However, the girl who unleashed this horrific attack, which shocked the entire audience, seemed dissatisfied herself.

Stella raised the Feilongsin sword and stood in front of her body, and the huge and terrifying magic power rose from her body again.


Following the cheering shout of the girl, the huge injection of magic power caused the flames on the Feilong Sin Sword to swell rapidly.

The temperature and brightness of the flame rose linearly.

"Eat the enemy into the belly, Feilong's jaw!"


With the sound of burning flames, one, two, three...

A total of seven flaming dragons flew out from Feilong Sin Sword.

The seven giant dragons attacked Yuntian from different directions.

At the same time, the arrows of light above the sky did not intend to stop for a moment. The scene in front of him seemed to be a scene of destruction like the destruction of the world by the red lotus.

At this moment, everyone truly understood what is "the world's number one magic power".

Seeing this devastating offensive, all the audience who thought that Yuntian would win before the opening were speechless at this moment.

Just when the audience wondered whether Yuntian was about to lose, a little blue starlight came into everyone's eyes.

In the fiery red, this faint blue starlight is particularly conspicuous.

A little bit at first, and then in the blink of an eye, the blue shards of starlight turned into a sky full of stars.

Blue stars shot out from the explosion and roar, shattered arrows of light and then attacked Yanlong.

Star Swordsmanship·Fanxing's advanced swordsmanship, Meteor Shower!


Boom, boom, boom, boom—!

After the stars shattered the arrows of light, they hit the Yanlong and made a loud bang!

At the same time, Yun Tian also walked out from the outermost periphery of the smog-shrouded battlefield, and returned to the battle circle.

"I knew it was just this level that I couldn't do anything to you." Stella looked at Yun Tian who came back unscathed, not surprised at all.

However, she was not surprised, but Yun Tian was slightly surprised.

Because from Stella, he saw something that she had always lacked in the past.

That is the absolute confidence that Stella is brimming with from beginning to end at this moment!

It's not that Stella lacks self-confidence, she has always been aware of her own strength, but even so, this kind of self-confidence is still far behind compared to her talent.

She should believe in her own talents more.

She can be more arrogant, she can be more conceited, especially when facing Yun Tian!

For a long time, Stella has always felt a head short of Yun Tian.

Maybe it's because of the mock battle at the beginning of school, or maybe it's because of the gradual understanding of Yuntian's strength in the subsequent relationship.

In short, Stella deeply understood that she could not win against Yuntian.

There is nothing wrong with this, because it is true.

Before obtaining the power of the dragon, Stella had no chance of defeating Yuntian.

However, this kind of 'can't win' idea has lasted for nearly a year, which is wrong.

Stella followed Yun Tian, ​​studying with a modest attitude and making continuous efforts, which should have been a good thing.

Just like Yihui, while his strength has been steadily improved, his state of mind will also become solid.

However, this set may be suitable for others, but it may not be suitable for Stella.

She should be proud of her talents.

Stella has unparalleled talent, but she never slackens in redoubled efforts. Faced with inferior swordsmen, as long as she continues to work hard, she will also feel respected.

This humility is a human virtue.

That's right, the virtues of 'humanity'!

However, Stella is a 'dragon'.

It's not that she doesn't need these virtues, but she shouldn't compare herself with other people, because that will cause 'it' dissatisfaction.

The power that belongs to the giant dragon, the pride contained in that ability, does not allow her to bow her head!

She can lose, but she cannot admit defeat!

As an absolute powerhouse, Stella has stood on the highest peak in the world since the moment she was born.

She must be proud of it!

She has to be cocky, she has to be arrogant, she has to be greedy.

She must firmly believe that no one in this world is stronger than herself!


Her talent will fully satisfy her arrogance, arrogance, and greed!

As long as she has the arrogance of being a mythical creature at the top of the food chain that no one can match, she will become stronger endlessly!

But for a long time, when facing Yuntian, not to mention being conceited, even Stella dared not have self-confidence.

Beyond the sky?

To be honest, for the former Stella, that may really be just a slogan that is not reconciled. Deep down in her heart, she probably knows better than anyone else that she will never be able to do this.

That's why the power of the dragon resists being mastered by Stella.

Yun Tian also considered whether to help her solve this problem, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

Ning Yin quite cleverly awakened the absolute confidence that was dormant in Stella's heart.

From the attack just now, from her current expression, Yuntian can actually feel it.

Obviously, a sea change!

"good, very good, excellent."

Yun Tian smiled, no longer a smile, but a fanatical smile with a fighting spirit.

The Star Perishing Sword was hung horizontally behind his waist, and he finally untied the Black Furnace Demon Sword that had not been used since the Seven Stars Sword Martial Arts Festival began.

With his back slanted behind his back, he formed a posture of a crooked cross together with the Star Death Sword.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Yun Tian said to Stella:

"Don't let me down!"

Chapter 439 The Ending Warm Up

"That posture...Speaking of it, I've always wanted to ask, is that strangely shaped sword hanging on contestant Yuntian's waist also an inherent spiritual outfit?"

The announcer Iida looked at Yuntian's posture on the field, and asked the old man beside him with a puzzled expression.

It was once said that there will be two people sitting on the commentary seat of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

One is the announcer in charge of the live broadcast, that is, the main commentator Iida.

The other is a professional magic knight, responsible for explaining some professional knowledge.

Because Ning Yin refused to be the commentator, and Kurono needed to sit in the auditorium just in case, the professional magic knight who was the commentator for the semi-finals and even the finals was none other than someone else.

It is the chairman of the operation committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, 'Trial Thunder' Kaieda Yuzo.

Although it is inappropriate for him to be the commentator of the semi-finals, but there is currently no other suitable candidate.

And this year's semi-finals will definitely be a final-level matchup in previous years, even higher quality than most of the finals in previous years.

Of course, even Mr. Hai Jiangtian, who is highly influential and well-informed, would not know the true origin of the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

However, it is somewhat speculative.

"That weapon is not an inherent spiritual outfit." Hai Jiangtian shook his head. Although he didn't know the detailed origin, he could still tell that it wasn't an inherent spiritual outfit.

He spoke into the microphone, while explaining to Iida beside him, he was also explaining to the audience above the auditorium.

"I don't think Yuntian's hometown should be a secret."

"Are you referring to the ancient country of the Celestial Dynasty?"


Nodding his head, Hai Jiangtian observed Yun Tian carefully, and then continued:

"Cutters have inherent spiritual equipment, and the use of one weapon is enough for one person to study for a lifetime, so few people will choose to practice another weapon."

"Not only that, ordinary weapons are even more fragile than the inherent spiritual equipment manifested by the soul, and they may be broken with a light touch."

"However, that doesn't mean that knives can't fight with other weapons."

"It's just that this kind of situation is relatively rare in our country... No, it should be said that it is relatively rare in the entire league."

Speaking of this, Hai Jiangtian couldn't help but sighed, and seemed to be a little regretful and said:

"In the final analysis, there is still a lack of foundation. This situation is relatively common in some big countries."

"The most representative one is the hometown of Yuntian players, the ancient country of the Celestial Dynasty where martial arts prevailed."

"There, spiritual equipment and saber abilities will not be given absolute priority like we do."

"In the Celestial Dynasty, there is a saying called 'Sect'. Its meaning is similar to the 'Sect' we often say here, but its status is completely different."

"I heard that some heirs of the sect of the Celestial Dynasty would even choose to give up the inherent spiritual equipment that does not match the inheritance because of the practice of their own martial arts."

"Therefore, there are sword cutters who use additional weapons, use spiritual equipment as an aid to their own martial arts, or even do not use spiritual equipment at all."

"It is precisely because of the existence of this custom that the Celestial Dynasty has never given up on the manufacturing process of ordinary weapons, and even often made breakthroughs, and produced some weapons that are not inferior to spiritual equipment."

"I think that the strange sword that Yuntian has been hanging around his waist all the time should be a similar weapon."

Said, Kai Jiangtian pointed at Yuntian, and motioned Iida beside him to watch his posture carefully.

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