
Wuzi looked at him in bewilderment, and even reached out to touch Yuntian's forehead, as if to check if he had a fever.

"That's the girl's body turned into a monster! No matter how you think about it, it's impossible to look good!"

Listening to Wuzi's complaints, Yuntian silently conceived the image of the dragon lady Stella in his mind, and then muttered softly:

"I don't think so..."

In the middle of mumbling, Wu Zi stared back fiercely.

"What aesthetics, really!"

Wuzi muttered a few words, and lifted the ability covering Yuntian.

A little bit of moisture was taken back by her and dissipated in the air with a wave of her hand.

During the chat just now, Wuzi had been checking Yuntian's physical condition, and Yuntian had also discovered this, and lay down obediently without any resistance.

After confirming that he was recovering well, Wuzi picked up the document at hand and made some records, then stood up and said:

"Okay, you're basically fine."

"The next step is to rest... But according to your physical fitness, you should be able to get rid of the feeling of weakness in less than half a day."

"Don't worry about the time of the finals. I put the student handbook here. You can check it online...well, you can probably guess the result."

"I'm leaving first, and I'm going to go through the discharge procedures for you. You can leave as soon as you feel that you can move. I have to go and see Her Royal Highness later."

After finishing speaking, Wuzi turned around and walked outside the ward without waiting for Yuntian's reply.

When she got to the door, she turned her head and said to Yun Tian as if she suddenly remembered something:

"Let's talk about our appointment after the game. I'll come to you then."

After explaining this sentence, Wuzi opened the door and left.

Yuntian didn't stop her, but reached out and took the student handbook as Wuzi said before leaving, and began to search for news and notices about the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

It was easy to find.

The Operation Committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival seemed to have been prepared, and issued an announcement almost immediately after the match between Yuntian and Stella ended.

That's right, needless to say, the finals have been postponed again.

This time, the movement between the two of them was much greater than before. Not only was the stage melted into a sea of ​​magma, but even the port city not far away was affected...

Hmm... Let's take it as 'spreading'. After all, Stella didn't mean to divide the port city into two or something...

Of course, there were no casualties.

Yun Tian and Stella already have criminal records, and as the teacher who taught Stella during this period, Ning Yin has a considerable understanding of her firepower.

Therefore, under the preparation in advance, the loss is basically reduced to the minimum.

As for the compensation for environmental damage... in the end, it was shared by the Celestial Dynasty, the Kingdom of Vermilion, the Operation Committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and the Alliance Headquarters.

As a matter of course, the "Red Lotus Empress" Stella Vermilion's saber stunt "Dragon God Possession" was included in the observation items designated by the alliance.

Judging from the follow-up situation, it may become a forbidden skill like Heinuo's 'Smashing Time and Space' and Ning Yin's 'Overbearing Star'.

As for Yuntian, since it is not under the jurisdiction of the alliance, there are no countermeasures.

And the alliance has no intention of targeting Yuntian.

After all, they are all swordsmanship and sword skills, and there seems to be none of them that can really be regarded as knives.

If you want to ban it, there is nothing you can do, you can't stop people from leveling A.

The most important thing is that Yuntian is really not responsible for the damage to the venue this time.

It is entirely the personal play of Her Highness the Princess.

Therefore, Yuntian didn't even receive the notification of the fine.


dong dong dong——!

Just as he was browsing through the news and notifications in the mailbox one by one, there was a knock on the door.

Then, a familiar yet surprising figure opened the door and walked in.

"Chairman Kurono???"

Yun Tian was quite surprised.

He guessed that people would come to visit him one after another, but he never expected that the first one would be Kurono.

"You're not supposed to be rebuilding..."


Looking at the pistol on his forehead, Yun Tian swallowed the second half of the sentence in a cold sweat.

Hei Nai looked at Yun Tian's pretended 'I'm afraid' appearance, and angrily hit him on the head with the handle of the gun.

Chapter 453 The Road After the Devil

Heinao didn't speak immediately after knocking on Yuntian, she turned around and went to the door of the ward to lock it, and then walked back again.

This weird behavior really shocked Yun Tian.

'Murder to silence?Chamber murder? ?Murder to vent anger? ? ? '

Either way is not good!

This time the cold sweat really came down, feeling that the body had not completely escaped from the weak stage, Yun Tian stared at Hei Nao cautiously, while calculating the escape route in his heart.

"Is someone as strong as the chairman finally broken under the high-intensity pressure? Sure enough, the employees are being squeezed..."

'No no no... now is not the time to think wildly. '

"In short, let me explain first, and see if I can stabilize the chairman's mood. The space-time ability is too weird. If we really want to fight now, we don't have much chance of winning..."

"Yuntian, I want to talk to you."

"To break the door, you need to bypass the chairman. It is more appropriate to jump out of the window. Let's test it first and see the chairman's reaction... huh?" '

Looking at Hei Nai who put away his spiritual outfit and sat down by the bed with a dazed expression, Yun Tian almost didn't react.

"...Talk, you mean, ordinary talk?"

"Don't give me a poor mouth, can I still come here to kill you to vent my anger!"

"Isn't it?!"


"Ah no, I mean... the destruction of the venue this time is not my responsibility."

"...I suddenly felt that it was a good decision to kill you brat."

Kurono felt some liver pain.

Gazing at Yuntian, Hei Nai picked up another glass and poured himself a glass of water, then sighed silently.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Yun Tian's guess, she was indeed busy repairing the competition venue.

The reason for appearing here is because I really want to ask Yun Tian something.

So she sold Ning Yin... and temporarily handed over the work to her best friend. After all, Ning Yin's ability is quite convenient for building restoration.

Gently shaking her head, Kurono looked at the locked door again, and after confirming that she would have enough time to slip away when she was caught, she straightened her expression and looked at Yuntian.

"Why did you choose to become a demon?"

Kurono pretended very well, and he didn't express any extra emotion when he said this sentence.

She acted exactly like a teacher caring about her students.

However, Yun Tian, ​​who had known the ins and outs from Ning Yin for a long time, knew clearly, and Hei Nai's mood was definitely not as calm as it appeared at this moment.

It's not that her attitude of caring about Yun Tian is fake, but it's obviously not the whole reason.

Feeling helpless, Yun Tian never thought that he would have the experience of guiding teachers as a student.

Putting away all the chaotic thoughts used to adjust the atmosphere, Yun Tian put on a consistent smile on his face, and then said:

"There is a road ahead, if you want to move forward, there is no reason to stop."

He didn't say any great truths, and he didn't talk about dreams, the future, etc. Yuntian just told Heino his thoughts in a flat manner, as if he was explaining what to eat and drink.

Of course, it was impossible for Kurono to accept this sentence alone.

If it could end so easily, then Ning Yin wouldn't be decadent for so long.

Therefore, Yun Tian asked back:

"Why can't you become a demon?"

Hearing the question thrown back, Kurono felt a little depressed.

She immediately understood what Yun Tian meant, and she also knew that this student probably knew everything.

But even so, Kurono didn't want to talk too much about his past.

After all, it was no different from tearing open a wound with your own hands.

However, having said that, the topic must continue, otherwise she would have made this trip in vain.

Taking a deep breath, Kurono subconsciously wanted to take out a cigarette.

But then she thought that this was a hospital, so she picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and then said:

"Being a majin is very difficult."

"If you are not careful, you will die."

"Even if you go to the door, there are people who have no ability to open the door all their lives."

"If you want to become a strong person, the devil is not the only choice, it can even be said to be the most difficult choice..."

As he talked, Kurono himself became more and more shaken.

Because she knows that these irrelevant reasons are impossible to stop a person from becoming stronger.

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