But at the same time, an unparalleled sense of excitement also surged up.

'So strong! '

'Yuntian is really strong! '

'But...because of this...don't want to lose...'

'I definitely don't want to lose! ! ! '

Stella looked at the powerful figure in front of her and smiled.

'Want to be with him...want to be like that...'


'You can't just lose like this! ! ! '

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!"

Dragon, roar to the sky!

Elevated to the extreme, triggering Stella's further evolution!

The girl was telling the man opposite her in this way.

'I haven't lost yet! '

Changes visible to the naked eye appeared on Stella.

The light mark on the chest that symbolizes the possession of the dragon god suddenly flickered in light and dark in accordance with the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Then, in the next instant, the brightness increased!

The light gradually became dazzling, as if not only increased the brightness, but the existence of Stella itself transformed into a 'light' with the outline of a girl.

At the same time, there was also the unparalleled extreme high temperature.

Compared with the terrifying power that was completely incomparable before, even the incomparably hard starlight field under the two people's feet began to show signs of being melted.

It was clearly daytime, but the sunlight lost its meaning.

Because, the radiance that Stella emitted illuminated everything like the sun.

At this moment, everyone felt the change from the world.

The feeling that everything was faintly sucked by Stella.

It's not an illusion.

The excessive heat energy has already begun to interfere with the stable operation of this space.

At this moment, the existence of Stella Vermilion has crossed the boundaries of mortals, and she is truly an extraordinary realm!

It was a brilliant star made of red lotuses, and it was the reappearance of the mythical dragon's power!


That's right, facing Stella's power, there was only one thought left in everyone's mind.

Yun Tian surpassed the limit, and only after putting himself to death did he barely touch the edge of the Demon Realm.

He subverted common sense, shattered the truth, and made everyone think that victory was unshakable.

This gap was easily smoothed out by Stella in the next instant.

Seeing that Yuntian had completed the evolution, in order to catch up and surpass, Stella also allowed herself to evolve again.

And it's in a way that's so easy it's unacceptable.

Now, even ordinary people who have no power can fully understand.

From the moment she was born, this girl was beyond common sense.

Born to be a devil!

This is, 'Red Lotus Princess' Stella Vermilion!

Seeing this scene, Yun Tian also understood why the mission released by the Lord God Space this time was to let him win the top three in the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

You must know that this mission is a B-level, and it is normal if the opponent is at the level of Daohua, Tianyin, and Ouma.

But no matter what, Stella at this moment is already beyond the scope of B-level missions.

To be honest, if Yuntian hadn't made a qualitative leap because of meeting Edelweiss, I'm afraid he really had no choice but to stop here.

No one would have thought that in just one year, this young girl would grow to such a terrifying state.


Stella lifted the Feilongsin Sword in her hand and set her posture.

It is said to be the Feilong Sin Sword, but in fact, the original golden two-handed sword can no longer be seen at all.

Although the size and outline didn't change, it was covered by light. Apart from a dazzling sword of light, there was no way to find other adjectives.

"The next blow will probably be our final blow." Stella looked at Yuntian.

As she said, the next blow will undoubtedly be the last.

Because although Yun Tian had surpassed, the injuries he suffered were real.

Although the magic power has recovered, it is not enough to support his too long battle.

Therefore, in the next blow, if Yuntian could not defeat Stella in the next blow, then he would undoubtedly be defeated by Stella who possessed the 'Dragon God Possession'.

So the girl declared to him thus:

"The opponent is you, I will not and dare not show mercy, otherwise I must be the one who loses!"

"So I hope that with the next blow, you can really leave no room."

"If I die at your hands, I have no complaints or regrets!"

What shines in the girl's eyes is an extremely firm will.

At this point in the battle, Stella no longer wants to use rules to restrict Yuntian's performance.

Now she, who has grown up through this competition, hopes to compete with Yuntian in a real sense.

Even if he died at Yuntian's hands, he would not hesitate!

"Tsk..." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead.

He recalled the Star Death Sword and carried it behind his back, and the Black Furnace Demon Sword was also sheathed by him.

Its posture is exactly the starting point of the two-sword style of life.

"I said Stella."

"The kind of words that seem to have a great chance of winning, wait until you beat me once."

In fact, Yuntian's state at this time is quite strange.

He who touched the door of the devil, although he has not really reached the realm of the devil, but he has indeed come into contact with the power of fate.

He still couldn't pluck the string of fate, but he felt the power of fate.

He is not considered extraordinary, but he has experienced inhuman power.

Thanks to this miraculous state, Yuntian has a new understanding of the swordsmanship of the two swords of life.

There is a strange power in his eyes, as if seeing through the past and the future through the power of fate.

"I am quite satisfied with today's game, but it is time to end!"

Following Yun Tian's last words, the venue returned to silence again.

The battle between Yuntian and Stella is about to usher in its final moment!


Fallen Star Sword Emperor VS Red Lotus Empress

The final confrontation between the two.

It was Stella who took the lead!

She gave up the advantage of the large area and long distance of the Burning Dragon King Yan, and instead planned to use close combat to decide the outcome!

The reason is simple.

At this moment, Yuntian is different from before, he can perform evasive actions.

Yun Tian can easily dodge Dragon King Flame's extremely quick and unavoidable stunt for others.

This point has been proven in the simulated battles at the beginning of school.

Stella doesn't intend to repeat the same mistakes.

She stepped hard, and with a loud bang, she charged towards Yuntian with a terrifying aura!

Chapter 450: Human and Ghost? Slashing for Eternal Tribulation in the Future!

If Yuntian really lets go of his scruples, he can behead himself with one blow.

Although she didn't know the reason yet, Stella already understood in the battle just now that all defenses were tantamount to non-existent for Yuntian.

In terms of speed, there is no doubt that Yuntian has the absolute advantage.

Clumsy stunts get knocked out one step before they hit their target.

The same goes for distance.

There is no chance of winning back!

If so, move on!

Concentrate all your strength on this blow, and challenge Yun Tian openly and aboveboard!

The heat all over his body rose sharply, and finally climbed to the point where his body could hardly be melted.

The armor wrapped in extreme light and heat is attached to the body, and the strength of the ability has reached the level that it will affect Stella herself who relies on the concept of dragon.

That is the extreme heat that can melt even the inherent spiritual equipment at the moment of touch!

Even Yuntian's Starfall Sword would be destroyed in an instant as long as it touched Stella's brilliance.

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