In fact, waiting for a year or so to naturally enter the realm of the devil is of course the best choice, but Yuntian doesn't have that time.

Chapter 448 Can't win!

After the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is over, Yun Tian, ​​who has completed the main task, will return to the main god space.

He wasn't sure if he could continue to step into the world's unique demon realm after leaving this world, and he didn't know how long it would be until he returned to this world next time.

Therefore, the safest way is to complete the breakthrough before leaving, and turn the demon realm into a part of his own strength and bring it back to the main god's space.

Therefore, Yuntian had no choice but to wait.

But the realm of the devil is not so easy to cross.

However, there is actually a common 'shortcut' that can be taken for things like growth, breakthrough, and transcendence.

That is, experience life and death!

That's right, as long as you are close to death, the potential of the human body will be fully developed, beyond death, you will achieve unimaginable growth!

Of course, there are prerequisites for taking this shortcut.


That is to say, you have the possibility of substantial growth, otherwise, as Kurono said, you are looking for death.

For Yuntian, in terms of talent... there is no need to question it too much.

So all of this was actually within his expectations...that was impossible.

After all, Yuntian didn't think so much at all.

His idea was simple.

You can become stronger by doing this, and if you give up this opportunity, you don't know how long you will have to wait next time.

Just knowing this is enough.

As for the price that needs to be faced with death... well... he didn't take it to heart at all.

Death is nothing to be afraid of, and Yuntian doesn't think he will die here.

Don't forget, although adhering to a fair and just attitude in the game has been useless, but Yun Tian has more than one life-saving item in his hands.

It can't be said that there is no risk, but if he dare not even experience this danger, it is impossible for Yuntian to grow to the present level.

So, he pushed himself into a corner.

At the moment when the energy was almost exhausted, Stella deliberately defeated the defense, and then in a state where he could not dodge or defend, he received the girl's killing blow head-on.

The purpose is at this critical juncture, through the sense of danger and death brought about by Stella's unreserved all-powerful blow, so that he can touch the gate of the Demon Realm ahead of time.

As far as the result is concerned, it can be regarded as a success or a failure.

Yuntian did greatly shorten the time for himself to enter the realm of the devil at the critical moment, but he couldn't really reach the gate.

If I had to say it, I could barely reach it with my fingertips, and it was less than half a step away from pushing the door open.

It is precisely because of this kind of wonderful realm that I have touched it, and I have enough strength to push open the door, but I am a little short of such a small distance.

This will allow Yun Tian to increase his upper limit of magic power before becoming a demon.

Unlike the real devil, who started to increase his magic power without a limit, Yun Tian's magic power growth at this time is limited.

If it is quantified, it can almost make his own magic power grow from C-level to B-level, and then stop again.

Of course, this process is gradual, and the speed is not fast, and it needs to grow bit by bit.

Yuntian doesn't know if there is a similar or the same state in this world, but for the time being, he thinks that if he insists on distinguishing the realms at this time, he can only be a 'quasi-devil'.

This situation was actually expected by Yuntian.

Although it is somewhat regrettable that he did not really step into the realm of the devil, after all, it is not a time of life and death in the true sense, and he is satisfied with such a huge growth.

However, other people could not be as calm as Yun Tian.

Especially Kurono.

Yun Tian's behavior directly shattered her three views, which was simply the greatest irony of her past choices.

What's more, Yuntian is still a student of Pojun Academy, under the name of Kurono.

"Are you kidding...why do you have to do this to this extent..."

"Becoming a devil... Once you set foot on this path, there is no way to turn back..."

"Why... Is it my fault..."

Kurono was quite shaken.

It wasn't because someone became a devil in front of her, but because it was Yun Tian who did it, the student she had watched grow up in this year.

Most importantly, the battle between him and Stella was very similar to himself and Ning Yin in the past.

However, the end result was quite the opposite.

One walked to the door without difficulty, but chose to give up, and the result was equivalent to betraying Ning Yin, the opponent.

Although she persuaded herself with the excuse of getting married and wanting to live an ordinary life, only she knew the truth.

And the other one, who could even give up his own life, wanted to open the door faster regardless of life and death.

"That door... the depths behind that door... don't you all feel it..."

"Whether it's you or him, why do you make such a choice?"

Seeing Hei Nao like this, Ning Yin put away her smile.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end it just turned into a sigh, and looked away a little lonely.


The shocking changes in the arena caused many people's mood ups and downs, among which Hei Nai and Ning Yin were the leaders, who fell into deep shock and memories.

And if you want to say who has the greatest impact, it's probably Stella who is standing opposite Yuntian.

"What the hell is this?!"

Stella, who was the target of Yuntian's confrontation, was the clearest. Undoubtedly, in the battle just now, Yuntian's magic power was almost exhausted.

After fighting Yuntian with all her strength, Stella realized how shallow her previous understanding of Yuntian was.

The mana is depleted again and again, always replenished at critical moments, like having a backup energy source.

There is also another kind of energy that is completely different from magic power, and Stella also vaguely sensed it in this battle.

She knew that it must be Yuntian's secret, so she didn't plan to go into it.

But no matter what, at the last moment, no matter whether it was the magic power or the mysterious power, or even the unknown hidden magic power source, it must have been almost consumed.

But what's going on now?

Mana recovered?

No, it's impossible, mana recovery is not like this at all.

In the battle just now, Stella felt the restoration of Yuntian's magic power countless times, which was the effect of the backup magic power source.

But now this feeling is fundamentally different.

However, before the girl could think about it, Yun Tian's voice came over.

"I said Stella, were you thinking just now that you have surpassed me?"

Hearing this lackluster words, and seeing the point of the sword aimed at her again, Stella suddenly trembled all over her body.

That is, excited!

Yes, it has always been like this.

Yuntian stands in front of Stella like a big mountain.

Incomprehensibly powerful, unreasonably powerful.

No matter how desperately she and Ikki tried to catch up, the distance between her and Yuntian never shortened at all.

This feeling made Stella deeply respect him while looking up and longing for him.

But after he mastered the real ability, when he used the Dragon God Pledge to face Yuntian directly, that feeling disappeared.

Yuntian is still powerful, but it is no longer so unreachable.

He has changed, no longer so invincible.

While excited, Stella also felt lost and confused.

With the unsurpassable goal of Yuntian, Stella completed her growth unscrupulously in this year.

But if she really surpassed Yuntian, and there is no longer enough goal for her to pursue, then in what direction should she grow?

To be honest, there is still some fear.

However, now she doesn't need to think about these things anymore.

Because, that feeling is back!

Stella felt that feeling again on the bruised and lifeless figure.

Can't win!

Chapter 449 Final blow!

Can't win!

Absolutely can't win!

Now I have no chance of winning!

Obviously Yuntian's state at this time seems to be in shambles, but Stella is deeply vigilant as if facing him in his heyday.

No, perhaps neither could be called vigilant.

The trembling body, the violently beating heart, and the sudden intensification of breathing.

Nervous, or rather... fearful!

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