
Even Yun Tian really couldn't cut off Stella's head with a single sword strike.

After all, they are friends who have been together for nearly a year, and in this kind of non-life-and-death competition... No matter how ruthless he is, he will not fight.

But other than that, for a while, Yun Tian really couldn't figure out how to deal real effective damage to the giant dragon in front of him.

Chapter 442 Long-lost, go all out!





"I didn't expect you to be this kind of Stella!"


Even Yun Tian couldn't help complaining at this moment.

Stella knew that Yuntian would not kill herself, so she was basically invincible.

It is the kind of sloppy operation that I may not win if I beat you, but you will definitely not be able to beat me to death.


"I didn't foul again!"

"This is an ability I developed myself...Really, I know I can't beat you in a fight...but at least..."

"At least in the competition, it's not impossible for me to win!"

"This is just the first step. I have just awakened my true ability. Now I can beat you in the game, and I am satisfied."

"I can still become stronger, one day... one day I will truly surpass you!"

Stella knows the gap between herself and Yuntian better than anyone else.

It's not just about strength, but more about the gap in various aspects such as skill and experience.

Therefore, even in an invincible position, Stella has no intention of letting down her vigilance.

She knows how powerful Yuntian is, and she never thinks that Yuntian, who has been pressing herself tightly all this time, will lose the game so helplessly.

What's more, wanting to use the incomparable power of the 'Dragon God Relying' is not without price.

The most important thing is that now, Yun Tian will not keep his hand no matter what.

The ensuing battle is extremely dangerous for both sides.

However, things have come to this point, Stella can't think of any other way to defeat Yuntian except to go all out.

and so!


The earth shattered into pieces in an instant.

The battlefield that had almost turned into lava was crushed to pieces under the force of the girl.

Contrary to Yuntian who moves silently and without wasting any power, Stella's every movement is now earth-shattering and violent.

But her speed and strength were not bad at all. Under the blessing of unreasonable strange power and magic power, Stella appeared in front of Yun Tian in an instant.

The Feilongsin sword in his hand unceremoniously chopped off!

This blow brought an unparalleled gust of wind and impact before it hit, and the wanton force constantly impacted the surrounding barriers.

The defensive barrier built by the professional magic knights was shattered layer by layer. If it hadn't been prepared, this blow would turn the venue into ruins again.

Countless magic knights flew out, and then a new group of people came up immediately.

With just this ordinary swing of the sword, Stella can erupt such terrifying power, and her strength is no longer something that can be described by a qualitative change!


"If you think..."

The pitch-black blade of the Star Perishing Sword turned into a beam of sword light, and it slashed on the golden sword first.


Huge bangs and terrifying shocks raged between worlds.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword had been retracted into its sheath before he knew it, and Yun Tian was holding the Star Death Sword tightly with both hands, parrying this terrifying blow with a strange power not weaker than Stella's now.

Then, at the moment when the swords collided with each other, the Star Perishing Sword shone with unprecedented light!

The magic power in Jingxin's scabbard flowed into Yuntian's body continuously, and then all of it poured into Xingdie sword without stopping.


With a crisp sound, the Feilong Sin Sword was directly split into two by the Star Death Sword!

Surprisingly, Stella, whose spiritual outfit had been cut off, was not affected in any way, but instead smiled, endless flames wrapped her hands, and the golden sword took shape again.

This time, Fei Long Sin Sword, which had passed the Star Perishing Sword, directly approached Yun Tian's body.

In the state of 'Dragon God Relying', the Feilongsin Sword in her hand is no longer the entity of the inherent spiritual outfit.

The inherent spiritual outfit comes from the manifestation of the sword cutter's soul. At this moment, the manifestation of Stella's soul is being projected on her body.

The body of the Concubine Dragon Sin Sword has been transformed into the concept of "dragon" and possessed by the girl.

And what she is holding now is just a clone, even if it is destroyed, it will not have any impact on the person.

This is also the reason why at the beginning, when Yun Tian wanted to cut off Fei Long Sin Sword, it would cause a warning.

The two swords crossed, and if nothing else happened, both of them would hit each other.

However, the injuries caused are completely different.

Stella was not afraid of getting hurt at all, but Yuntian was not.

Although he won't die after receiving this sword, he doesn't have the abnormal recovery power of a mythical creature.

The injury-for-injury play that has always been good at does not work in front of Stella today.

However, the premise is that Stella can hit this blow!


The blade pierced into the flesh, blood spattered, and a severed arm was spinning in the air.

In that hand, there is also a golden two-handed sword!

Yun Tian didn't know when to let go of his left hand, and he was already holding the Black Furnace Demon Sword, and the white blade of light was wrapped with ominous black flames.

The one-hit sword drawing technique like a flash of light cut off Stella's arm directly.

Blood spurted out and splashed on the two of them, the scene was extremely tragic.

The audience held their breath, watching the astonishing scene in front of them in disbelief.

However, the expressions of Yun Tian and Stella, who were the parties involved, did not change in the slightest.

Yun Tian, ​​cold-blooded and ruthless!

Stella, be firm!

This opinion did not last for a second before it was changed by the sudden change that followed.

The arm flying in the air together with the golden sword dissipated into flames, and then Stella's broken right arm suddenly ignited a raging flame.

The flames disappeared in a flash, and a brand new and complete arm took shape instantly!

While recovering her arm, Stella's previous movement of swinging the sword did not stop.

Relying on the strength of the forward charge, the girl clenched her fists and hammered Yun Tian fiercely!



Like a missile, a huge roar sounded instantly!

The incomparably huge force penetrated Yun Tian's body and directly blasted through the auditorium behind him.

A huge passage was pierced through the dome venue in an instant, and countless magic knights who formed the defensive barrier flew out spraying blood, lying on the ground for a long time unable to get up.

However, Yun Tian, ​​the direct target of this attack, was not sent flying.

He let go of the Black Furnace Demon Sword with his left hand, tightly squeezed Stella's petite fist, and blocked her blow right in front of her chest.

The fists and palms were in a stalemate, and a terrifying force was brewing in it.

In the next instant, Stella's left hand also formed a fist, and punched it with the same, no, even more terrifying force!

At this moment, the girl's strength grew, and in order to defeat Yuntian, Stella allowed herself to complete the evolution again in this short time of fighting, becoming stronger!

However, Yuntian's Star Death Sword was one step faster than her.


The jet-black sword light struck the girl's body mercilessly!

A huge wound suddenly appeared, and the blood spurted out unstoppably.

However, Yuntian did not stop because of this!

Taking advantage of the weakening of Stella's injured strength with his left hand, he directly squeezed the girl's fist and lifted her up.

"If you think you can defeat me in this way, then you underestimate me too much!"

Then, it hit the ground hard!


For a moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook! ! !

Chapter 443 The field is broken!

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