the real sense of space movement.

The process of charging still exists after all.

With Yuntian's speed and the Sword of Wings, it is indeed possible to achieve a level that the naked eye and even the perception cannot catch up, but don't forget, Stella's speed is not slow.

With the blessing of almost endless magical power, even if he is not as fast as Yuntian, he will not be unable to catch up like his previous opponents.

Therefore, for the first blow, Stella, who just stood still and didn't need to move, was faster!

However, just destroying the ground doesn't mean that Yuntian's attack can be blocked.

The blue starlight gathered under the feet in an instant, and Yuntian used the power of the stars to form a pedal in the air. Before the aftermath of Long Zhen's feet was over, he launched a second charge with lightning speed!


There was also no sound, and Yun Tian could still use the Sword of Wings even though he exerted force from a strange angle in the air.

His whole body was surrounded by star power, like a blue shooting star across the sky!


"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

The inhuman roar resounded through the sky!

The girl who had been prepared opened her lips, and the roar of the dragon spread from it.

Like the ground, like raging waves, like thunder!

This loud noise is enough to shake the atmosphere!

Cutting knife stunt · Tyrannosaurus Roar!

The magic power was poured into the roar like no money, and the abyss-like magic power set off an unparalleled violent storm and impact along with the roar.

The gravel and stage ruins that were still flying in the air were directly blown away.

And Yuntian, who is mixed in it, is no exception!

This is the opening two combo prepared by the girl in advance, and Stella prepares an appetizer for Yuntian.

The purpose is to widen the distance as much as possible and maximize the firepower superiority that no one can match.

Therefore, at the next moment after successfully blasting into the sky, Stella didn't stop at all, and the monstrous magic power swept across the sky again!

Chapter 438 The world's number one magic power!

Fire, raging flames, and endless red lotuses dyed the entire sky crimson.

It was an object made by Stella with magic power.

Different from the two simple shock waves just now, Stella used her own ability this time.

Her original machete ability was a conceptual 'dragon', and flame manipulation was just a wrong usage. Now that she understands her true ability, it doesn't mean that 'flame' cannot be used.

On the contrary, Lie Yan (raging flames), which has acquired the concept of 'Dragon Flame', is even more powerful now, far surpassing the former Fan Huo.

With the injection of Stella's magic power, the monstrous flames formed scorching fireballs one after another.

The number is hundreds or even thousands!

Stella swung the Feilong Sin Sword forward like a command saber, and shouted:

"Burning the enemy to the ground, scorching the earth!"

Hundreds of scorching spheres seemed to have been ordered, and as if echoing the mantra, they turned into arrows of light and rushed towards the sky!

Literal carpet bombing!

Flames, light and heat, explosions, and roars covered every corner in front of Stella.

A suffocating and frightening overwhelming magic power gap.

After this terrifying blow was released, Stella's magic power did not attenuate in the slightest. Not only that, she also intensified the output of magic power.

The light arrow's attack lasted more than one round, just like the rain of flames, Stella's attack has far exceeded the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

Extraordinary extreme violence!

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