The fist hammered on his body didn't have any strength at all, it was just a light touch.

"Next time...cough, definitely,, lose..."

That was the last will the girl conveyed to Yun Tian.

There is an extremely strong meaning of unwillingness in the insignificant words.

However, Stella had an exceptionally satisfied smile on her face.

With a helpless smile, Yun Tian put his head close to her ear, and replied softly at the last moment before the girl's consciousness dissipated:

"I am waiting for you."



Following Stella's coma, the bell rang for the end of the game!

At the same time, the commentator's voice spread throughout the venue through magic.

(The radio blows up.)

"competition is over!!!!!!"

"Reversal after reversal! Both sides fought to the death with all their might! At the end of the day, standing on the stage is..."

"Winner! First-year A-level knight of Pojun Academy, 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian player!!!"

"""Oh oh oh--!"""

Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers!

Every audience stood up, clapped their hands with all their strength, and cheered wildly.

Whether it was the people who supported Yuntian or the people who supported Stella, they all paid tribute to the two contestants in the field at this moment.

Although this is only the semi-finals, the excitement and the fierceness of the battle are unprecedented in previous finals.

It is conceivable that this game will be talked about in the next few years and decades just like the game between "World Clock" and "Yasha Ji".

The cheers lasted for a long time, and even after that, Kai Jiangtian, the chairman of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival Operation Committee, said something.

However, Yuntian didn't know about these things.

Because after responding to Stella's last will, Yuntian also lost consciousness after a while.

Unlike Stella, who has the dragon's vitality to heal herself, although Yuntian has a strong recovery ability, he still can't fully recover from his injuries during the battle.

Accumulated a lot of injuries in the fight, and received Stella's one-stop stunt head-on, and used the power of fate forcefully in the realm of a non-demon.

It can be said that Yuntian's state is even worse than Stella's.

Stella was exhausted, and at most suffered moderate injuries at the end.

But Yuntian was more than that, he really suffered more than one fatal injury.

Although the adventurer's strong physical fitness prevented him from dying like this, he was inevitably taken to the hospital on a stretcher for treatment.

When he wakes up, the scene that should come into his eyes is a rare 'strange ceiling'.


"Oh, as expected of you, you woke up a little earlier than I expected."

Just as Yun Tian opened his eyes and was still staring at the ceiling in a daze, a gentle voice came from beside him.

Immediately afterwards, a small hand reached out to his eyes and waved it lightly, as if to test whether he was really awake.

Yun Tian turned his head, looked at the white-clothed and green-haired figure, and said in surprise:


"You're back?"

That's right, the one sitting next to Yuntian's hospital bed is the 'white knight' pharmacist Wuzi.

"The matter at the hospital has been resolved... Tsk, it's better to say that when I go back, everyone will be fine."

"After reassuring the patients, I checked some critically ill patients and came back after confirming that there was no problem."

"Well, who knew that when I got off the plane, I was notified that someone had almost died, so I ran over in a hurry."

"I see." After listening to Wuzi's explanation, Yuntian nodded with some understanding.

Feeling the state of the body at this time, I feel a little emotional.

As expected of being the strongest doctor in the league, Yun Tian's physical recovery was far better than expected.

To be honest, before he fell into a coma, he thought that he needed to use some medicine to assist his treatment after he woke up.

Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

I don't know what method Wuzi used, but the effect is even as good as the panacea.

"How's Stella doing?"

"Since you're back, you should be responsible for both of our injuries, right?"

Yuntian propped himself up, and asked Wuzi as he stood up the pillow and leaned against it.

And Wuzi picked up the cup, stretched out his hand to pour a cup of warm water and handed it to Yuntian, and at the same time said a little angrily:

"What's wrong with you, the first thing you care about your opponent when you wake up?"

"I used the word 'death' to describe your state."

"Besides, when you opened your eyes, you saw the beautiful, gentle and kind-hearted angel big sister in white. Don't you feel moved?!"

"Um...thank you for taking care of me, this beautiful, gentle and kind-hearted angel in white?" Yun Tian repeated Wu Zi's words with a bit of a smile.

He knew Wuzi was joking with him.

Wuzi and himself are very aware of Yuntian's physical condition. Although he is seriously injured, it is definitely not close to death.

It just looks very scary.

It is estimated that the person who saw Yuntian's serious injury subconsciously said it was serious when he informed Wuzi.

However, Yun Tian is still grateful for her treatment of him.

The reason why he asked about Stella's status immediately was because...

"Stella's situation should be different from mine, I'm afraid it's not very good."

Hearing what Yuntian said, Wuzi paused.

"Did you see it?" She glanced at Yun Tian in surprise.

"Well... that's right. After all, you have fought directly, so that little body change should not be hidden from your perception at close range."

"However, you must have underestimated me."

As he said that, Wuzi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and Po smiled smugly.

"I'm a doctor who can fool even the god of death. Problems of this level can be easily solved."

Chapter 452 Another double postponement

"However, having said that, it's a devil, right?"

Wuzi's face became more serious.

As a world-renowned top doctor, Wuzi has come into contact with unimaginably complicated people, and has heard of world-class monsters like demons.

"I've watched the game video of you two, you are really monsters worthy of the name."

"This time, Her Royal Highness's change is not obvious. It is said that I solved it, but it is better to say that it is self-recovery."

Wuzi sighed, then reminded Yuntian:

"I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. If you go further, you may have that kind of change..."

"In short, this time, Her Royal Highness is not deep, and it is self-recovery, but I can't guarantee that I can recover next time."

"If you don't want to really become a 'monster', it's better to use that kind of power sparingly."

"Although it's just my guess...I'm afraid that once it reaches a certain level, the changes in the body will be irreversible."

What Wuzi said was a bit cryptic, but Yuntian knew what she meant.

Edelweiss had already told him about this kind of thing, and there were solutions.

So Yuntian wasn't too worried.

He nodded to Wuzi, expressing that he knew it well, and then asked curiously:

"What is Stella's change?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of doctor who casually gossips about patients' privacy!"

"I see... Stella asked to keep it secret, so there is nothing I can do about it."

"Eh...she herself thinks it doesn't matter."

"...I don't mind it anymore, what do you mind? Anyway, I will ask Stella later and I will know."

"Then you go ask her herself!"

"Tsk... I'm just a little curious."

"Oh...forget it." Wuzi covered his forehead weakly.

"By the time I arrived, her changes had subsided a bit, so I didn't see the worst of it."

"When I checked, about a quarter of the back was covered with scutes, and then there was a slight deformation of the hands."

"The worst part is...she has a tail."

"It's not too obvious, it's only about the length of a finger, but after inspection, it can basically be concluded that it is the dragon's tail."

"But it's all gone now, and there's no trace of it at all, and she herself said she didn't feel anything."

"Dragon scales, dragon claws, and dragon tail." Yun Tian recalled in his mind Stella's way of screaming up to the sky, and then realized...

"It seems quite suitable?"

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