"I think I know a little bit about all the genres of the Far East, but as far as I know, there is no genre that has such a posture."

"Furthermore, from Yuntian, I can easily tell that he has quite a strong martial arts inheritance. Obviously, he has a powerful master."

Kaieda's explanation gave both Iida and the audience a sense of enlightenment.

You must know that although this world is a modern society, international travel is not as simple as imagined because of the confrontation between alliances and alliances and criminal organizations such as the Rebel Army.

It's not impossible, but the risk factor is much higher, so many people will never leave their country in their entire lives.

The customs of other countries like this can only be seen on the Internet or in books.

Although the Celestial Dynasty does not belong to the alliance, it also does not belong to the alliance. For the Far East, which is a member of the alliance, it is not dangerous but it is not safe either.

(I guessed that the Celestial Dynasty does not belong to the Alliance based on the original book. In the latest volume of Tieba, there is a war between the Far East and the Alliance, and then Zhuxing and Tibetans are going to go to the Celestial Dynasty for further studies. If the Celestial Dynasty is in the Alliance camp, this decision is a bit subtle. )

So many people listened with gusto, and even hoped that old Mr. Hai Jiangtian could talk more.

However, the audience listening to the story is different. As a professional narrator, Iida will not fully focus on the story.

After thinking for a while, he understood the meaning behind Hai Jiangtian's words.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Yuntian on the field with shocked eyes. The exclamation of the commentator Iida spread throughout the venue through the radio, waking up all the audience who were immersed in the story.

"You, you mean...it is possible that the sword is the real weapon of Contestant Yuntian?!"

"The Yuntian player who defeated the powerful enemy easily and without injury, the Yuntian player who had a fierce confrontation with Stella just now... Did, actually hide his strength!!!!!!"

For a moment, following Iida's exclamation, shock swept the entire venue.

"Hiding...?" Hai Jiangtian shook his head silently.

"Maybe it's just that no one is qualified to let him do his best..."

"Well, if you put it this way, wouldn't the next battle be a one-sided situation?"

"No, you are wrong."

Rejecting Iida's speculation without any hesitation, Kaieda set his sights on Stella.

"You should also have received news, about the correction of the ability of 'Princess Red Lotus'."

"The ability of the Conceptual Interference System...is not simply a matter of increasing power."

"Those two people, until just now, were probably... just warming up."



The huge roar sounded again!

But this time the sound was not caused by Stella.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword that had changed into a Datachi slashed to the ground mercilessly, and the huge white light blade increased its output the moment Stella dodged it, smashing the surrounding ground directly.

Then, with the help of flying gravel and smoke to cover, the Star Death Sword in Yuntian's right hand turned into a beam of sword light, and slashed towards Stella directly!


At the critical moment, Stella swung the Feilongsin Sword in her hand to block Yuntian's sword strike!

Chapter 440 Instinctive Warning!


The huge explosive sound resounded through the sky again!

Weird Power VS Weird Power!

Yuntian has an extremely terrifying physical quality, while Stella has a qualitative change in her physical quality after her ability has been transformed.

Yuntian is the double boost of magic power and star power, and Stella is the unparalleled blessing of terrifying magic power.

This blow was even more comparable!

Violent shock waves swept across the four directions, and the defensive barrier formed by the professional magic knights was crumbling, and it seemed that it might be shattered by the aftermath of the fight between the two at any time.

Feeling the same terrifying power of the other party, Yun Tian was a little surprised and surprised.

However, if you want to stop him, this level is not enough.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword in the left hand had been pulled out from the ground when the two were in a stalemate, and the blade turned into a white flash and attacked Stella from the other side!

Two-handed swordsmanship has its own advantages compared to one-handed swordsmanship in battle.

But now, Stella holding a sword with both hands can only match Yuntian's strength with a sword in one hand, and the advantage of a single sword in terms of strength no longer exists.

With two swords, Yuntian, who can attack from different directions at the same time, is in an absolute advantage!

The Black Furnace Demon Sword was unstoppable, and Stella's Concubine Dragon Sin Sword was blocked by the Star Death Sword, so the girl fell into a desperate situation all of a sudden?

of course not!


The soaring flames erupted from Stella's body, and the huge magic power and extremely high temperature stopped Yuntian's offensive.

And Stella also took the opportunity to take advantage of the reaction of the magic impact to open the distance again.

However, she was already close, how could Yun Tian let her go so easily.

The starlight sword in his right hand radiated light, cutting off the aftermath of magic power and flames effortlessly, and then turned his whole body into a starlight and stuck it up again.

Stella was not given any chance to distance herself!

After that, there was a fierce sword-blade clash!



Clang, clang, clang, clang——!

Boom, boom, boom, boom—!

The rhythm of the battle was extremely fast, and the figures of Yun Tian and Stella seemed to be two rays of light, one blue and one red, shuttling through the battle circle.

Fierce battle!

In the eyes of the audience, this is indeed the case.

However, Yun Tian frowned slightly.

With the increase in the number of sword strikes, Yun Tian found helplessly that the current Stella was as hard as a tortoise.

And it's not a general sense of high defense.

Switching to a normal defense, there is no way to block the severing ability of the Yuntian Xingjian Sword.

Even Edelweiss used the ability of the causal system at the beginning to neutralize and offset the power of cutting with a higher level of ability quality.

Ordinary defensive methods are simply unable to resist the cutting ability.

But Stella was different, she really used the most common defensive means to block the cutting ability.

Stella's Feilongsin sword is now wrapped with three layers of power.

A layer of magic power, a layer of flames, and an extremely weak layer of conceptual power.

The strength of Stella's defense lies in its unparalleled 'quantity',

Although she has only one layer of magic power attached to the blade, the magic power contained in it is dozens of times that of others.

Cutting off this layer of magic power is equivalent to cutting off the magic armor of dozens of swordsmen in one go.

Of course, if it was just like this, it would not be difficult for Yun Tian to cut off Fei Long Sin Sword.

But in addition to a layer of magic armor, Stella also wrapped flames around the blade, not just the blade, but her whole body was wrapped in a layer of high-temperature flame armor.

Cutting knife stunt · Feilong Yuyi!

A powerful stunt that combines offense and defense!

Of course, if it was just like this, it would not be difficult for Yun Tian to cut off Fei Long Sin Sword.

The most troublesome thing for him is the thin layer of concept power. After breaking through two huge layers of exaggerated defenses that seem to cost no money, it will take a considerable amount of time to maintain the ability to break through the concept power. It's magic.

The most annoying thing is that these three layers of defense, which are the same as the invincible armor, are just Stella's conventional defense methods.

She didn't know about Yuntian's cutting ability and then prepared for it, but wrapped it up to increase the power of the sword strike.

Of course, if it was just like this, it would not be difficult for Yun Tian to cut off Fei Long Sin Sword.

That's right, although Stella's defense is very exaggerated, if Yuntian really wants to break through, he can still do it.

As long as you use the magic power stored in the Jingxin scabbard, breaking through the defense is still very simple.

The real reason why he never did this is the warning from the bottom of his heart!


Sword light flowed, blood spattered!

In the hand-to-hand combat, even if Stella forced Yun Tian to retreat through various means of venting her magic power, she was still a lot worse in the end.

The suppression of swordsmanship is reflected in a series of sword fights.


Accompanied by the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, another wound appeared on Stella's body.

The audience might not be able to see it during the fierce confrontation, but if the two stopped fighting at this moment, they could easily spot the several wounds on Stella's body.

Scattered all over the body, there are more than ten spots in detail!

This is the result of the hand-to-hand combat between the two in a short period of time.

Without a doubt, Stella was suppressed!

Strength, speed, experience, technology, all-round crushing caused the battle situation to be one-sided.

Yun Tian could gradually break through Stella's defense, but Stella couldn't even find a chance to counterattack.

If this continues, with the increase of injuries, it won't be long before this match will end with Yuntian's victory.

but!Don't forget, Stella's current opponent is Yun Tian!

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