And that's exactly what happened.

Yun Tian's expression never changed, and he never interrupted Hei Nao.

He just listened quietly, waiting for Kurono to tell the real reason.

"If you become a devil... you will really become a monster."

Kurono finally chose to give up.

At the same time as she said those words, she dropped her disguise.

What appeared in front of Yun Tian was a slightly distorted face covered by various emotions.

Loss, unwillingness, regret, guilt, hesitation, fear, worry, nostalgia, and many other mixed emotions, Yuntian couldn't distinguish them one by one.

Looking at Hei Nai who was in a state of ups and downs, Yun Tian didn't bother to add insult to injury.

As long as you can talk, it's enough, otherwise everyone hides something that they don't want to communicate, then this conversation will be meaningless from the beginning.

But as long as the words are opened, then Yuntian is good at the field.

Guidance, to put it harshly, can also be called induction.

As long as he truly guides the other party's thoughts into the depths of his heart, the rest is out of his control.

What decision will be made in the end, and whether he will make a change after understanding the true meaning deep in his heart, Yuntian will not intervene in these matters.

Is good or bad, ultimately only by their own decision.

Therefore, he brought the topic back to himself, and asked Kurono the second question.

"But I've been called a 'monster' now."

"By the way, you and Teacher Ning Yin called me a little monster in private, don't you think I don't know?"

"Uh..." It's quite embarrassing for this kind of thing to be exposed, even if Kurono is in a state of depression now, he can't help but feel a little bloody.

However, it wasn't the point of the topic anyway, Kurono decided to pretend he didn't hear it after a bit of embarrassment, and took up the topic naturally.

"That's just a title, after all, it's not a compliment to you."

"Did you really become a monster after a long time just because someone called you a monster?"

"Devils are different..."

"Behind that door...don't you feel it? In the depths of that door, that kind of power is enough to distort the essence of human beings."

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised by the director's talent." Yun Tian said this was not a polite word.

With Edelweiss' guidance, Yuntian certainly knew what Heono felt.

That's not something that's normally perceived outside the door.

That is the next level of the swordsman after stepping into the realm of the devil and reaching the first level of 'awakening'.

'Super Awakening'!

Chapter 454 So Which God Is The Chairman's Husband?

The devil is a world-class secret, so not to mention the "awakening" information, few people even know how to reach and open the door before awakening.

Not to mention the next realm in the future.

Many people know about the devil's intelligence, and some countries and large organizations after the "awakening" intelligence also somewhat understand it.

However, when it comes to 'super awakening', then there are only rumors and hearsay.

At present, there are only four demons in the world who can actually confirm that they can undergo "super awakening".

The KOK of the 'Alliance' is currently the world's number one magic knight and head of the Alliance Headquarters, 'White Hugong' Arthur Bright, one of the world's three major demons.

The initiator of the "Alliance", the commander of the "Super Power Force" of the White Eagle Empire, and the "Superman" Abraham Carter, one of the world's three major demons.

The leader of the "Rebel Army", the evil king who has ruled the underground world for a long time, and the "tyrant" who is one of the three major demons in the world.

The only one left is the person who told Yuntian these news, the top of the world 'Bizwing' Edelweiss.

In addition to the four of them, there must be other demons hiding in the dark who can perform 'super awakening', but in today's world there are only these four people.

Therefore, this kind of intelligence that can dominate the scope of the world cannot be grasped by a country of the level of the Far East.

At most, it is just knowing some rumors or messages.

So it is inevitable that Kurono will be frightened by this.

After all, what she felt was the top-level power in the world like Edelweiss and the Three Great Demons.

As for the feeling that this kind of power can turn people into monsters, it is not wrong.

Just looking at Stella, she knew that pushing this power beyond the limit really changed her body.

In the final analysis, the so-called demon state and the so-called "awakening" refer to the process of the swordsman breaking free from the shackles of fate and transforming from mortal to extraordinary.

It is not only the body that changes in this process, but also the spirit or soul!

Exercising inhuman power, even the soul has undergone a qualitative change, so of course the body, which is the container of the soul and a part of this individual, will also change accordingly.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that this power will turn human beings into monsters.

In fact, the legends of various humanoid monsters, such as demi-humans, demons, ghosts, etc., spread all over the world, it is very likely that they are the cutters who have achieved the "super awakening".


"After humans become monsters, are they no longer humans?"

"In other words, how can one be considered a 'human being'? Simply relying on appearance?"

"That's...too superficial, right?"

Heinao was stunned by Yuntian's words, she had never considered this kind of question.

It is true that Heinao has already married and started a career. She is a veritable strong woman no matter in terms of strength or career.

But if you want to talk about an extremely rich life experience, Heino is not bad, but it is definitely not particularly rich.

One is age. Although he is married and has children, Kurono is only in his 20s.

If you really want to count, she is at best a big sister before she is 30 years old, and at most she will be called aunt by some bear children.

Because of the special regulations of the slasher, Kurono married very early, and because of this, her vision is really limited because she needs to take care of her family.

Another thing is that the world is different.

This world has real magic power, and it is a superhuman society in the true sense.

But it was precisely because of this that, as an actual swordsman, he was also a genius, so Heono had to have some free time to think about these things.

Magic is a miracle, but it also binds you to a certain extent.

Because in addition to normal life, you have more ability to study, study magic, practice martial arts, and even increase related activities and jobs.

Personal time will be compressed to a large extent. In an extremely rich and fulfilling life, who would think about life in leisure?

This may be the only advantage that mortals have over extraordinary people.

But Yuntian was different. Although his background was a bit complicated, he was finally corrected.

Although he has an 'abnormal' nature, he was once a part of mortals. Even because of his own particularity, Yuntian thinks more about this aspect than anyone else.

However, Kurono is also a world-class powerhouse no matter what, it is not realistic to try to fool her with a few words.

Don't look at her as if hesitant to face the devil, but that doesn't mean her will is not firm.

On the contrary, as the only person in the world who retreated decisively in front of the demon's gate, Kurono's determination was terrifying.

Even the decadence of a lifelong best friend like Ning Yin couldn't change her decision.

It's the same now, Heinao came to Yuntian not to seek change, but to get an answer.

I also hope that I can completely cut off my thoughts and truly give up the realm of the devil.

You must know that although Kurono has retired, except for the period of pregnancy, she has never let go of her work as a teacher.

Teacher Razor, this is not a peaceful job. She may not be as flexible as she was at her peak, but the increase in experience and means has kept her actual combat power from fading too much.

Against Ning Yin, who is still ranked third in the league's world ranking after being decadent, Hei Nai can also win the battle.

(This is the evaluation of Ikki and Ning Yin from the original book.)

The most important thing is that she has already touched the door of the devil, and it is still the same today.

As long as she wants, she can easily push the door and enter at any time.

This made Kurono quite distressed, and it was also the main reason why he couldn't really let go.

That's why she went to Yuntian, the person who made the opposite decision under similar circumstances.

I want to get some answers from Yun Tian, ​​so that I can truly end this cause and effect.

Kurono froze for a moment, but quickly recovered.

She listened to Yun Tian's words, and after thinking about it, she pointed out the key point.

"Indeed, as you said, physical changes should not be used as a criterion for judging 'human beings'."

"But the devil is not only a physical change, but also a spiritual, or should be said, a spiritual change."

"This is also the main reason why I chose... no, it was the main reason why I was afraid to move forward."

"If we want to set a standard for judging human beings, isn't the soul the most suitable?"

"It's really hard for me to give up and become stronger...To be honest, I really miss the competitive time I spent with Ningning."

"However, I absolutely don't want to lose my identity as a human just because I become stronger!"

Looking at Heinao who is still determined despite his nostalgia and guilt, Yun Tian couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Then subconsciously said:

"Why didn't you stay with Teacher Ning Yin back then?"

"If you have a chance, please allow me to pay a visit to Mr. Xingongsi. I'm really curious about how a god-man can poach Teacher Ning Yin's corner in this situation."

After that, as Yun Tian's voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly fell into a freezing point.


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