Now that the defense has been breached, the failure to decide the outcome is in itself extremely inconceivable.

Yun Tian's swordsmanship possesses countless extremely fast one-hit killing skills. If there is no accident, the pure close-range hand-to-hand combat like now has already been terminated by him.



Another wound was engraved on the girl's body, and Yun Tian also frowned slightly at the same time.

'Something is not quite right...'

With that blow just now, Yun Tian could definitely increase the strength of his sword move, causing more serious injuries to Stella, which could even be called serious injuries.

Not only that, but he also had the opportunity to use his severing ability to directly smash the Feilongsin Sword in Stella's hand.

However, the moment he was about to do this, a creepy feeling from the bottom of his heart stopped him.

Yuntian recognized this feeling.

That was the fighting intuition he had cultivated in the dungeon as an adventurer after fighting constantly!

It's a warning to death!

That's right, Yuntian's sixth sense is telling him that if he does this, he will be in danger!

Not just this time, there were more than a dozen wounds in a row, and every time I wanted to pursue and expand the results of the battle, this feeling would come to my heart.

It was as if some monster was opening its mouth, waiting for him to jump in!

Chapter 441 Dragon God Possession!

'This feeling...that is to say, does Stella still have a hole card to turn the tables? '

The warning in his heart made Yun Tian frowned, but the offensive in his hands showed no intention of slowing down.

Obviously, the situation is overwhelmingly favorable for him.

However, Yun Tian remembered the giant dragon shadow that appeared behind Stella in the first round of competition.

Dragon's call?

It's not impossible, but there must be something else.

The technical gap between the two is worlds apart. It won't take long for the accumulation of injuries to affect her movements.

At that time, the girl will definitely reveal a fatal flaw... Wait!

The accumulation of injuries?


Just when Yun Tian realized something, Stella suddenly laughed.

Facing Yun Tian's extremely fast and fierce slash, she even stopped her defensive movements, let alone counterattack.

Stella looked at Yun Tian, ​​she stood there and spread her hands quite innocently, her golden two-handed sword was pierced into the ground.

Completely defenseless!

There was a smile on Stella's face, with a gentle look of 'attack with you'.

However, faced with such an excellent opportunity, Yuntian stopped.

"Tsk, so it is."

"What's the matter, Yun Tian, ​​why didn't you attack? I'm so defenseless~"

Seeing Yuntian who stopped attacking, Stella smiled even more proudly.

Her tone was full of temptation, which even made Yun Tian feel a little coquettish.

However, Yun Tian was unmoved, only a rare sigh of distress.

"Defenseless, how dare you say..."

"You are too shameless, can I report you to the referee for cheating?"

Seeing Stella's performance, Yun Tian understood completely.

But after understanding it, I was really helpless, because there was really no good solution.

"Well, although I myself feel a little rambunctious, but let's say it's within the scope allowed by the rules of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival."

First, she proudly raised her head, and then Stella said in a rather regretful tone:

"Sure enough, it's unrealistic to wait for you to make a mistake."

"It's a pity, I still think this plan will succeed... You must be too vigilant."

"Forget it, there's no point in continuing to maintain this state, you've seen through it anyway."

"no way…"

Just as Stella complained so much.

Slowly, the whole world is distorted!

With Stella as the center, the temperature began to rise at an extremely fast speed.

Although there were only sporadic flames emanating from the girl's body, in the eyes of everyone, the whole world was gradually distorted under the unparalleled high temperature.

The sky was burning, the earth was boiling, and for a moment the stage turned into a purgatory like a red lotus.

At the same time, a certain voice began to echo between heaven and earth!




That is, the sound of a heartbeat!

The huge heartbeat that shakes the entire earth!

No one would think that this is the sound that a human being can make.

Then, following this heartbeat, Stella's body began to emit light.

Endless light and heat gathered in her body, and finally gathered on the girl's chest, forming a glistening crack as if oozing out.

At the same time, the dozen or so sword wounds cut by Yun Tian just now healed instantly, and it didn't take half a second before and after, as if they had evaporated, they returned to a perfect state.

If it weren't for some damaged clothes that exposed the girl's smooth skin, no one would think that she was still covered in bruises the last second.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!"

Howling up to the sky!

The voice from Stella's mouth was no longer that of a girl, it was the roar of a dragon that could turn the world upside down!

"Then, what is that?!?!"

The wailing of the commentator Iida sounded immediately.

However, at this moment, no one cared about his screams, because all of them were quite shocked.

The girl who caught everyone's eyes, no, that can no longer be called a girl.

The petite soles of the feet stepped on the ground, but there was a huge paw print belonging to the dragon beast.

She is still the beautiful and charming girl, but in the eyes of everyone, she is as terrifying as a giant dragon.

Summon a dragon?


Stella embodied the monster that lived in mythology, the top predator named giant dragon, using her body as a container.

At this moment, although the posture has not changed, this body no longer belongs to humans.

All the violence related to the concept of 'dragon' were combined to form the current Stella.

This is her, Stella Vermilion's true ability!

The real usage of the concept interference system 'Dragon'!

Cutting knife stunt · Dragon God Possession!

"It's time to end the warm-up."

It didn't take long for Stella to transform, it was just a short moment.

But for Yun Tian, ​​this short moment is enough for him to strike a sword, but he didn't do that.

It's not a gentleman's idea or a friend's modesty or something like that.

Yuntian didn't move because it was useless!

That's right, his attack has lost its threat to Stella today!

Of course, this is not to say that Yuntian cannot cause damage to Stella, but that for the giant dragon, ordinary damage can be recovered in an instant.

Its resilience is terrifying, even far surpassing Yuntian who has the bonus of God's Grace.

All elemental means will not work, all physical damage will be reduced, even if it is damaged, it will recover in an instant, even if the heart is pierced, it will not die.

Possesses almost endless physical strength and endurance, even in Stella's body, even the magic power is enough to be called endless.

With Yuntian's current means, it is really difficult to defeat this mythical monster.

You know, no matter how strong Yuntian is, he is only a world-level powerhouse at the human level.

Because of various inhuman skills and blessings, he was able to display extraordinary combat power, but after all, he was not truly extraordinary.

So, is Yuntian doomed?

Not really.

It's not like Yuntian has never encountered a monster as strong as Stella's level.

Once in the dungeon, he killed more than one.

The method of defeating this unreasonable monster is actually very simple, one blow kills it!

In the dungeon, it is to smash the magic stone with one blow, but if it is an ordinary monster, it will be a sword head!

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