Chapter 455 Hesitation and Thinking

' hurts. '

Yun Tian clutched his aching head, and sat on the bed obediently, without a single complaint!

Forced to Be Good (Yuntian Limited Edition).JPG

Fighting... oh no, Yun Tian finally lost his skin after a fight.

Thinking back to Heinao's words just now, Yun Tian shook his head lightly.


"Chairman, since you think the soul, or the soul plus the body, is the criterion for judging whether an existence is human, then I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"A person's soul enters the body of an animal, lives a peaceful life without anyone discovering it, and then dies, is it considered a person?"

"A person's soul has entered the body of an animal, adhering to the instinct of survival, eating people and animals, and then being hunted, is it considered a person?"

Two questions made Kurono hesitate.

After all, this world is a modern society, and there are some descriptions of such things as crossing, so of course Kurono knows what Yuntian means.

If according to Kurono's point of view just now, the soul is the foundation, then both of them are obviously human beings.

It seemed that there was no problem, but she had already realized that Yun Tian's problem might not be over yet.

Sure enough, without waiting for Heinuo's reply, Yuntian continued talking.

"The soul of a person enters the body of a monster, and the behavior is friendly and helpful. Is it considered a person?"

"If you use the body of a monster to do all kinds of evil, such as burning, killing and looting, is it considered human?"

"What if it's the other way around?"

"How can you tell if a monster's soul enters a human body and does evil or good?"

"If they are all divided according to the soul, it is actually not impossible to deal with these few issues."

Having said that, Yun Tian paused.

He looked at Kurono who was frowning tightly, and after thinking for a while, he continued:

"This is a problem formed by the simplest conditions. If some additional conditions are added, what will happen?"

"A person, raised as a monster, does not act like a human being. He has no relatives, and at the same time, he is heartless and ruthless because of education."

"He never thought of himself as human, and he didn't want to be human."

"There's no human logic in what he's doing either."

"And then another."

"A monster, growing up in human society, his words and deeds are indistinguishable from normal humans, kind-hearted, gentle and cheerful, accepted by everyone."

"He wanted to be human, he thought he was human, and he wouldn't change his mind no matter what."

"But in essence, he is a monster."

"How do you think the two should be judged?"

Kurono fell silent.

In fact, the question is not difficult, and it can be answered with the soul-based point of view she mentioned before.

But Hei Nai understands that Yun Tian's intention is not to get the answer to the question, but the answer you gave yourself, whether you can accept it with a clear conscience.

If it is possible, then the problem will naturally be solved. For those who recognize the soul as the foundation, they can use this to completely abandon the path of the devil.

Kurono's problem was solved.

But does she agree?

Of course not!

Especially the last two examples, Kurono can see that these two examples have templates.

Although she didn't know who it was, she could find similar situations among the people she knew around her.

Not exactly the same, but these two situations are very similar to Tianyin and Ningyin.

Before being enlightened by Yuntian, Zi Naomiya Tianyin was extremely bad.

And Xijing Ningyin, who has now stepped into the realm of the devil, but does not think he is a monster, and believes that he is still a human being.

The former was not familiar with her, Heono didn't intend to think about it, but the latter was different.

Can she really insist with a clear conscience that Ning Yin is a monster?

Without talking about right and wrong, it is simply unacceptable emotionally.

"In the final analysis, what is a person, who decides?"

"Is it you? Or me? Or some truth between heaven and earth?"

"What's more, in this world, can ordinary people and slashers really be called the same race? Is there such a big difference between slashers and demons?"

"Cutters can even control time and cause and effect, so are they different from ordinary people in terms of soul?"

Not only these, Yuntian can give more examples.

The Xingmai generation and ordinary people in Xuezhan City, humans and adventurers in the dungeon world, and various agents in the space of the Lord God.

Among these human beings, are their souls really the same?

In fact, there is no suitable answer to this kind of question, unless Yuntian can become a master enough to play with the soul, and then find a law that defines the definition of human existence in all worlds.

Otherwise, no matter how reasonable and reasonable what you say, it may be wrong.

After all, the truth will not reason with you, and whether you believe it or not, facts are facts.

Points of view that need to rely on reason and logic to be recognized are all speculation and fantasy.

Therefore, when a person makes a decision, in the final analysis, there is only one thing he does.

That is whether you can recognize it.

That's the only way you won't regret it later.

And Black is like that.

She couldn't regard Ning Yin as a monster without evidence, and she was even more willing to believe that Ning Yin was still a human being.

This conflicts with the reason why she gave up becoming a demon back then, which is why Kurono is still struggling today.

If Ning Yin was the one who touched the devil's gate earlier, if Ning Yin could have stepped into the devil's realm before Heinai made up his mind.

I'm afraid Kurono will not make such a decisive decision, maybe the result is destined not to change, but the hesitation and wavering may be more serious than now.

In the end, Kurono gave up thinking.

She rubbed her head a little irritably, originally she wanted to get some answers from Yun Tian, ​​but in the end it made herself even more distressed.

"Tsk, what about you?"

"If you think being a devil doesn't mean turning into a monster...what is a human being in your opinion?"

Kurono threw the topic back again.

This made Yuntian sigh helplessly.

Although he had already guessed that it was impossible for Kurono to change his decision so easily, but at this time, he was still somewhat emotional.

However, it was not Yun Tian's intention to intervene in what kind of decision to make, so he did not intend to continue.

Because the current Kurono is different from the Kurono who made the decision back then.

Even if it really made her regret it, and really made her decide to change, judging from the current state, it might not be a good thing.

Yun Tian, ​​who made up his mind to end the topic, gave up on continuing to guide, and directly gave his own opinion.

"For me, it should be 'consciousness'."

"No matter what happens to the body, no matter whether the soul evolves or degenerates, as long as I still consider myself a human being, then I will consider myself a human being."

Chapter 456

As soon as Yun Tian finished speaking, Heinao wanted to say something.

But before he could make a sound, he stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Chairman, why do you think that excessive use after demonization will change yourself?"

"Why... Isn't it because I have surpassed the limits of human beings..."

"I'm not referring to this, but to the problems before that."

While talking, Yun Tian raised his hand to gather magic power.

He gradually transformed the magic power, forming a little bit of starlight in his hand, and then motioned Kurono to recall the process.

"I mean, why does the use of this power change you? Or why do people transform into inhumans after exceeding the limit?"

"Is it because the power itself is polluting?"

"Or is there a limit to human beings, and after reaching a certain level, they must become other existences?"

Kurono couldn't answer this question. It was impossible to understand the nature of this power without actually stepping into the realm of the devil.

There are even many demons, even if they have been demons for many years, they will not be able to understand the nature of this power until they die.

Yun Tian also couldn't understand, because his realm was not enough, but there were people around him who could understand.

In order not to let Yuntian go astray, Edelweiss told him all his understanding of the devil over the years.

And now, Yuntian also plans to pick a part and tell it to Heinao, and at the same time tell it to a certain devil lady who secretly hid outside the door and eavesdropped.

"The essence of the power of the devil is actually the power to deeply liberate one's soul."

"At first glance, it seems that both body and soul have changed, but in fact it is still yourself, and the core essence will not change."

"Those changes that seem to be like monsters are actually the real self in your heart."

"To put it bluntly, these changes are 'evolutions' that you really want to happen, not 'mutations' that go against your will."

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